Native American Youth and Family Center

Board of Directors Sawash Meeting

March 18, 2014

Roll Call: (Jim Raleigh)

Present:Joe Dulaney, Jim Raleigh, Vanessa Ray-Hodge, Karen Ehn, Wayne Clark, Sarah Petrone, Karen St. Clair, Kay Eagle Staff

Absent:Mike Soto, Eddie Sherman, Michelle Osborne, Renee Rank

Staff: Rey Espana, Lynn Ward, Oscar Arana

Sawash Update: (Rey Espana)

Rey Espana reported that we intend to address ongoing issues and the most recent discoveries at Tistilal Village by approaching the Portland Housing Bureau and Portland Development Commission.

Lynn Ward explained the current loan reserves and loan requirements: Payment Reserve, Ceel Ocks and Nelson Court (CO/NC) Maintenance Reserve, and the overall Sawash maintenance reserve. Since purchase of Sawash in February 2008, we have not accessed either the payment reserve or the CO/NC maintenance reserve as we are required to replenish them first prior to meeting other obligations. We continue to utilize the Sawash (Tistilal, Ceel Ocks, and Nelson Court) maintenance reserve, which has been depleted due to the ongoing issues at Tistilal. Lynn explained that we have been working with Bank of the West over the past 4 weeks to review our debt covenant language and determine whether we can reduce the payment and CO/NC reserves.

Rey Espana also shared that until such time as we have a portfolio larger than 300-350 units we are unable to efficiently manage costs relative to operations, maintenance, etc. That is a longer term goal for NAYA housing.

Native American Youth and Family Center

Board of Directors Kah-San-Chako-Haws Meeting

March 18, 2014

Kah-San-Chako-Haws Update: (Rey Espana)

Rey Espana shared that NAYA will be visited on Wednesday and Thursday by Bill Ziegler, President/CEO of “Little Earth”, a Native preference housing project located in Minneapolis, MN. Little Earth is a participant along with NAYA in the Northwest Area Foundation Enterprise Development Project. Rey explained that we are investigating the potential for similar housing in Portland.

Native American Youth and Family Center

Board of Directors Meeting

March 18, 2014

Approve Agenda:(Joe Dulaney)

Agenda approved.

Approve Minutes: (Joe Dulaney)

Minutes approved.

Development Update:(Oscar Arana)

Oscar Arana shared the most recent grant applications that have been submitted as well as potential funding opportunities. He discussed the plans for the 40th year of service campaign for NAYA Family Center and invited stories from the Board and/or community members that were here in the beginning when efforts began in 1974. He described efforts including “40 hours of volunteer service” or $40 a month donations as potential options for engaging individuals in the celebration.

Oscar Arana reminded the board of upcoming Native Professionals Night and the locations. He is interviewing candidates for a data specialist role to assist Anna Allen on donor recognition and donor database management.

Oscar Arana reminded the board of the April 16 ECA luncheon event.

Board Committee Updates

Finance & Audit Committee:

Lynn Ward shared that the 401k selection has been made and contracts signed to transfer the 401k retirement plan from Symetra to Standard Insurance and the third party administration from Professional Benefits Services to Deschutes Investment. The process will take approximately 90 days and when completed, it will expand elements of the retirement plan to include Roth IRA’s and access to individual loans for participants. Additionally, Deschutes Investment will provide agency-wide as well as individual financial counseling with regards to the retirement plan.

Lynn Ward shared the increase in Providence Medical premium effective April 1, 2014 will be 3%.

ECA Advisory Committee:

Karen Ehn and Vanessa Rey-Hodge both expressed interest in serving on the committee moving forward. Karen asked whether NAYA was still considering Charter status for the high school. Staff response was that we are and most likely will take place in a subsequent year when the District calendars the process. Rey Espana shared that we will be receiving students as early as September 2014 due to Open Meadow closing its’ doors in June 2015 and only serving Seniors next school year. This will increase the size of the Academy and require space considerations including relocating programming on the NAYA campus.

Executive Committee:

No update at this time.

Fundraising Committee:

Oscar Arana explained an opportunity to partner with Eco Trust during our annual event. Further discussion will take place in the subsequent committee planning.

On Boarding Committee:

Joe Dulaney discussed board terms and whether consideration should be given to amending the terms. Onboard committee will review bylaws and determine a solution to the question.

Action Items:

  • Rey Espana presented two resolutions requesting board authorization to submit applications to the Administration for Native Americans for SEEDS and SEDS opportunity. Joe Dulaney requested that if both applications receive approval that the decision of which grant is the highest priority and how that decision is determined be shared with the board. Motion was made and seconded to approve both SEEDS and SEDS resolutions.
  • Lynn Ward presented the Gifting and Recognition Policy previously reviewed and edited by Vanessa Ray-Hodge. Motion was made and seconded to approve the policy.

Adjourned 7:50