

Choir practice is now being held on Sundays from 9:00 – 9:45 am and 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. Prayerfully consider joining the St. John’s Choir.



Our Rector will be leading a mission trip to the Navajo reservation in Bluff, Utah on July 11-18. We will teach guitar, lead Vacation Bible School, and complete a work project. Our first meeting will be March 1st at 11:30 am for all who are interested in going.



For the sick: Roberta, Roger Giacomini, Teresa Santiago, Bill Hinton, Irena, Geralynn Marchesi, Philip Wulfken, Christine Bushnell, Jean Giacomini, Cheryl Hairr, Anna Felter, Martha Kee, Marta Dovi, Mark Bellissimo, Brain A., Frank Elliot, Kathy, Tom,Gail Werner, Karin, Bill Wesp, Louise Spach, William Murphy, Chancy Dennis, Pat, Nancy Ohrtman, Clara Elliot, Fred Hansen, RJ Sumner, Milton Dove, Judith Johnson

For the recently departed: Richard E. Welch

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .

Last Sunday attendance:155


January 18January 25

MC: Ken QuinnMC: Al Szigethy

LEM:Linda EhrenshaftLEM:Rob Wheeler

Acolytes: Kenenna OnyebekeAcolytes:Jessica Cooley

Pete Minichello Luke Cahill

Emma SmithColby Tracy

Reiko Matrisiciano Carleigh Tracy

Cameron Tracy Jennie Low

Emma Cahill Anna Wickey

Lector 1: Jim Cahill Lector 1:Cameron Tracy

Lector 2: Colby Tracy Lector 2: Ty Ellenbogen


The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church

January 18, 2015

Dear Parishioners:

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held on February 1 -- the first Sunday in February as fixed in our By-laws. It will begin immediately following the 9:30 AM Eucharist. Please plan on attending and sharing your ideas and any concerns with us.

As you know, a major focus of the Annual Meeting is electing new members of the Vestry to fill open positions created by the staggered Vestry terms that require one-third of the Vestry along with one Warden to be elected each year and to replace members who have stepped down or are term-barred. You may also recall that this year we are implementing the reduction in Vestry members from twelve to nine members (in addition to the two Wardens) approved at the Special Meeting on January 1, 2014 but requiring at least six months before the next Vestry elections. To accomplish this reduction, we eliminated the vacancies that arose from two mid-year resignations of Jo-Anne DiGiorgio and Jeryl Mitchell due to relocation and one of the term-bared spots. Of the four members whose terms are expiring, Harry Kibirige and Rob Wheeler are term-barred, MaryKate Brennan is not seeking re-election and Scott Cooley has agreed to seek re-election. As such, we have one Warden position and three Vestry vacancies to fill as follows:

  • One Warden for a two-year term

(The incumbent, Heather Kress, is seeking re-election)

  • Three (3) Vestry members, each for three-year terms

(The incumbent, Scott Cooley, is seeking re-election and we have 2 open spots)

In identifying appropriate candidates and choosing Vestry members, you should be mindful that the Vestry serves with the Rector in the management and running of the parish although each has a distinct role. The Rector is the pastoral and liturgical head whereas the Vestry has fiduciary responsibility for governance of the parish and the care of parish finances and parish buildings. But, a partnership and shared leadership between the Vestry and Rector make for a healthy parish, as has been the case at St. John’s for many years. The monthly Vestry meetings continue to reflect that partnership and are open to all members of the parish.

More specifically, you should be looking for representatives with skills, experience and knowledge in the matters entrusted to the Vestry – in governance, finance and building management, as stated above. But there is more. The primary qualification of every Vestry member is a prayer life, a relationship with God both individually and as the whole Vestry to transform meetings from mere business to the work of ministry.

