Neighbourhood Management Partnership Board

Tuesday 7 April 2009, 6:30pm

Trusthorpe Village Hall


Ann Britz (AB)Chair - Trusthorpe Resident

John Simpson (JS)Trusthorpe Resident

Aileen MeadowsTrusthorpe Resident

Pat GordonTrusthorpe Resident

Colin GreenawayTrusthorpe Resident

Don Taylor (DT) Sutton on Sea Resident

Dinah Linge (DL)Sutton on Sea Resident

Sue Neville (SN)Sutton on Sea Resident

Ivan Maxwell (IM)Sutton on Sea Resident

Malcolm Nicholls (MN)Mablethorpe Resident

Peter Jackson (PJ)Mablethorpe Resident

Terence Brown (TB)Mablethorpe Resident

Rachel Devereux (RD)Mablethorpe Resident

Yvonne DevineMablethorpe Resident

Cllr Tony Howard (TH)Lincolnshire County Councillor

Cllr David Andrews (DA)ELDC Councillor

Sergeant Paul Patterson (PP)Lincs Police - Policing Theme Group

Insp. Jon MorrisLincs Police – Policing Theme Group

Judith Mercer (JM)VAEL - Communication and Information Theme Group

Chris DrewMASCOT

Janet Goult (JG)Marisco Medical Practice

Allyson Ingamells (AI)ELDC

Debbie Prince (DP)ELDC


Shaun LeeYoung People’s Representative

Jamie WardYoung People’s Representative

Laura WilsonLCC Children’s Services - Young People’s Theme Group

Doreen HindeSutton on Sea Resident

Darren ClaytonELDC Housing & Community Development Business Manager

1. / Welcome and Apologies
AB welcomed everybody and read out apologies from Doreen Hinde and Darren Clayton. AB welcomed Chris Drew to the meeting who was representing MASCOT as John Handley’s deputy.
2. / Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes from the last meeting on 8 January 2009 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Janet Goult and seconded by Aileen Meadows.
3. / Matters Arising
AB reported that the town plan from the last board meeting item 3 this was approved in October 2008 and it is the action plan that needs more work and approval, this will be discussed under agenda item 6. We are still awaiting confirmation of deputies for Janet Farr, Janet Goult and Vanessa Strange. JG has no deputy yet. If anyone has not yet filled in their conflict of interest form, can they fill it in and pass to DP.
4.2 / Procedural Matters

Steve Hinsley left on 31 March 2009 to take up a position at the Boatshed and Mark Mehaffey left on 3 April 2009 to take a similar position in Ely. The Board will send thank you letters to Steve and Mark. AB has written letters to Nigel Howells, Stuart Davy, Jane Froggatt and Darren Clayton regarding replacing mark and has received 2 letters back from Stuart Davy and Jane Froggatt.

AI explained that ELDC have agreed a procedure for resident board members to claim travel expenses to meetings other than Board and forum meetings. A claim form was handed out to all resident board members and if anyone had any concerns they need to contact AI.

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Neighbourhood Management Structure

The Board need to agree the structure and to discuss the involvement of health in reference to the health profile and working more with the Marisco Medical Practice. It was pointed out that the chair needs changing in the Policing Theme Group from PC Jon Jones to Ann Britz. It also says 6 theme groups, AI to make the amendments.
JG informed the board that the health profile was accurate and if anyone had any questions to contact her. The high level of chronic illness is significant, as the practice is dealing with three times the national average. It was agreed to set up a small sub group to discuss the health issues which would be chaired by JG. The following board members were interested in being on the sub group – AI, YD, SN, RD, AB and AM.
Brenda Turnbull has agrees to take over the chair role of the regeneration theme group from Mike McDonald. This was proposed by DT and seconded by SN.
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Neighbourhood Management Action Plan

The draft action plan has been sent out but this is only a draft copy and needs more input. It was suggested that a working group was set up to pull this together and AI, AB, DT, PJ, YD, SN, AB, RD and JM would be on the working group.
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Code of Guidance

This document has been updated and the Nolan principles on standards in public life have been added. AI explained that the Nolan principles have been inserted to remind people about their conduct and guidance on how to work in the public arena. The document was approved and was proposed by DT and seconded by MN.
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Report from Forums


CG gave an update at the last meeting was fairly well attended with the usual concerns about litter and dog fouling. The residents wanted the Trusthorpe bridge classed as a listed building but this was not allowed. The Trusthorpe Community garden bid has now been submitted. CG wrote a letter to Mr Howell asking him what his intentions were for the field and old telephone exchange, but had no reply. PJ spoke to Mr Howell who explained that we could have the land for £2 million, as he could not develop the land because of the flood risk assessment. AM gave a briefing on the Imagineering Workshop. Future projects were discussed and the residents came up with the following:- Area outside Trusville could be developed, chalets on the top could be improved. The runup to the beach needs a makeover. Trusthorpe to hold a summer fete outside Trusthorpe Village Hall.


MN gave an update. He has not yet received a letter from Anglian Water regarding attending a forum meeting, so he is going to write to them again. Several residents want St Marys Park renaming. Queens Park lights have now been sorted out, so that they stay on past midnight.

Sutton on Sea

SN gave the update. Residents want to know if grass can be planted on the sand. Car parking should be free for 1 hour in the central car park. There is a problem with the selling of cars on Trusthorpe Road. Ideas for future projects were:- have a theme weekend to try and encourage more tourists into the area. Neighbourhood Management should have a carnival float so that more people know about us.

Youth Forum

The youth forum is meeting tomorrow at Sutton on Sea to try and get young people from Sutton on Sea involved. The young people are going to be working on a funding bid for the Beach Festival on 8 August.
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Update from Service Providers

Policing Forum

The traffic warden will be in post in the next couple of months, but as of 1 April 2009 PCSO’s have been trained to issue tickets. PCSO’s will be using cycles in the Summer. Anti-social behaviour in Mablethorpe is down. A number of anti-social behaviour letters have been issued and 3 unacceptable behaviour letters were given out on Friday evening. Two people have been arrested with regard to the chalets. 20 tickets have been issued for speeding on the A52. Ann Britz now chairs the Policing Panel.


No update as Vanessa Strange was not at the meeting.


No update as Brenda Turnbull has only just been elected as chair of this group.

Community and Publicity

JM is putting together a form so if anyone has anything to advertise. JM will email it round.
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Officer Report

A report was handed out and DP added that Mablethorpe Primary School had recently used the swimming pool for a week in March at Haven, which again had been a huge success and enjoyed by all.
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Future agenda items/Presentation

SN thought it would be a good idea to have a local member of Parliament to come and talk about flooding issues and it was suggested to see if we can get Sir Peter Tapsell. AB will make contact and arrange. CG wanted to know what developments will be allowed in the area from the planning authority.
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Any Other Business

There has been a request from Cllr David Andrews to move the date of the next board meeting as it clashes with the Mablethorpe Area Committee. It was agreed that the meeting would be moved to 15 July 2009.
MN thought that two local heroes Bill Tuplin and Tom Freeman from the R.N.L.I. should switch on the illuminations.
TH reported that the Nationwide Building Society is closing down in Mablethorpe on 20 August 2009, if people wanted to save it they need to write a letter.
RD asked if possible if training could be in the evening for people that work.
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Dates and Times of Next meeting

Wednesday 15 July 2009
Community Room, Mablethorpe CAP and Library, Stanley Avenue
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Wednesday 30 September 2009
Enterprise Hall, Sutton on Sea
6:30pm – 8:30pm