Neighbourhood Plan Meeting
Bottle & Glass Pub 23rdJanuary 2018 at 7.30pm
Attendees: Isabelle Brooke (Chair) Barabara Moulson, Ruth Elliott, Karen Rhodes, Kaye Crompton-Howe, Amelia Compton-Howe, Ron Foote, Tracey Firth, Arlene Morrish, Keith Harris, Rex Freeman, Brian Jois
Apologies: Sara Carter, Keith Hanson
The minutes from our last meeting 23rd were agreed as correct and original.
Isabelle welcomed everyone to the meeting including the volunteers who were going to help distribute the survey which was the main priority of the meeting.
Isabelle advised that the survey was ready for printing and she distributed a copy in the meeting. To help promote the survey it would be advertised in The Sign Post magazine in the February addition. Printing should take approximately 2 weeks and therefore distribution should take place around the 11.2.18 and then be collected once completed on 25.2.18.
It was agreed to hold a meeting on 6th February at 7.30pm prior to the distribution where we could split out areas (capture all of Normanby and Owmby village boundaries) and allocate volunteers to distribute the survey. We shall deliver the survey with a plastic bag that can be either left outside the property in the bag once completed and collected by volunteers on the 25th February, or posted in the collection box in The Bottle & Glass Pub, Normanby or village shop Normanby. There will also be the opportunity to complete the survey online via software.
Survey Monkey is the online software package that we will purchase at the cost of £34 per month and we will use this product to analyse all the data and produce reports to help us summarise all the information.
We will have imminent costs that we will need to pay such as the invoice for Survey Monkey and the Parish Profile.
The Character Assessment will be discussed at the next meeting. Ruth Elliott commented that Ken Green has generously provided some village literature/history that may be useful and also the school may also be able to provide information to us.
Isabelle will send the Parish Profile that we have received to committee members and then we will need to decide what information is relevant to build up our own customised version. Councillor England could possibly assist with this.
- Isabelle and Ruth to produce an area plan of the distribution area/outline.
- Isabelle to advise printing to include her as the point of contact.
- Rex to provide collection boxes in the Pub and Shop.
Project Plan for next meeting.
General discussion on development.
Meeting Closed at 8.30pm