Keep in mind, too, that Vestry member are elected by the whole parish and no Vestry member has a particular ministry or constituency in the parish but every Vestry member represents all parish members. This full representation requires leadership in several important respects, but principally in four areas – in working together to realize the vision of the parish, in a commitment to stewardship, in adopting the proper perspective for addressing financial and property concerns, and in open two-way communications with the parish. To be an effective leadership team, the Vestry has to communicate with the parish in a regular practice of talking to individual parishioners as well as ministry groups to inform each other, to work together, to support each other in love and to build a vital church community.

Although nominations can be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting, we have a Nominating Committee headed by Ford Spilsbury that is accepting names for the open spots at this time. Under our By-laws, anyone who can vote is eligible to serve on the Vestry. For both, a parishioner must be: (1) at least eighteen years old, (2) baptized, (3) a regular attendant at the worship of the parish, (4) “known to the Treasurer” (i.e., have contributed to the support of the Parish) for at least twelve months prior to the election, and (5) known to the Rector. In addition, Vestry candidates must be prepared to attend meetings and carry out their duties faithfully; meet the By-laws requirement to be present at the Annual Meeting (unless excused for good cause); participate in the annual Vestry Retreat and comply with the Diocesan requirements to take and act in accordance with certain safe church programs and any other St. John’s or Diocesan policies adopted from time to time. All eligible members who feel called to do so are encouraged to serve the parish in this important function. Please let Ford or any other Vestry member know if you are interested or have someone in mind you wish to recommend for a Vestry seat.

Something new this year, we are also looking to elect a Youth Representative to the Vestry. We discussed it last year and would like to implement it now, especially since the Bishop is very committed to this idea to ensure that parishes actively listen to the youth in matters affecting them. The Youth Representative has a voice on the Vestry but no vote. Please consider candidates for this position as well. S/he should meet all of the requirements listed above, except the age required is at least 16 instead of 18.

Thank you for your continued support. We are also grateful for the service of our members who departed earlier this year, Jo-Anne DiGiorgio and Jeryl Mitchell, and for the members whose terms are now up, Harry Kibirige, Rob Wheeler and MaryKate Brennan. Each brought unique gifts to the Vestry and their presence will be missed.

Heather G. Kress, Warden



We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.


Registration Forms and Class Schedules for both Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes can be found on the back table and on the front page of our website. Our next Confirmation class isSunday, January 25th from 5:30-6:30 pm. First Holy Communion classes start Monday, January 26th from 5:00-6:00 pm. ______


We will be accepting weekly food donations, in the baskets provided in the rear of church, to support a local food pantry Helping Hands Rescue Mission located in Huntington Station. The Rev. Kim Gambino was the guest speaker at this year’s ECW Dinner some of you may recall. Donations needed are unexpired, non-perishable products such as: Peanut butter & Jelly, Rice & Pasta Sides, Canned Vegetables, Canned Corn, Cereal, Instant Potatoes, Pancake Mixes & Syrup, Canned Soups, Canned Fruit & Juice. Fred Hansen will be delivering these collected items to their food pantry weekly. Thank you for your generosity.



If you asked for 2015 Pledge Envelopes they are now available on the table in the back of church. Please note that some envelope numbers may have changed. If you need 2015 Pledge envelopes please call Alison in the St. John’s Church Office.



On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 11 am we will be meeting (rain, sleet, snow, or shine) at the municipal parking lot behind the Central Presbyterian Church (240 Main St.) in Huntington Village for The Walk for Love.

The Walk for Love's intent is to be an event for all people regardless of their faith or belief. It has no sponsor or agenda other than to encourage people to walk together for love. The hope is that by simply bringing people together for such a simple yet profound purpose it will become the catalyst for many good and healing acts.

Please LIKE “Walk for Love - Huntington LI NY” on FACEBOOK and promote this event actively to everyone you know. Thank you.



Beginning TODAY Sunday, January 18th at 9 am – we will continue reading and discussing the book “Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions” by the author Timothy Keller. Chapter two will be reviewed next week. Copies of this chapter can be found on the back table this week.