North DakotaSHRMState Council
Affiliate of Society for Human Resource Management
ND State Council Meeting Minutes
Date:Thursday, February 10, 2011
Time:6:00pm-8:00pm Central Time
Location:Holiday Inn Hotel Fargo, North Dakota
Attending: Sharon Connell-Rick, Karen Sundahl, Lindsie Schoenack, Adam Broers, Nikki Sautner, Lynn Burgard, John Friend, Jocelyn Bertsch, Pam Pavlicek, Danny Miles, Vicki Ham, Gwen Olson, Michele Thiel, Jenna Wilson, Sheila Marquardt, Jason Sutheimer, Dorothy Knapp, Paula Graner, Marti Jensen
Absent: Carrie Zubke, Ilene Baker, Amber Hama, Ryan Erckenbrack
Welcome and Introductions: Dorothy Knapp, SPHR (Southeast FSD) – 701-535-6199 – Will be assisting in while Laurie transitions to her new role
Approve Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve January 12, 2011 meeting minutes made by John. Seconded by Paula. Approved.
Student Conference Update: Lindsie gave an update on the North Dakota Student Conference which will take place at University of Mary campus in Fargo. It will be held March 4th and 5th, 2011/ So far, four teams have signed up. A goal of 40 students is set.
Budget: Sharon reviewed changes that were made to the budget since the January meeting.
- Regional Council Summit – increased $1300 to allow for Director-Elect to attend with the State Director.
- Conferences – Legislative Conference: Sharon asked if there were any volunteers to attend the Legislative Conference in Danny’s absence. Diversity Conference: This is not included in the budget. The question came up to send Michele. Dorothy will check if this conference is sponsored. Strategy Conference: Dorothy mentioned this is a conference for senior-level members, held in the fall. Past Director or incoming director would be good attendees.
- Conference Chair Recognition Gift – previous suggestion to raise to $250 to account for co-chairs, but now no co-chairs are involved so moved back to $150.
- State Conference Hosting Chapter – The budget previously had 15% of the conference revenue going to the hosting chapter, with 5% going to other chapters. With the change, this amount was moved to 10% for the hosting chapters and 3.5% for the other chapters. This leaves our budget with $6000 additional dollars to schedule more quality speakers.
- PHR/SPHR IVN Class Speaker Gifts – Removed $600 as this is no longer an option.
- Chapter Assistance (Williston) – Raised to $1000 to assist with development of a Williston chapter.
- SHRM Learning System/Facilitator Guide – Remove $500 for SHRM Learning System materials.
- Contribution to SHRM Conference Silent Auction - $150 budgeted to the SHRM Silent Auction.
- Form 990 – Removed $50 from budget. This form is now available to complete online, free of charge.
It was discussed that with no longer having UND assist with the state conference, we will save $15,000. With that, the conference this year will cost more money because we are starting from scratch. Suggestions to look at sponsorships and benchmark with similar states were made.
All state council positions to the state conference are free of charge.
Danny motioned to approve the budget. Sheila seconded. Budget approved.
February Financials: Marti went over the February financial report.
A reminder that State Council gives $50 to individuals who pass their certification. This transaction is run through Ryan.
$500 is included in the budget for the Student Conference. This is for simplifying the process, rather than opening a new account.
Motion to approve financials made by Lynn. Seconded by Paula. Approved.
State Conference Update: Marti gave an update on the State Conference. Since the January meeting, the co-chair has decided to step down, leaving Marti as the sole chair.
She is still looking for another keynote speaker, as well as some concurrent speakers, but has about two thirds already scheduled.
The theme of the 2011 conference is “Coming Together – Solving the HR Puzzle.” It was mentioned that the previous NDSU basketball coach would do the welcome.
Marti is going to be working on getting credits from HRCI for the presentations. Some speakers already have their sessions approved.
State Council will be having monthly, bi-weekly, and eventually weekly meetings during conference preparation. Students will be asked to assist as volunteers, working registration, etc.
SHRM Update: Dorothy gave the update on what’s going on with SHRM.
SHRM is still in the process of finding a new CEO.
They are doing an international chapter study and looking for suggestions, opinions, etc. These can be sent to .
Laurie’s replacement should hopefully be finalized by March 2011.
Betty is our MAC representative. She is the direct link to the SHRM Board, HR Board, and HRCI. Contact Sharon for Betty’s contact information.
Leadership conference will be held as follows: 2011 – Las Vegas, 2012 – Atlanta, 2013 – Chicago, 2014 – Orlando.
