Seventh Annual

Neighbourhood Engagement Weekend(N.E.W.)

March17th-19th, 2017

at Camp Nakamun

Sponsored by Neighbourhood Life

$150/adult~ Ages 11-17-$65 ~ Ages 3-10-$35

Price includes accommodations, meals, activities, sessions and materials.

The story of the incarnation is the story of God en-fleshed in a particular place at a particular time and within a very specific community. . . . the call of God is to be in a particular place and here to embody the presence and grace of God. It’s a call to locality. Quite simply, it’s a call to the neighborhood.

Simon Carey Holt

How are we responding to that call?

Bring the whole family and enjoy time with friends and neighbours as we explore this and many other questions, share stories, have fun and relax with many recreational activities – in the wonderful setting and facility of Camp Nakamun!

To register, complete the form below and send to Karen Wilk - or in Central Alberta, Rick Abma- or 403-505-9897.

I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God”. Revelation 21:3

There is no doubt that making connections in the local ‘hood requires a level of intentionality and focus unequalled in the past.

As I read the Bible, I cannot see a way to negotiate around the fact that neighborliness and neighborhood are intimately tied in with the call of God.

The laws of neighborliness are not primarily about nurturing close and intimate friendships among neighbors. Rather, they have to do with fostering neighborhoods in which every resident is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion.

Whenever I nurture friendship with a neighbor, I nurture the possibility of an encounter with God—for both of us. Importantly, a redemptive relationship does not depend upon an immediate or predetermined response to some formulaic presentation of the gospel. Rather it draws my neighbor into tangible experiences of grace, local grace, particulargrace.

Simon Carey Holt

The purpose of our time together is…

To be together, sharing stories, blessing, praying for and encouraging one another on the journey of joining God in our neighbourhoods.

To inspire imagination and ignite passion for NL

To be a learning community as new and seasoned participants participate in ‘Action-Reflection-Theology’ (A.R.T.)

To be grounded in Biblical & theological foundations for NL

What to Bring:

  • Your own bedding (pillow, sleeping bag and/or sheets and blankets)
  • Indoor and outdoor clothing and shoes/boots;
  • Sports equipment (e.g. skates)
  • Swim suit and towel
  • Bible, pen, journal;
  • Snacks/baking to share
  • Board games
  • Musical instruments
  • Neighbouring Stories and maps…

Tentative Schedule

Session One (Friday Evening)

6:30 PMRegistration, Room assignments

7:30 PMWelcome, Community builders Activity Stations

8:30 PMMusic and Prayer

9:30 PMSocializing and Snacks

11:00 PMQuiet Time (for the sake of those of us who need our sleep)

Session Two (Saturday Morning)

8:15 AMBreakfast

9 AM Community builders;

Music and Prayer

9:45 AMNeighbouring Take 1 /Kids’ Time


Recreational/Free Time:

Human Foose Ball, Tobogganing, Skating, Swimming, walking, playground

Session Three (Saturday Evening)

5:30 PMDinner

6:30 PMCommunity builders;

Music and Prayer

7:15 PMNeighbouring Take 2

9:30 PMSocializing and Snacks

11:00 PMQuiet Time (for the sake of those of us who need our sleep )

Session Four (Sunday Morning)

8:15 AMBreakfast

9 AM Greetings, Music, Prayer

[After which kids go to their ‘group’...]

9:30 AMNeighbouring Take 3

Scripture Sit

Table Talk: Take Home Commitments and Prayer

11:30 AM[Kids re-join...] Communion

