NE-1022 Annual Meeting Minutes
October 16-17, 2007
Historic Inns of Annapolis
58 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
October 16
Attendees: Michael Darre (CT), Paul Harrison (IL) Ken Koelkebeck (IL), Sally Noll (MN), Bill Roush (USDA-ARS, MS) Bill Saylor (DE), Angela Green (IA) Bill Vinson (WV), Doug Merril( Perdue Farms, MD), Inma Estevez (MD), Brian Fairchild (GA), Kelly Brannon (MD).
Introductions: Chairman Bill Saylor called the meeting to order at 830 AM. Introduction of committee members and guests were made. Meeting Minutes of 2006 were approved. It was noted that the publication of last years report is still in production.
Appointment of Nominating Committee: Bill Saylor appointed Ken Koelkebeck and Paul Harrison as the nominating committee.
Administrative Advisor Report - Bill Vinson.
The report for the last year is overdue.
The report has a deadline of 60 days after the meeting. Material for this meeting is due on 16 November. Please send to Bill Saylor. Need a synopsis and full report.
Next year we need to start thinking about our new project. This current project goes through 2009.
CSREES Representative – Richard Reynnells
Discussed what is happening in Washington DC.
Bill Saylor led a discussion about the meeting next year. We will be starting a rewrite of the project. It was decided to hold the meeting at Atlanta GA (17, 18 October 2008). Brian Fairchild indicated he would make arrangements for the meeting.
Recess from 9:15 AM to 10:45.
Station Reports
Connecticut (Darre)
Discussed vocalization studies.
Maryland (Estevez)
Discussed group size/pen size studies including the effect of panels in modifying dispersion.
Lunch 12:45-1:15
Industry Interaction (Merril)
Perdue Inc. is involved with population and lighting studies. Studying whole house versus partial house brooding. Tighter brooding gets the chicks started quicker. Chick heat keeps a thermozone of heat that they need. Interested in cold cathode lights, litter composting and euthanasia methods.
Georgia (Fairchild)
Research on energy conservation, circulation fans, tunnel ventilation, alternative fuel sources (recycled oil), attic inlets, ammonia emissions, lighting programs and poultry drinking systems.
Iowa (Green)
Research on ammonia emissions, stocking densities, preference testing for pen size.
Illinois (Harrison/Koelkebeck).
Research on ammonia. An overview of the new Illinois poultry research facilities was given.
Minnesota (Noll)
Research on DDG/S.
Mississippi (USDA- Roush)
Research on mathematical and artificial intelligence modeling of multiple concurrent stressors, fuzzy cognitive map representation of population behaviors and sensitivity analysis for Stochastic feed formulation models.
Appreciation was expressed to Dr. Estevez for the efforts she made in setting up our meeting in Maryland.
October 17
Delaware Report (Saylor)
Research on Phytase and ammonia..
Maryland ( Estavez)
Demonstrated social interaction software.
Concern was expressed on dealing with catastrophic occurrences such as Flu epidemics…Discussion on dealing with large scale euthanasia. The use of Foam, watertight containers, and “Tornado Machine”. There are so many unknowns.
Meeting dismissed at 12:00