SHAPE Document: This information was passed out and reviewed. The 2010 document needs to be have the progress update completed. The 2011 document will be discussed in more detail at the Leadership Conference on February 11, 2011.
NDSHRM Leadership Conference: The updated agenda and registration information was passed out and reviewed.
Legislative Update: Danny gave an update on three new legislative measures.
- NLRB Posting Requirements: Danny discussed the new NLRB posting requirements rule. The reply needs to be made by February 17, 2011 if we choose to vote. Paula motioned we support SHRMs position on the “no posting requirement.” John seconded. Approved.
- Proposed Guidelines for State Policy Matters: Danny provided a template regarding guidelines for State Councils in determining whether to take a position on a state public policy matter. It was decided that Danny will create a proposal to develop this process and bring to the next meeting.
- Child Support Enforcement: The language in this bill was very vague. Danny will get more information and send an update to the State Council.
Chapter Reports: Chapter reports should be sent to Jenna Wilson at by Wednesday, February 16, 2011.
AVHRA – FargoKaren Sundahl, SPHR
CDHRA – BismarckAmber Hama, PHR
FMHRA – Fargo-MoorheadAdam Broers, PHR
MAHRA – MinotIlene Baker
NDAHRA – Grand ForksJen Schultz
SAHRA – DickinsonPam Pavliceck
Director Reports: Director reports should be sent to Jenna Wilson at by Wednesday, February 16, 2011.
LegislativeDanny Miles, SPHR
SHRM FoundationVicki Ham, PHR
College RelationsLindsie Schoenack
CertificationRyan Erckenbrack, PHR
Public RelationsNikki Sautner, SPHR
Work Force ReadinessPaula Graner, PHR
TechnologyGwen Olson
DiversityMichele Thiel
Membership/Member-at-LargeJocelyn Bertsch, PHR
Professional DevelopmentSheila Marquart, SPHR
Next NDSHRM Meeting:
Date:Tuesday March 22, 2011
Host:CDHRA – Bismarck
Location:Elks Lodge, Bismarck, North Dakota
900 South Washington Street
Bismarck, ND 58504-5478
CDHRA meeting to follow from 11:30am-1:00pm
Chapter Reports
Jen Schulz reported that NDAHRA has submitted their SHAPE document. For their chapter meetings, in January, they had a speaker talk about generation in the work place. In February, they are doing a discussion on Talent Management (SHRM DVD). March, they will have an attorney discussing employment discrimination. April they are slotted for a training on Social Media and Networking. They have some volunteer members helping with the ND HR games, and their chapter has also helped with funding for that event.Next month, in the board meeting, they are focusing on ways to increase membership in their chapter.
Adam Broers reported that they successfully completed the SHAPE requirements, including 6 CLA initiatives for the GOLD level and submitted prior to the deadline and awaiting verification of achievement. Some upcoming events are: March, Crucial Conversations: Get Unstuck with Best Practice Skills for High Stakes Interactions. April, Results-Driven Leadership: A New Approach for the Modern Workplace (7 strategic credits). May, Laughter Has No Accent: Humor and Diversity. Many FMHRA Board members are assisting with the ND State HR Games.
Pam Pavlicek reported they have a $125 SHRM Foundation Contribution to be mailed in March. A submission was made for the Silver Award on January 31. They have not heard if they have achieved this award. SAHRA is developing a membership brochure to be sent out in May for membership month. They started a silent auction each month for a SHRM Foundation Fundraiser. They are also working with their local Chamber of Commerce to advertise and promote SAHRA.
Director Reports
SHRM Foundation
Vicki Ham reported she will introduce the Leadership Campaign at the February 10 Council meeting. Plan to go for Platinum level in 2011. (100% council leadership participation.) She has made initial contact with returning and new chapter Foundation Directors. None are able to attend the Leadership Conference. Plans to set up a conference call for introductions and sharing of best practices.
Professional Development
Sheila Marquardt reported the Paula Graner was the recipient chosen for the 2010 Professional Excellence Award. We had about 100 bags left over for the HR State Conference in Bismarck. She has been selling them to chapters and HR professionals for $5. They are using them as speaker gifts, door prizes, or office gifts. To date, she has sold 44 bags for a credit to the state conference budget of $220. We have approximately 50 bags left if anyone is still interested.
The North DakotaSHRMState Council coordinates SHRM chapter efforts and provides leadership, professional development, and supports ideas to facilitate the role of chapter volunteer leaders to advance the profession and serve the professional in the State of North Dakota.