Needle Puller Responsibilities

The main responsibility in regards to the needle puller is ensuring that there is always a stockpile of at least two (2) tubes of capillary tubes available in the injection room for pulling needles. One to be used as an active supply, one as a backup while a replacement is being ordered. The lab member with this job should periodically check these stocks to ensure that there are adequate capillary tubes available.

The secondary responsibility here is ensuring that every lab member using the needle puller has been properly instructed in how to load capillary tubes into the channel, secure them properly, and execute the needle pulling protocol safely. The lab member with this job should make sure they understand the key steps to operating this device before instructing others.

The most common repair issue with the needle puller will likely involve the conductive filament being knocked out of alignment (often through improper use, see above). As long as the filament has not been damaged, this issue is easily resolved by slightly unscrewing the two screws holding the filament in place and gently repositioning the filament above the heating element (a small hole visible in the base). A ramp test should be performed afterwards to ensure the repair has been done correctly and said test should be logged on the log sheet next to the needle puller. Any changes to the pulling temperature should be added to the needle pulling program. Details on this repair and performing a ramp test are posted to the wall behind the needle puller and also in the operation manual located in the drawer underneath the needle puller.

Nitrogen Gas Canister Responsibilities

The main responsibility here is to ensure that there are at least two (2) canisters of nitrogen gas in place at all times, one as the main, one as a backup, and to instruct lab members to report and label empty tanks when they see them. New canisters should be ordered through Barbara Perry () immediately once empty.
The lab member with this job should know how to safely move gas canisters using the dolly, secure them in the appropriate rack, attach the regulator, and adjust the pressure released into the injection scope.

Injection Scope Responsibilities

The main responsibility for the injection scope is to instruct new lab members on how to adjust the scope to their specifications without wearing out or breaking critical components. Most important here is how to use the fine scale manipulator properly and how to load and unload the needle safely.