Naturalist Journal pages 9-11 due- ______

As we move forward with this Naturalist Journal remember that you are observing NATURE. Most entries ask that you find or observe something OUTSIDE.

Naturalist -a person who studies natural history, a person who studies nature, especially by direct observation of animals and plants.

Keep the definition of a Naturalist in mind as you do the rest of the entries this year.

Be sure to give each page a title or heading. You can use the boldface and underlined terms for headings. You are required to continue to use the same journal. So keep track of it!

Page 9: Bird Feeders: make one of the feeders described on the website below.

Fill your feeder and place outside in a location where it is easy to observe. Have a parent or friend take a photo of you with your feeder outside where you placed it for the birds. Put this photo in your journal.

Some birds prefer a certain type of seed. Find a picture on the internet of each of these birds. Mount each picture in your journal and underneath each, write the common name, scientific name, and the type of seeds that they prefer. These are common Virginia birds that you may see at your feeder.


Blue Jays


Purple Finch

Page 10: Birds of Virginia

Similarly to page 9 find photos of each bird below on the internet. Below each picture in your journal write the common and scientific name, the type of food they eat. At the bottom of the page explain why you would NOT expect to find these birds at your bird feeder.


Red headed Woodpecker

Great Blue Heron

Page 11: Squirrels

Go to the website below and read information on the squirrels common to Virginia.

Copy one photo of a squirrel from that site, print it, and mount it in your journal. Draw a clear, neat sketch of a squirrel nest in your journal.

Underneath these two pictures make a list of 8 things that are interesting about squirrels.