Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
Meeting Minutes –2nd September 15
Apologies - Wendy Bolton and Majid
Attendees: - Barry Clifton BobBolton Caroline Jackson, Terry Hill, Paula Webster, Caroline Jackson, Kev Hammond
Many thanks to NDP Team for their excellent work preparing for, attending and interacting with residents at the Parish Council Public Open Day and making it a real success. The outcome of the open day was a real success, not only for the Parish Council but more importantly for NDP and the NDP Team.
Once again many thanks to the NDP Team for supporting the Parish Council during the meeting with Mr Hendry / proposed Peacesfields housing development.
1 – Budgets
- “Awards for All” application – unfortunately the application has not been success. The feedback states the NDP case was not strong enough to offer funding.
- Locality funding – in communications with Aecom who are the preferred suppliers of specialist resources for Locality. Aecom suggested they can help by putting together a “typical” NDP budget plan, which is essential when applying for Locality funding.
- NDP Bank Account will need to be changed to meet the criteria for additional funding. Paula as Vice Chair has agreed to be a named person on the bank account. Necessary forms have been completed and Paula will be taking them in to the Yorkshire Bank.
2 – Proposed Boundary Changes – Siobhan gave a brief update on the proposed boundary changes. Which is still “work in progress”. Until LCC deliver some firm information – we do not know if / how this could impact Holton-le-clay Parish Boundary and intimately the emerging NDP.
3 - Village Character Survey – has now been completed. It will be a living document and minor amendments can be made as the NDP emerges. Anne Shorland has reviewed the survey and has given it her “seal of approval” – which is a major achievement. A pat on the back for the team!!
- Survey will be placed in the NDP page of the Parish Council web site.
- Hard Copies will be available in Parish Council Office or public to view / take away
- A post will be made on Face Book informing residents of the survey and a link to web site
- A post will be made on Streetlife informing residents of the survey and where it can be reviewed.
- A notice will be placed in Holton News
- E Mails to be sent to residents Master Mailing list
4 – NDP Policies – as a result of the feedback from Anne Shorland on Paula’s hard work rewriting Policy 2. A revamp of the structure and layout of the policies is required to achieve a -
- A more flowing alignment of Community Vision, Community Objective (which Anne Shorland already reviewed and accepted) and the Policies.
- Combine existing policies under 4 main headings –
- Sustainable Development
- Green Wheel / Connectivity
- Drainage
- Possibly S106 Community Contributions
- Each of the 4 main heading will begin a Vision, Justification and References. Evidence and conformity will need to be added – where this will go is still to be decided.
The Vision, Justification and References for Sustainable Development and Green Wheel have been drafted out. Drainage and S106 Community Contribution will be drafted by Bob and Barry. Once these have been reviewed and accepted by the team. The plan is to send them to Anne Shorland for her good comments before the team proceeds to inputting the actual policies. Hopefully we can engage Anne’s expertees in a positive and inspirational manner to help us move forward.
5 – Green Wheel
- Majid has supplied maps of the parish and large scale hard copy maps.
- Parish Council have large scale maps of the parish which show the “green areas”. These maps are a little out of date but will save a lot of leg work for the team.
- Horncastle’s “how to write a Green Wheel Policy” can be used to assist to the team.
Kev has expressed an interest in helping to develop and moving Green Wheel forward. Hopefully Kev can develop the “bones” of a policy together ready for the next meeting.
6 - NDP Article for Grimsby Telegraph. Parish Council are putting together a Holton-le-Clay article for “Down your Way” They have asked if NDP would like to input.
- Paula will forward a NDP write up to Parish Council.
7 – Team Social Get Together
- Caroline is arranging a social evening at the Royal Oak on Wednesday 14th October – 7pm.
I would like to suggest the next NDP Team meeting be on Wed 30th September – rather than the 23rd Sept – as I am already committed on the 23rd.