NENA PSAP Operations Committee
Scopes/Goals/Direction/Status – UPDATED09/30/2017
STRUCTURE: The PSAPOPS operates within the NENA Development Group under the direction of the Development Steering Council.
SCOPE/GOAL: The mission of the PSAP Operations Committee is to provide operational guidance and support in various forms to the nation’s public safety answering points, emergency response centers, and aligned organizations (i.e., emergency management/emergency response).The principal objective of the PSAP Operations Committee is to provide guidance to public safety/emergency response organizations on operations issues, such as Human Resources, Standard Operating Procedures, Accessibility, Contingency Planning, Public Education, PSAP Operations & Next Generation Integration and Next Generation Transition Planning.
DIRECTION: The principal objective of the PSAP Operations Committee is to provide guidance to public safety/emergency response organizations on operations issues, such as Human Resources, Standard Operating Procedures, Accessibility, Contingency Planning, Public Education, PSAP Operations & Next Generation Integration and Next Generation Transition Planning.
CURRENT STATUS OF WGs as of this report:
- Task Overload: Close to Authoring Committee Review.
- Human Trafficking: Public Review comments being addressed.
- RFP: AllCR Comments being worked, meeting each Friday.
- Call Processing Standard: AuthCRapproval resent and approved.
- Contingency Planning:Finished their document review.
- Wireless 57-002 Update: April and Wendi attempting to ID new Chairs.
- Wireless Associated Location: Working Group forming will not start until after CTIA work.
- NG911 Management Considerations for EIDD Interoperability: Weekly meetings.
- Bad Actor/Blocked Call: Stable Form Notice Issued.
- Daily Personnel Operations: Weekly meetings in progress.
Wendi Lively, ENP: or 864-596-2050
April Heinze, ENP: r 517-719-2426
GROUP NAME: Contingency Planning Subcommittee (CPSC)
STRUCTURE: The CPSC operates under the PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: This subcommittee analyzes the hazards & resources which may impact the stability of operations of the public safety answering points in performing its duties & obligations to providing reliable 911 services. It provides a general guide of reference to PSAPs of the process of developing contingencies which may be of assistance to any PSAP and their environment. Reviews new technologies for possible issues in its applications into the PSAP's vulnerability
DIRECTION: The Contingency Planning Subcommittee provides Subject Matter Experts to assist other PSAP OPS Committees regarding Contingency Planning issues.
- Subcommittee is continuing review of all documents
- Subcommittee has decided that the overarching Continuity of Operations is not needed.
Cheryl LeSage, ENP: r 510-790-6728
GROUP NAME: Standard Operating Procedures Subcommittee (SOPSC)
STRUCTURE: The SOPSC operates under the PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: This subcommitteeis tasked with developing product and assisting other Work Groups with issues which impact daily operations of an agency.
DIRECTION: The Standard Operating Procedures Subcommitteedevelops product and assists other WGs to provide guidance regarding developing best practices and standard procedures to assist telecommunicators perform their duties.
- Overseeing Task Overload
- Overseeing Human Trafficking
- Overseeing RFP WG
- Overseeing Call Processing WG
Lisa Dodson, ENP: r 281 354-8394
Diana Stiles: r 815-879-3803
GROUP NAME: Task Overload Working Group
STRUCTURE: The Task Overload Working Group operates under the Standard Operating Procedures Subcommittee within the PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The working group is developing information for PSAPs regarding the number of tasks that can be completed in both a pre-NG911 and NG911 environment, a method of testing telecommunicators for multi-tasking ability, mitigation techniques and recommended assistance for those affected.
DIRECTION: The Task Overload Work Group will solicit input on ways to test telecommunicators for multi-tasking ability and research ways to mitigate task overload in a preNG9-1-1 and NG9-1-1 environment.
- Wrapping up some of the wording on the document should be ready for AuthCR in the next three calls or so.
Lisa Dodson, ENP: or 281 354-8394
Sandy Beitel: or 815 732-1119
GROUP NAME: RFP Working Group
STRUCTURE: The RFP Working Group operates under the Standard Operating Procedures Subcommittee within the PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: PSAP oriented NG9-1-1 compatible equipment.
