Good evening, this is [call sign], NET control for the Escondido Amateur Radio Society’s Sunday evening NET – for today, Sunday the [date]. My name is [name], and I’m located here in [town].
This NET meets here every Sunday at 8.00 p.m. local time, on a frequency of 146.88 MHz – for the purpose of coordinating the activities of EARS, and to welcome into the NET all amateurs who are visiting our fair city, or who are just passing through.
Emergency or Time-Value traffic.
Before we begin – do we have any Emergency, Priority or Time-Value traffic for the net? Call signs please…
[Take note of any call signs heard, and handle the emergency traffic as necessary. If none is heard, go on to the next section.]
New or old NET business.
Do we have any old or new NET business? Call signs please…
[Take note of any call signs heard, and process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. If none is heard, go on to the next section.]
EARS officers
This is [call sign], and we will begin the NET with the check-in of club officers. Call signs please…
[Take note of any call signs heard, taking appropriate action for any ‘doubling’ which may occur. Continue to call for check-ins until no further call signs are heard (5 seconds).
Process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. Acknowledge (and thank) each check in, and provide a short (humo(u)rous?) response as necessary.
At the end of the list, put out one last call for any further check-ins from club officers – before moving onto the next section (don’t forget to include yourself).]
Club members
This is [call sign], and I’d like to thank all of the club officers who checked-in this evening. We will now continue with the check-in of regular EARS members. Call signs please.
[Take note of any call signs heard, taking appropriate action for any ‘doubling’ which may occur. Continue to call for check-ins until no further call signs are heard (5 seconds).
Process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. Acknowledge (and thank) each check in, and provide a short (humo(u)rous?) response as necessary.
At the end of the list, put out one last call for any further check-ins from club members – before moving onto the next section.]
Visitors or guests
This is [call sign], and again I’d like to thank all of the EARS members that checked in with us this evening. We will now go on to take check-ins from any visitors to the NET. Remember that membership in EARS is NOT a requirement for participation in this NET. Call signs please…
[Take note of any call signs heard, taking appropriate action for any ‘doubling’ which may occur. Continue to call for check-ins until no further call signs are heard (5 seconds).
Process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. Acknowledge (and thank) each check in, and provide a short (humo(u)rous?) response as necessary.
At the end of the list, put out one last call for any further check-ins from visitors – before moving onto the next section.]
This is [call sign], and once more, I would like to thank all of the visitors who checked-in to the NET this evening. We will now take check-ins from any stations using Echolink. Call signs please…
[Remember to allow 10-15 seconds for Echolink check-ins.
Take note of any call signs heard, and continue to call for check-ins until no further call signs are heard (15 seconds).
Process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. Acknowledge (and thank) each check in, and provide a short (humo(u)rous?) response as necessary.
At the end of the list, put out one last call for any further check-ins from visitors via Echolink – before moving onto the next section.]
Late or missed check-ins
This is [call sign], and many thanks to those stations joining us this evening via Echolink. I will now put out one last call for any late or missed check-ins. Call signs please…
Take note of any call signs heard, and continue to call for check-ins until no further call signs are heard (5 seconds).
Process each call sign in the sequence in which it was received. Acknowledge (and thank) each check in, and provide a short (humo(u)rous?) response as necessary.
Final NET business
Before we close the NET, do we have any final business? Call signs please…
[Take note of any call signs heard, and handle the NET business as necessary. If none is heard, close the NET.]
This has been the Escondido Amateur Radio Society’s Sunday evening NET – for today, Sunday the [date].
This NET meets here every Sunday at 8.00 p.m. local time, on a frequency of 146.88 MHz – for the purpose of coordinating the activities of EARS, and to welcome into the NET all amateurs who are visiting our fair city, or who are just passing through.
Once again, I’d like to thank all those who joined us today, and for sharing their events of the week and their plans for the week upcoming. This is [call sign], and the NET is now closed
73s everybody and God bless the United States of America.
[Remember to update the EARS NET roster / spreadsheet with this evenings check-ins.]