Ten Week Feeding schedule- (Dirt Farming)


Wk 1- ½ oz per gallon of water, straight liquid Seaweed.

Week 1 is the first week the young plant is put into the growing medium of your choosing, after rooting is complete.

*Watering between weeks 1 & 2 feedings, mix ½ oz Seaweed per gallon.

Wk 2- 1 oz per gallon, Seaweed/Fish blend.

*Watering between weeks 2 & 3 feedings, mix 1oz per gallon,straight liquid Seaweed.

Wk 3- 1 oz per gallon, straight Fish.

*Watering between weeks 3 & 4 mix 1oz Seaweed & ½ oz Fish.


Wk 4- 1 oz per gallon Fish.

*Watering between weeks 4 & 5 mix 1oz Seaweed/Fish blend.

Wk 5- 1 oz per gallon Seaweed/Fish blend.

*Watering between weeks 5 & 6, 1oz Seaweed.

Wk 6- 1 oz per gallon, Seaweed/Fish blend.

*Watering between weeks 6 & 7, ½ per gallon Seaweed/Fish blend.

Wk 7- 1 ½ oz per gallon, Seaweed.

*Watering between weeks 7 & 8, 1 oz per gallon Seaweed.

Wk 8- 1 ½ oz per gallon, Seaweed.

*Watering between weeks 8 & 9, 1/2 oz per gallon Seaweed & 5 ml molasses.

Wk 9- ½ oz per gallon, Seaweed.Watering from here to harvest use….7 ml per gallon molasses.

Crab Shell and Kelp Meal can be mixed in the soil before planting at the rate of 2% of total volume of potting mix, or 3 lbs. per 100 square feet of soil.

Hydroponics Growing


When using these products in a Hydroponics System, there are a few things to consider.

The Fish and the Blend are stabilized with Phosphoric Acid to bring the pH down to 3.5.

This process keeps the Fish from rotting and stinking. Once you add water to the Fish, the pH goes up and it is no longer stable. Because of this it must be used sparingly in a Hydroponics System, or it will start to smell like rotting fish.

Medical marijuana growers found the best results when using 5ml/gal. of water(1oz = 29.6ml) and feeding once a week. This crop needs more nutrients then some others, so you can play with the rates somewhat, to see what works best for what you.

Grower note: "Use 5ml/gal of each product for each reservoir change (once a week), generally using more seaweed in the beginning (veg, transition) and end (last 3 weeks before harvest) and more fish in the middle of the flowering phase. As with the soil rates, knock out the fish product(s) about 3 weeks before harvest. Flush your plants properly with a couple of reservoir changes for at least a week before a hydro harvest”.

To simplify:

Veg - Week 1: 5ml/gal of seaweed & fish/seaweed

Weeks 2-6: 5ml/gal of all 3 products

Week’s 7+ 5-10ml/gal seaweed

Flush one week before harvest.

Use molasses or sweetener of your choice during the flowering cycle until flushing.

Because you’re using such a low amount, there is no odor. Also, you can try a constant feed, which will give the plants plenty of nutrients to grow.