#1 goal/objective/deliverable:Create an Information Document (INF)
following the NENA INF Template that addresses RFP best practice and
provides baseline consideration content for general use by the end of 2015.
DIRECTION: This working group is creating a document that will assist PSAPs with writing RFPs to procure PSAP operations equipment. This may be expanded in the future to include NG9-1-1 core services.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Weekly calls still in progress to work comments.
- A couple of meetings away from being ready for the second All Committee Review as the comments received were substantive.
Eric Parry, ENP: r 801-857-5825
Lisa Henderson, ENP: or 615-440-0611
GROUP NAME: 9-1-1 Call Processing Working Group
STRUCTURE: The 9-1-1 Call Processing Working Group operates under the Standard Operating Procedures Subcommittee within the PSAP Operations Committee.
This group has been tasked with the creation of a cohesive standards document that combines the following existing NENA standards:
1)Guidelines For Minimum Response To Wireless 9-1-1 Calls, and
2)Call Answering Standard/Model Recommendation.
3)Emergency Call Processing Protocol Standard
4)Silent or Hang-Up 9-1-1 Calls for Service Information Document
DIRECTION: It was suggested that, in light of the fact that the NFPA also has standards in this area, that NENA engage both NFPA and APCO to form a NENA-APCO-NFPA working group to develop a joint ANSI standard. All three organizations are ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers, and this joint effort should ensure the harmonization of our standards.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Still working on about four comments which were rejected.
- Based upon the substantive edits we have so far, it will have to go back through All Committee review again.
Lisa Dodson, ENP: or 281-354-8394
Steve O’Conor, ENP: r 407-439-4911
GROUP NAME: 57-002 Update/Wireless Associated Location
STRUCTURE: This working group operates under the PSAP Operations Committee
This group has been tasked with the update of 57-002 for NG9-1-1 and NGTransition to include Wireless Roadmap and Associated location.
DIRECTION: This group is currently forming and needs to create a Charter.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Group needs to update the WRLS spreadsheets to include associated location.
- There was some confusion on the DSC if these issues were combined or not.
- Wendi and April to discuss with Roger
- WG Chairs needed.
Melissa Tutton, ENP: r 817-704-5685
Marc Berryman, ENP: or 713-715-9980
GROUP NAME: NG911 Management Considerations for EIDD Interoperability
STRUCTURE: This working group operates under the PSAP Operations Committee
This group has been tasked with developing a document surrounding the operational side of EIDD management.
DIRECTION: This group is currently working on draft Charter.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Weekly meetings ongoing.
- WG is creating use cases for the document at this point.
Lisa Henderson ENP: or 615-440-0611
Sheila Blevins ENP: or 520-403-8331
Diane Harris ENP: (Scribe/Editor) or 425-820-6363 x367
GROUP NAME: Call Blocking (Bad Actor)
STRUCTURE: This working group operates under the PSAP Operations Committee
The Call Blocking Working Group is tasked with developing an operational document to outline what conditions should be required for a PSAP to identify a calling number as a problem source and develop a draft policy for having that number blocked. This WG will also provide guidance on how to determine if the problem is resolved and criteria to un-block the number. In addition to PSAP operational personnel, the WG will need volunteers who understand border control functions and have some insight into Network Operations Center processes.
DIRECTION: Document is being worked.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Stable Form Notice issued will come off Scopes and Goals next month.
John Haynes: or 610-344-5043
Marc Berryman: or 713-715-9980
GROUP NAME: Daily Personnel Operations
STRUCTURE: This working group operates under the PSAP Operations Committee
WG will be working on sample telecommunicator schedules and operational issues surrounding scheduling and staffing.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
- Weekly meetings progressing, updating the existing document.
- Currently the group is working on specific schedules and is at the point to begin blending the documents together into the main document.
