Native Health Initiative Summer 2017 Health Justice Internship Application

Internship Dates: June 16 – July 16, 2017

“Addressing inequities in health through loving service”

Email applications by March 5th, 2017toShannon () or send by snail-mail (Native Health Initiative, Post Office Box 26374, Albuquerque, NM 87125)

Contact Information
Address (street, city, state, zipcode, & country)
Age: / Gender:
Current Phone number:
Current E-mail address:
Degree pursuing(& expected graduation) or Degree Type/year:
Name of School attending-City,State/Country:
Race/ethnicity (OPTIONAL):
Nationality (s)
Community Experience
1. How would you define “community”?
2. Please describe one of the communities in which you live.
3. Describe at least 2-3 experiences you have had while working/volunteering in efforts to improve the health of a community. (Provide your role in the efforts, specific projects you worked on, and what you learned from these experiences).
Talents, Skills, and Clinical knowledge
  1. How comfortable do you feel working with others (and are you a team player)?
  1. If you were given unfamiliar material or a curriculum to implement, how comfortable would you be to do so?
  1. What unique talents and skills do you possess? (i.e. CPR/First Aid, Nursing Assistant, EMT, Grant Writing, Music, Dance, etc. and these DO NOT have to pertain to health or health care)

Experience, Knowledge, and Expectations of American Indian communities
1. Please explain your ancestry and ethnicity
2. Have you worked with an American Indian/Native American Community before? (If so, please explain!)
3. What would you like to learn about American Indians this summer?
Addressing inequities in health through Loving Service….
  1. How do you share love with the world and people around you on a daily basis?
  1. When you hear “loving service” what do you feel/think?
  1. What do you think of the notion that health inequities can be addressed through loving service?

Social Justice Experience
1. How would you define “health justice”?
2. What do you think are the biggest injustices/inequities in the U.S. healthcare system?
3. Have you worked on projects that were addressing social justice issues? If so, tell us about your experience(s).
Logistics while serving others….
  1. This year, 2017, our main internships sites are in New Mexico only
Additional things we should know:
  1. During the 5 week summer internship, (choose one):
a. I prefer to stay with a host family, if available.
b. I prefer to stay with other volunteers (e.g. outside of the tribal community)
c. I have no preference in terms of my living arrangements.
  1. Additional things that we should know about you (please share):
What are your eating restrictions (vegetarian, etc)?
What are you allergies?
Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of?
  1. Will you have a vehicle this summer? (note: this does not affect whether you are accepted or not, but will help NHI determine placements).

FUN QUESTIONS (the most important part of the application)
1. Describe yourself in 50 words or less, without using titles, school affiliation, or accomplishments, etc:
2. If a woodchuck could chuck all of the wood s/he could chuck, what is the most likely diagnosis and why?
3. If you were able to live to 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 25 year old, which one would you want and why?
4. How many normal-sized marshmallows could you fit into your mouth at once?