Justin Bugayong (President)
Navreet Kreer (Vice President)
Mikayla Nicholls (Mac Hall Rep)
Meeting in order at 10:02 pm.
10:03 pm
-Navreet Kreer motions to approve the agenda for the day.
-Mikayla Nicholls seconded.
-Motion passes with 2-0-0.
10:03 pm
-No meeting minutes of note.
10:04 pm– President
-Info sessions for elections for WIRC being held starting today (September 14, 2016) till Friday (September 16, 2016).
-All candidates meeting will be held on Saturday (September 17, 2016) at 3:00 pm; note that this meeting is applicable to Mikayla Nicholls.
-Campaign period will be from Sunday, September 18, 2016 to Wednesday, September 21, 2016.
-Polls will be held from Thursday, September 22, 2016 to Sunday, September 25, 2016.
10:06 pm
-Welcome week evaluations must be done and sent to the president by next week.
-SWAT analysis will be accepted.
-Email with the information about the welcome week evaluations was sent out by the president in the last 7 days.
Back to Elections:
-External help with the polls might be taken/required.
-6 candidates running for elections so far.
Floor open to questions at 10:08 pm.
Mikayla Nicholls: Am I allowed to vote for others since I’m a part of elections (running in elections) and have to stay away from the poll booth?
Justin Bugayong: Yes you can.
Mikayla Nicholls: Can I vote for myself as well?
Justin Bugayong: Yes you can.
10:09 pm – PresidentYields.
10:09 pm – Vice President
-Welcome everyone on the team
-Office hours: will have a doodle or a sign-up sheet for office hours for everyone. Everyone will sign-up for three slots and only two will be approved and assigned for each person.
-Asked everyone to email their schedules.
Floor open to questions at 10:11 pm.
Mikayla Nicholls: what is vice president’s email?
Navreet Kreer:
10:12 pm – Vice President Yields.
10:12pm – Mac Hall Representative
-Received compliments on the bulletin board from students.
-Few people approached to talk about the position of floor representatives. The people interested in the latter position were advised to go to the office to have a talk about it with the president.
-Have already started working on the advocacy issue.
Floor open to questions at 10:14 pm.
Navreet Kreer: Do you have any ideas for the events for the upcoming semester?
Mikayla Nicholls: Ice cream delivery.
10:16 pm – Mac Rep Yields.
10:16 pm
-Navreet Kreer motions to add Budget Information and Weekly Logs to the agenda.
-Seconded by Mikayla Nicholls.
-Motion passes 2-0-0.
-We will begin doing weekly logs starting this week. The weekly logs will be due on Monday nights by 11:59 pm.
-The budget was not approved for the 2016/2017 year. We only have a framework of the budget approved. Once the full council is in order, the budget will be gone through again and voted upon.
Floor open to questions
Navreet Kreer: How will we be submitting our weekly logs?
Justin Bugayong: The weekly logs will be completed via ERezLife.
10:20 pm – President Yields.
10:25 – Meeting Adjourned!