Natural Environment Teaching Evaluation Form – Advanced Learners

Teacher: ______Competency Conducted by: ______

Instructions: Use a rating scale of “+” to indicate that the skill did occur and “-” to indicate that the skill did not occur. At the end of the evaluation period, tally the total number of “+” and “-” and calculate the percentage of correct responses. The shaded areas indicate critical skills; if these skills are not observed it will result in failing the competency.

Date / Remediation Date / Re-Assessment Date
Area one: Organization
Instructional area is neat and clean
All materials/supplies needed are organized and ready
If doing an art project a sample has been made beforehand
Teacher is familiar with directions as to how to make project
Recommendation based on previous competency:
Area two: Instructional Delivery
Establishes instructional control
Builds MO for instruction
Gives clear instructions to learner as to what is going to happen (maintains student’s attention)
Appropriate level of enthusiasm
Mixes verbal operants
Teaches appropriate targets/concepts as they relate to a lesson, the theme, and ITT to NET generalization (VB Modules)
Teaches appropriate play skills
Teaches appropriate social skills
Uses errorless teaching for targets
Averages correct number of response per min
Uses appropriate variety of activities
Stays with activities for an appropriate amount of time
Teacher ties the whole lesson/theme/concept together
Teacher has student help clean-up
Varies elements of teaching procedures based on unique teaching situation
Area three: Reinforcement
Sr+ reinforcer competes with Sr-/SrA+
Pairs social reinforcement with tangible items
Date / Remediation Date / Re-Assessment Date
Area four: Behavior Management
Correctly implements behavior reduction procedures
Maintains composure during behavior reduction procedures
Area six: Data Collection
Accurately records behavior (ABC) data (80% IOA)
Accurately records learner-specific data across NET instructional objectives (e.g., play or social skills data, generalization data, etc.)
Graphs for learner-specific NET instructional objectives are up to date

Responses across all operants per minute (1 minute timing): ______

Responses across verbal operants during ______activity:

Mands Tacts Receptive Intraverbal Motor Im. Echoics Textual Visual Perf.

Date / Correct
(+) / Errors
(-) / % Correct / Pass/Fail
Initial Assessment

Impressions: ______























Developed by the Staff of the Carbone Clinic. May be copied and distributedwith proper attribution.