February 15, 2010

TO: North Carolina Dairy Youth, Parents and Adult Volunteer Leaders

FROM: Dr. Brinton A. Hopkins

Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist

Department of Animal Science

RE: 2010 North Carolina Junior Dairy Day

Saturday March 20, 2010

Iredell County Agricultural Center

9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

You are invited to the 2010 North Carolina Junior Dairy Day on Saturday, March 20, at the Iredell County Extension Center. This event will give you hands-on experience with dairy youth activities, such as judging, showing, quiz bowl, and skillathon. The target age group for this event is 9 to 13 years of age. However, older youth are also invited to participate.

Whether you are involved in just one or all dairy youth activities, I encourage you to attend the North Carolina Junior Dairy Day. An agenda of the activities for the day is enclosed. Lunch will be provided by the North Carolina Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (NC PDCA).

Please register with Nelson McCaskill, Iredell County 4-H agent, by March 10. You can call Nelson at 704-873-0507 or email him at .

I look forward to seeing you at the North Carolina Junior Dairy Day on Saturday March 20th.

North Carolina Junior Dairy Day

Saturday March 20, 2010

Iredell County Agricultural Center

Statesville, NC

9:30-10:00: Registration and Refreshments

10:00-12:00: Morning Sessions

·  Fitting and Showing—Learn how to prepare animals for a show and brush up on your showmanship skills.

·  Dairy Cattle Judging—Review the basics of judging dairy cattle and learn how to give a good set of reasons.

12:00-1:00: Lunch

During lunch you will learn about dairy activities outside

of North Carolina and hear from former participants in

national programs.

1:00-3:00: Afternoon Sessions

·  Dairy Skillathon Feeds

·  Dairy Skillathon Equipment

·  Dairy Skillathon Foods

·  Quiz Bowl Questions

1:00: Information session for adult leaders on NC dairy youth


3:00: Evaluation and Wrap-Up