Component 3: Teaching Practice & Learning Environment– Scavenger Hunt* May change Oct 2015

List 3 details of your teaching that are captured in this entry.
  1. Instructional planning
  2. Direct evidence of your practice in 2 videos & instructional materials
  3. Your analysis & reflection as displayed 2 videos & instructional materials
What does this entry evaluate?
  1. Demonstrated evidence of your practice & analysis as it relates to instruction
  2. Student Engagement
  3. Learning Environment
What is the overall focus of the rubrics and standards for this entry?
  1. Your pedagogical knowledge and skills
  2. How successfully you are able to apply these knowledge and skills to advance student learning.
What standards (number and title) are to be addressed in this entry?
Varies by certificate
What Do I Need to Do?
How many lessonswill you submit? 2 How many videos do you need to submit? 2
How long is each video? 10 – 15 minutes
Videos show evidence of:
  1. Learning Environment
  2. Student Engagement
  3. Instruction – Teaching Practice
Find the observable actions for Learning Environment, Student Engagement and Instruction. These are found on page ______. Why are these important? They are derived from your certificate specific standards and give you observable actions that will help you locate specific evidence from your practice.
Together the two lessons should demonstrate a breadth of content by addressing.(certificate specific)
In this entry, you:
  1. Describe the learning goals identified for your students and demonstrate instructional planning appropriate to the students’ needs, content, and context for two lessons from different instructional units
  2. Demonstrate the strategies and practices that you use to effectively teach the learning goals
  3. Provide your analysis of your students’ growth and development as evidenced by the video entries and your reflection on the questions related to the lesson;
  4. Explain how the entire entry, taken together, is indicative of your instruction of students in your certificate area… Please note – all certificates say almost the same thing for items a & b
Planning & Selecting Instructional Materials
Writing About Planning:
The questions you will respond to for each video are found on page ______.
What is the maximum length for your description of your instructional planning & instructional strategies, and rationales for your choice of goals, strategies and materials?No more than 2 double spaced pages for each video
Selecting Instructional Materials:
Give examples of instructional materials you can submit. (certificate specific)
Recording Your Videos
What instructional formats should be included in your videos? The examples given are large & small group. Perhaps candidates can suggest other formats?
Selecting the class for each video – what is the focus for the video? Certificate specific
Selecting a lesson for each video – what is the page number for this section? Certificate specific
Selecting your video recordings – when must each video you submit be made? During a single class period.
How much editing can you do?Find the page where it describes editing. varies
Composing Analysis and Reflection
Describe the formatting for the document for this section of the portfolio.
11 point – Arial, double –spaced Margins = 1 inch on all sides of the document
How long should the Analysis & Reflection be? No more than 4 double spaced pages FOR EACH VIDEO
List the page number for the questions for the Analysis & Reflection. Varies.
Electronic Submission
Where can you find the specific details for electronic submission? They add a page number. See chart in instructions (certificate specific)
What can you do to make sure this chart is always handy? Varied responses, but they may want to copy it on cardstock and place it in the front of their binder. They could also put it in a plastic sheet.
How many signed release forms do you need for your videos?A signed release form is required for each student or adult who appears and/or speaks in the video recordings.
Where do you find the video release forms? PDF downloads from
Scoring Rubrics
How will the scoring rubrics help you complete Component 3?Responses may vary but the idea is that they should keep in mind that the rubrics outline the things that matter in Component 3. They are based upon the standards.

Copyright © 2015 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights reserved. C3 Resource 4.5a - Scavenger Hunt Answers Draft 7/7/15