NCSWANA Board Meeting –Minutes

September 10, 2015 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Winston-Salem Public Works

3rdFloor Conference Room

101 N. Main Street

Winston-Salem, NC 27101

  1. Call meeting to order at 10:00 AM

The meeting was called to order by President Readling at 10:12 am on September 10, 2015at the Winston-Salem Public Works Conference Room.


Board Members present:Past President Etheridge , President Readling, Vice President Stahl, Secretary Brinchek, Director Bost, Director Davis, Director Hack, Director Hamby, Director Nestor, Director Sakwa, Director Smith, Director Woodie and Facilitator Revis.

  1. Review/Approve Agenda

The agenda was reviewed. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Director Woodie and seconded by Director Sakwa. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Review/Approve Minutes

Board members reviewed the meeting minutes for the July 30, 2015 Board Meeting held at the Greensboro Marriott. Edits were identified and amotion to approve the meeting minutes as edited was made by Officer Stahl and seconded by Director Hamby. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Officer Reports
  2. Treasurer

Officer McHarguepresented the current Cash Flow Statement through the end of the September 9, 2015. Net revenues for Training, MOLO and Road-E-O were positive. Net revenues for the Spring Technical Conference were negative. The Board discussed the reason for the negative revenues, which is atypical for this event and noted that the Hotel expenses were higher than previous events.

  1. IB Update

Officer Brinchek reported on the Executive Committee (EC) and International Board (IB) meetings at WasteCon in Orlando, Florida on August 22-23, 2015. Officer Brinchek reviewed the slide presentation presented during the IB meetings specifically noting that the 2015 net revenues were better than anticipated, but there was still an expected deficit in 2016. Officer Brinchek also reported that under the new leadership of Executive Director David Biderman SWANA was placing an emphasis on increasing revenue opportunities, increasing membership through the missing member campaign and increasing SWANA’s visibility through advocacy and outreach.

  1. Calendar of Reoccurring Events

The Board discussed the Calendar of Reoccurring Events and Director Hack provided an example calendar. After discussions Officer Readling requested each committee chair identify events and timelines to add to the calendar, which would be finalized during the retreat.

  1. Committee Reports
  2. Programs/Arrangements:
  3. Quad State September 22-25, 2015

Officer Brinchek reported that two Young Professionals applied for the Quad State Scholarship – Riley Shea of Appalachian State University and Enerdyne and Corey Carpenter of Altamont Engineering. Following review of the applicants and discussion a motion to approve the two applicants in accordance with stipulations of the scholarship requirements was made by Director Davis and seconded by Director Hack. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Spring 2016 Conference – April 25-28, 2016 Marriott Greensboro

The Board discussed the upcoming 2016 Spring Technical Conference, which will be held in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Board discussed possible themes and key note speakers. Additional discussions will be held at the Annual Board Retreat.

  1. Fall 2016 Conference –

The Board discussed possible dates and locations for the 2016 Fall Conference. Dates included the week of October 3rd and October 10th. Locations included the Holiday Inn Sunspree in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina and the Hilton or new Embassy Suites in Wilmington, North Carolina.

  1. Nominations

Officer Readling reported that NC SWANA received one letter of interest from the following NC SWANA member:

  • Tyrus Clayton.

The following Board Members whose terms end September 30, 2015 also expressed an interest to remain on the Board for an additional term:

  • Past President Etheridge;
  • Director Hack;
  • Director Hamby;
  • Director Sakwa; and
  • Director Woodie.

Officer Readling on behalf of the Nominating Committee recommended the following slate of Officers effective October 1, 2015:

  • Past President Readling;
  • President Stahl;
  • Vice President Brinchek;
  • Treasurer McHargue; and
  • Secretary Bost.

Officer Readling on behalf of the Nominating Committee recommended the following slate of Directors for the five (5) vacant positions effective October 1, 2015.

  • Director Etheridge;
  • Director Hack;
  • Director Hamby;
  • Director Sakwa; and
  • Director Woodie.

Following a brief discussion, Director Sakwa made a motion to accept the slate of Officers and Directors as recommended by the Nominations Committee and Director Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously with 12 votes. Director Nestor was absent for the vote.

  1. Technical
  2. ARF Update and Topics for next year

Officer Readling reported that SWANA’sARF topics are up for vote. Following the selection of topics, Officer Readling will notify the membership of the selected topics and provide guidance on how the membership can access past reports.

  1. Policy
  2. 2015 Legislative Goals

Nothing to report.

  1. Training

Director Bost reported that to date, the Training Committee has held 24 Training Courses with a total attendance of 426. Director Bost also reported that the Training Committee submitted the Integrated Solid Waste Management Course to NCDENR. NCDENR did not acceptthe course for MOLO Certification, but will accept the 30 CEU hours.

Director Bost noted that NCDENR was looking for opportunities for teaming and training.

  1. Road-E-O

Nothing to report.

  1. WRR

Nothing to report.

  1. Website

Nothing to report.

  1. Membership

Nothing to report.

  1. Scholarship

Nothing to report.

  1. By-Laws

Nothing to report.

  1. Audit

Nothing to report.

  1. Board Retreat
  2. Brainstorming and Agenda Prep – How do we better serve the membership?

The Board discussed agenda topics including:

  • Ad Hoc Board Positions
  • Succession Planning
  • Opening the scholarship to a broader audience
  • Regional Meetings
  • Workshops
  1. Unfinished Business

Nothing to report.

  1. New Business

Nothing to report.

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual Business Meeting at Quad State Conference at the end of Session of Wednesday, September 23, 2015.

The Board Retreat will be October 15-16, 2015 in Beaufort, North Carolina at the Beaufort Inn.

  1. Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m.

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