NCC Board Meeting Minutes
August 5th, 2014 @ N.C.C.
Meeting was called to order by President Al Harrison at 5:02 p.m. Members present were Harry Resch, Steve Weber, Jim Connors, Larry Poe, Dave Ashbeck, Ron Swanson, and Luc Connor. Christine Mueller showed up at 5:50. Also present were Stephanie Ruckheim, Ted Banie, and Gail Gentz.
- Approval of last meetings minutes – Motion by Harry, 2nd by Larry and carried.
- Ground Report by Ted – Haven’t had any luck with finding a 7 unit fairway mower, just a couple older used models but Ted hasn’t had much time to call around to check for other listings. Ted would prefer we get a 2010 model or newer. The grounds committee will come up with proposals for buying new, used and fixing/upgrading the existing mower, this will be done by November. Ted mentioned we are having a few issues in the pumping station, so he is going to have Gabe come up and go through it. The sink in the women’s’ bathroom in the old clubhouse doesn’t shut off and the lights work inconsistently. Steph is going to Rhinelander, so she will grab a sink and a light switch to help fix both problems. A motion was made by Harry, 2nd by Larry and carried.
- Financial Report –Net income was down in July, but we had big Nike & Titleist payments, bar/kitchen purchases were up, and we paid for fertilizer. Other than that things look good. Larry made a motion to accept, 2nd by Harry and carried.
- Manager’s Report – Stephanie discussed rounds played and stated that they are now up from last year, play has been very steady. The kitchen and bar area are doing very well. Tournaments are booked for most all weekends through September, very good! Motion to accept was made by Steve, 2nd by Jim and carried.
- Old Business – Nothing discussed.
- New Business – Nothing discussed.
- Committee Reports –
-Greens/Grounds – Al mentioned that he fielded a few complaints about cup conditions recently, other board members agreed with the complaint. Whether it is how the hole is cut, or if it is people sticking their putters in them, more attention will be paid to the problem.
-Building – Dave Ashbeck led a discussion about the possibility of walling off a room for the kitchen area for prep space, an ice machine, extra storage space and it would be a better set up for buffets. He figured if we did it ourselves it would cost $3k-$5k, and it we put it out for bid it would cost $10k-$15k. It was mentioned that maybe we would be better off pre-bagging ice a couple of days in advance of big tournaments vs buying another ice machine, so we would just need a freezer. Al mentioned he is selling a lightly used upright freezer. Larry made a motion to buy it, 2nd by Harry and carried. It was mentioned that we need to scrape and repaint most of the clubhouse windows, and we will discuss this at the next meeting.
-Personnel – No report
-Finance – No report
-Advertising – Steph had a proof of the advertising video that was shot by channel 12. She showed it to the board, and the board felt that it looked very good.
-By-Laws – No report.
-A motion to accept them was made by Steve, 2nd by Jim and carried.
- No closed session.
- Stock Transfer –Shepherd #281 to Shepherd #1197
Next B.O.D. meeting will be on September 9th @ 6:00 at N.C.C.
Respectfully Submitted,
Luc Connor