ND Center for Nursing Newsletter Survey Results
Fall, 2012
Other comments:
- Other resources offer national information, but i look for what is occurring within ND and routinely would like to hear information about BON meetings, questions responded to, activities of the CUNEA group and NDONE group. Perhaps a report regarding new activities in education would be of interest also. I would think that trends should be a focus so that work on these within the state would be known, i.e., how transition of ADN to BSN can occur and ladder program importance within the IOM.
- I use the newsletter to educate nursing leadership on our state initiatives and information. I also distribute the information electronically
- Funding Opportunities section is especially important.
- Is the only comprehensive and inclusive nursing publication in ND. Excellent.
- Action Coalition activities.
- Just so many things to try to keep up with, hard to be getting so many newsletters, blogs, etcetc
- This is about the 2nd Newsletter I've received so I look forward to seeing future/additional issues.
What can we do to improve?
- Have focus for the monthly newsletter so not trying to include so much at one time. Actual pictures helpful also within the state. You are seen to be the glue holding all of the various pieces together and thus the support for your efforts! Know is hard to begin something like this.
- I can't think of anything specific at this time.
- I think You should have a column for Nurses to submit real life thought provoking experiences, or experiences that they found a solution to in a very different way, which would be helpful to other Nurses.
- Change the look to a fullpage easy to read format. It comes to my screen as a column in the middle.
- With the reputation of the Center as a convener and collaborator, I believe we are in a position to begin to report outcomes of the Centers strategies. Hopefully, the other organizations would be sharing achievements as well. There are major opportunities to demonstrate bold actions that nurses are taking in ND and could be reporting these.
- Make the newsletter in larger font and more attractive to view.
- Less text heavy paragraphs; more quick read formatting
- I'm still reading and evaluating. Thanks.
Would you be willing to provide content for this newsletter?
- I don't have anything at present but possibly could in the future. I would email you ahead of time to see if I could contribute when I have something specific.
- We did do an article for the Dakota Nursing Program not too long ago but anytime you want any information I would be glad to do another.
What would you like to see in future newsletters?
- 1. What is happening to HC and impact on nurses in Western ND.
2. What is behind hospitals only hiring nurses with experience and impact on new graduates finding jobs.
3. Impact of SimChart being implemented in all nursing programs within the state on new grad readiness for EMR.
- I am unable to devote too much time to reading newsletters as I receive multiple e-news each week.
- Current issues effecting practice - such as staffing, workload, etc.
- Looking good
- legislative issues that impact nursing,
- scholarship opportunities.
- New Research being completed/ information obtained from this.
- Continue what you are doing- good content.
- Successful programs throughout the state for recruiting and retaining nurses, and how academic organizations are meeting needs for workforce requirements in our state.
- Feature a research topic each month along with nurses in North Dakota who have an interest in the topic.
- I would like to see more minority related issues, as we now have a more diverse population here in North Dakota to nurse back to health. (Positive, helpful situations) With the influx of new races in the state I already see a lot of (negative, race bashing) rather than finding ways to deal with these new peoples, in a humane way. . .
- How are nursing programs using Facebook? The DNP has a page and are updating it each week - we use it for information and marketing.
- How are programs using SimChart? What do the medical facilities think about SimChart. FYI - Altru is not letting it on the floor as far as clinical charting goes.
- Status of what nurses are doing in the state with the IOM report. What nurses are doing with Medical Home as navigators and coaches.
- Continue to focus on nursing news and opportunities in ND. Always interesting to hear of the work of various organizations in the state.
- More of the same.
- i'm thinking about it and will comment further in the future.
Other Feedback received via email:
Congratulations on your great newsletter with such a large amount of information included and easily accessed.
The one click access to information is greatly appreciated! Know this will only grow and grow to become the key
access for information in ND Nursing!
Thanks for the hard work!
Thank you for the newsletter. It appears to be very well done and I am looking forward to reading the articles and getting involved where I can. What a wonderful surprise to have this newsletter when junkmail seems to overwhelm my inbox these days! Thank you again.
I thought you might like to know (since I saw that you had an article on a nurse becoming Miss Rodeo 2013) I am a Domestic Violence Nurse Educator for our region and became Mrs. North Dakota~America 2012 using domestic violence prevention and families dealing with addictions as my "platform." What a year it has been... Through speaking and writing I have the privilage to meet and encourage so many that I have so much in common with. Nurses truly have a gift that needs to be shared with this hurting world.
May God richly bless you and your staff in your work and your family life. Thank you again for the email.