Crystal Ayco
Cheryl LeSage, ENP: or 510-790-6728
Dee Ann Summersett, ENP: r989-673-8738 x 201
Old Documents to be reviewed:
Doc Number / Doc Name (ALL CURRENT NENA DOCUMENTS AS OF 06/30/2016) / Approved Date / EstimatedCompletion Date / Actual
Completion Date
NENA-INF-017.2-2015 (originally
53-001) / Communications Center/PSAP Disaster and Contingency Plans Model Recommendation& Evacuation Checklist / 2015/11/12 / 2015/11/12
53-002) / Mutual Aid Standard/Model Recommendation / 2015/05/07 / 2015/05/07
NENA-INF-019.2-2016 (originally
& 53-502) / Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis Information Document& Checklist/Worksheets / 2007/03/27 / 2016/09/10
NENA-INF-019.2-2016 (originally
& 53-502) / Resource Analysis Information Document / 2007/03/27 / 2016/09/10
NENA-INF-020.2-2017 (originally
53-503) / PSAP Survivability Information Document / 2007/06/09 / 2017/01/12
53-504 / Drills and Exercises Information Document / 2008/04/22 / CP WG
All CR ended 8/25. WG addressing 6 comments.
APCO/NENA 1.102.3-201X (originally NENA 53-505) / APCO-NENA Service CapabilityCriteria Rating Scale Information Document / 2008/04/22 / Being handled by joint APCO/NENA
NENA 53-506) / Intra-Agency Agreements Model Recommendations Information Document / 2015/01/08 / 2015/01/08
53-507 / Virtual PSAP Management Information Document / 2009/05/26 / CP WG
IPR SFN period ends 2017/11/18.
54-001 / Communications Center/PSAP Daily Personnel Operations Model Recommendation / 2004/11/18 / WG forming
(originally NENA 54-501) / Human Resources Subcommittee Resource Listas well as PSAP Staffing Guidelines Report & Staffing Worksheet / 2015/07/14 / 2017/05/30
56-001 / Guidelines For Minimum Response To Wireless 9-1-1 Calls / 2004/11/18 / Roll into call processing standard
56-002 / NENA Standard For NORAD/FAA Notification: Airborne Events / 2008/05/06 / Needs reviewing
56-003 / Minimum Standards for Emergency Telephone Notification Systems / 2004/06/12 / Needs reviewing
56-004 / TTY/TDD Communications Standard Operating Procedure Model Recommendation / 2005/06/25 / Needs reviewing
56-005 / Call Answering Standard/Model Recommendation / 2006/06/10 / Roll into call processing standard
56-006 / Emergency Call Processing Protocol Standard / 2008/06/07 / Roll into call processing standard
56-501 / Silent or Hang-Up 9-1-1 Calls for Service Information Document / 2002/08/23 / Roll into call processing standard
56-503 / Wide Area / Statewide Emergency Notification Systems Information Document / 2006/06/06 / Needs reviewing
56-505 / Guidelines for Handling Calls Regarding Missing and Exploited Children Information Document / 2007/05/22 / Needs reviewing
56-506 / NENA Public Safety Answering Point Site Selection Criteria Operations Information Document / 2008/06/07 / Needs reviewing
NENA-STA-013.2-2016 (originally
56-507) / Railroad & PSAP Interaction Information Document
(ANSI STA) / 2016/03/31 / 2016/03/31
56-508 / Protocol for Handling Calls Regarding Human Trafficking Information Document / 2009/09/22 / 2017/07/13
56-509 / NENA/APCO Best Practices Model for Third Party Emergency Medical Dispatch Services and PSAPs Information Document / 2011/06/13 / Needs reviewing
57-001 / Wireless E9-1-1 Overflow, Default and Diverse Routing StandardA PSAP Managers’ Guide to GIS & Wireless 9-1-1 / 2004/11/18 / Marc B. review
57-002 / E9-1-1 Wireless Maintenance Call Routing & Testing Validation Standard including Call Routing & Testing Validation Worksheet & Sample Non-Disclosure Agreement / 2007/06/09 / Marc B. review
57-501 / Wireless Phase I & II Features and Functions Information Document / 2003/01/20 / Marc B. review
57-502 / Wireless Phase I/II Planning and Implementation Checklist and Modules Information Documentincluding Service Agreements / 2004/05/24 / Marc B. review
57-503 / Procedures for Notification of ERDB & VPC Operators of ESN Changes by 9-1-1Administrator Information Document / 2008/01/08
57-750 / NG9-1-1 System and PSAP Operational Features and Capabilities RequirementsDocument / 2011/06/14
58-502 / VoIP Funding and Regulatory Issues Information Document / 2006/06/06