Medical Terminology
The Cardiovascular System
Matching Exercises
1. atria2. bicuspid valve
3. arterioles
4. leukocyte
5. endocardium
6. capillaries
7. aorta
8. erythrocyte
9. heart
10. artery / a) white blood cell
b) pumps blood through the body
c) inner lining of the heart
d) largest artery in the body
e) red blood cell
f) carries blood away from the heart
g) upper chambers of the heart
h) lies between the left atrium and left ventricle
i) smallest arteries
j) connect arterioles and venules
Symptomatic and Diagnostic TERMS
2. aortic stenosis
3. atherosclerosis
4. bradycardia
5. cardiomyopathy
6. myocarditis
7. hematoma
8. polyarteritis
9. coronary thrombosis
10. hematocytopenia / a) deficiency of blood cells
b) narrowing of the largest artery
c) inflammation of the blood vessels and heart
d) a disease of the heart muscle
e) a blood tumor
f) abnormally slow heart rate
g) inflammation of the heart muscle
h) a blood clot in a heart vessel
i) inflammation in many arteries
j) fatty plaque build up in the arterial walls
Operative and Therapeutic TERMS
1. angiorrhaphy2. phlebotomy
3. endarterectomy
4. pericardiostomy
5. cardiectomy
6. defibrillation
7. embolectomy
8. mitral commissurotomy
9. laser angioplasty
10. sphygmocardiograph / a) instrument to measure pulse and heart
b) excision of the heart
c) application of an electrical shock to correct arrhythmia
d) incision into a vein
e) suture of a blood vessel
f) surgical procedure to repair a stenosed mitral valve by cutting
g) surgical removal of a clot
h) use of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation to open blocked arteries
i) surgical excision of the thickened interior of an artery
j) creation of an artificial opening in the outer protective membrane of the heart
1. electrical picture of the heart
2. echocardiogram through the esophagus
3. thrombolytic drug
4. heart attack
5. balloon angioplasty
6. left ventricular failure
7. heart bypass surgery
8. abnormal opening in atrial wall
9. clot in a vein
10. magnetic resonance of blood vessels / a) atrial septal defect
b) myocardial infarction
c) electrocardiogram
d) magnetic resonance angiography
e) coronary artery bypass graft
f) congestive heart failure
g) deep vein thrombosis
h) tissue plasminogen activator
i) transesophageal echocardiogram
j) percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
1. inflammation of inner membrane of the heart
2. low blood pressure
3. congenital connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta
4. narrowing of the bicuspidal valve
5. rasping sound heard at auscultation
6. abnormally slow heart rate
7. abnormal contractions of the heart fibers
8. arrhythmia
9. cardioverter
10. angiospasm / a) fibrillation
b) contraction of a blood vessel
c) bradycardia
d) instrument to correct arrythmia
e) abnormal heart beat
f) endocarditis
g) patent ductus arteriosus
h) hypotension
i) mitral stenosis
j) murmur
Root and Combining Form / Compound Suffix
1. steth/o2. thromb/o
3. sphygm/o
4. ather/o
5. -sclerosis
6. -odynia
7. -graph
8. embol/o / a) fatty plaque
b) moving clot
c) chest
d) hardening
e) instrument for recording
f) stationary clot
g) pain
h) pulse