NBS Curriculum Committee 2005-06
The following is a sample format for a syllabus. It includes all of the necessary elements that a syllabus must have to make its way through the various curricular committees. Of course, you can order your syllabus virtually any way you please, but if you follow the template given here you can’t go too far wrong.
Course Number & Title
Instructor’s Name
Instructor’s Office and Office Hours
Instructor’s Phone/e-mail
Course Text(s) & Required Materials
Course Prerequisites (if any)
Course Goals/Objectives[a general description of what the course is for/about]
(e.g.)In this course we will cover topics such as Q,R, S….
In this course we address issues such as A, B, C….
In this course we will learn about X, Y, Z….
Learning Outcomes[what the student will be able to do by the end of the class; try to state these in measurable activities as much as you can]
By the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:
(e.g.) Analyze data of ABC type….
Write a well-organized essay on QRS…
Interpret the results of XYZ…
Students will show the degree to which they have met these outcomes through their performance on the following:
Grading [the tools you will use to assess the outcomes achievement]
e.g.# of Homework AssignmentsX% or X points
Midterm Exam(s)X% or X points
Paper(s)X% or X points
Attendance/ParticipationX% or X points
[You do not have to have all of the above, and your class may have other grading means. You do need to give the relative worth of each grading component.]
Grading Scale [the way that the grading tools translate into a grade]
e.g.93-100 = A; 90-92 = A-; 88-89 = B+; 83-87 = B; etc.
[You do not have to use the 90-80-70 scale, but you should make your scale clear.]
Attendance Policy
You have to state your attendance policy for the class. Do students lose points or suffer a reduced grade for X number of absences? Does it matter what the reason is? Does it matter if they consult with you before the absence? Even if your policy is “I don’t care whether you attend or not,” you need to state what your policy is.
Course Schedule
You should give a day-by-day (or week-by-week) presentation of the topics/readings to be covered in class. You may want to show (suggested) readings that go along with the topics. You must indicate on which days exams (if any) fall. You must indicate due dates for homework assignments, projects, and the like.
Policy on Due Dates and Make-up Work
You can choose your own policy, but you need to state it clearly.
Academic Integrity Statement
You must refer to the University’s policy on academic honesty. Some instructors cut and paste the catalogue copy; some discuss the importance of academic integrity in their discipline. You can decide what to do, but at the very least, you should include something such as:
“I will uphold the University’s policy on Academic Integrity. Please consult page X of the current catalogue.”
You may have additional elements to include in your syllabus; that’s fine. Minimally, though, you should include all of the elements mentioned here.