Advisor Center

OverviewThis document gives instruction on use of the new Advisor Center available in version 9.0 of Oracle Campus Solutions.

Navigation: Self Service > Advisor Center

My Advisees:

Displays the advisees assigned to the advisor in SIS. Also allows access to data for students not assigned to the advisor.

Field / Description/Instructions
Notify / Check this box to send an email notification to the advisee.
Name / Advisee’s name from Bio-Demo data.
ID / Advisee’s Student ID – Make note of this as it is not displayed on the new self-service advising reports.
View Student Details / Click this link to access the data available to advisors.
Notify selected advisees / Allows an email to be sent to the advisees with a check mark in the Notify column.
Notify all advisees / Allows an email to be sent to all advisees assigned to the advisor.
View Data For Other Students / Click this button to search for the ID of the advisee if not currently assigned in SIS. This was marked as View Drop-in Advisee data in 8.9.

View Student Details:

This link takes the advisor to a limited view of the Student Center. Notice that tabs are also available for General Info, Transfer Credit, and Academics. Each will be detailed below.

Advisee Student Center

Field / Description/Instructions
Change Advisee / Allows the Advisor to quickly choose another advisee from the list of students assigned to the advisor. After choosing a new advisee; click the Change button.
Academics / This area allows the advisor to view the student’s class schedule, shopping cart, and planner. To view: Academic Requirements (or Advising Report), course history, exam schedule, grades, unofficial transcript, and transfer credit report; choose from the drop down menu other academic… and then click the
Personal Information / Allows the advisor to view demographic data, emergency contact data, and contact data for the student.
Holds / Allows advisor to view any holds (service indicators) on the student.
To Do List / Allows the advisor to view any checklists applied to the student.
Enrollment Dates / Allows the advisor to view the enrollment dates for the term if the student is term activated.
Advisor / Displays the Advisor(s) assigned to the student.

Advisee General Info

Field / Description/Instructions
symbol indicates the section is expanded
symbol indicates the section is collapsed / The default view for the page is that all sections are expanded. Individual sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the green symbols, or all sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the Collapse All or Expand All buttons.
Service Indicators / Displays any Service Indicators active for the student.
Initiated Checklists / Displays any checklists that have been initiated for the student.
Student Groups / Displays any student groups assigned to the student.
Personal Data / Displays date of birth, gender and marital status
National ID / Displays all X’s for the student’s social security number.
Names / Displays the Primary and Preferred names for the student.
Addresses / Displays any addresses for the student.
Phones / Displays any phone numbers for the student with the preferred number marked.
Email Addresses / Displays any email addresses for the student with the preferred address marked.
Test Scores / Redirects the page to display test score results.

Advisee Transfer Credit

Field / Description/Instructions
Course Credits / Displays information about credits granted for courses taken at other institutions. Click on this symbol to display all the columns available .
Test Credits / Displays information about credits granted for test scores. Click on this symbol to display all the columns available .
Other Credits / Displays information about other credits granted to the student, this could include advanced standing credits, etc. Click on this symbol to display all the columns available .

Advisee Academics

Field / Description/Instructions
Institution /Career / Program / Displays the school / career / and program information for the student. Note that for students at multiple schools each school is displayed.
Term Summary / Displays the term(s) that the student has at least been term activated for the given school.
/ This message is displayed for users that do not have security access to the pages from which the data is maintained.

Running a Degree Progress Reort:

Navigation: Academic Advisement > Student Advisement Report

Click the tab.

Field / Description/Instructions
Institution / Choose the institution from the drop down menu. Note that this can be defaulted to an institution by setting user preferences.
Transcript Type / Choose the Transcript Type of ADVSR. Note if the user has no values available here the user does not have security access for the transcript type for the institution chosen and the security will need to be requested by the college security officer.
Output Destination / Choose Page from the drop down menu.

Click the tab.

Request Detail tab:

Enter the student ID number in the ID field and hit the Tab button on the keyboard.

Click the button and wait for the process to complete. The Report Results page will be returned.

To print this report in a .pdf format, click the button. Wait for the process to complete (should happen in miliseconds). Click on the link.

If needed click on the button until the Status column reads Posted. Click the link to view and print the .pdf file.