National Teaching and Learning Change Programme

West Midlands Improving Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Network

Regional Network Meeting


Stoke on TrentCollege

Caudron Campus, Stoke Rd, Shelton,

Stoke on Trent


Date: Thursday 20th Dec 2007 Time: 9.30 to 4.00

You arewarmly invited to this meeting which will provide an opportunity to:

  • explorethe ideas, issues and opportunities associated with Maths, dyslexia and dyscalculia led by Steve Chinn
  • explore the Improving Learning in Mathematics (Standards Unit) andThinking Through Maths ( Maths 4 Life) resources
  • receive the latest information about the National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics and explore the NCETM portal
  • receive the latest information about the development of a Numeracy for Employability national strategy
  • join a collaborative practice community
  • find out how to prepare a bid for a grant from the NCETM (optional)

The Draft Programme for Friday 7th Dec 2007

9.30 Coffee, starter aims and introductions

10.00 Factors which contribute to learning difficulties in maths.

Factors which contribute to success in maths

11.15 Coffee and networking time

11.30 Strategies for accessing (and understanding) the basic addition andsubtraction facts. Breaking through the counting barrier.

Addition and subtraction. Alternative methods and their pre-requisites.

12.30 Lunch, networking, the NCETM, the portal etc.

1.45 Multiplication facts. Rote learning and alternative strategies. How this illustrates developmental teaching.

'Long' multiplication and division, traditional and non-traditional methods.

2.45 Using concrete/manipulative materials. Multisensory learning.

Developmental maths. Fractions, decimals and percentages. Providing the overview and developing

understanding and procedures.

3.45 Questions and way forward. Evaluations

4.00 End

Dr Chinn taught for 40 years, in mainstream schools where he taught chemistry and physics. He was Head of three special schools for dyslexic students, including one year as visiting Head of Chautauqua Academy in Baltimore, USA. He founded, and for nineteen years, ran MarkCollege, Somerset, UK. Mark College received several awards, including the Sportsmark (with distinction), the Dept for Education and Skills ‘Highly Effective School’ certificate, Beacon School status, the Independent Schools’ Association’s ‘Award for Excellence’ and a National Training Award.

Steve has written several books based on his classroom research, including ‘The Trouble with Maths’ which won the NASEN/TES ‘Book for Learning and Teaching’ award in 2004. The third edition of his first book ‘Mathematics for Dyslexics’ was published in October 2006 by Wiley. The second edition of Sum Hope will be published later this year. He also designed and published a CD-Rom ‘What to do when you can’t learn the Times Tables’ which explores alternative (and mathematical) methods for accessing these key facts.

Steve has lectured in over 20 countries worldwide.

Steve Chinn, BSc, PhD, Dip ED Man, AMBDA


This is of a series of regional meetings held each term in the West Midlands. Anyone involved inteaching Mathematics or numeracyin the region (or outside it) is welcome to attend. Places are limited.If you wish to attend then please contact:

Fatima Hassan

T 0114 219 6130

F 0114 281 6021


Or to discuss your attendance etc. contact me as soon as possible. The day will be of particular interest to individuals, organisations and departments which wish to energise and revitalise their teachers and learners of Mathematics at whatever level. The focus of the day will be Maths and Dyslexia.

Managers who wish to know more about the Standards Unit/Maths for Life approach and the Subject Learning Coaches Programme would be welcome.

If you have already offered to host a Regional meeting, or think you could offer a venue, please get in touch and discuss it with me. I am more than willing to plan and lead the whole event and am happy with small (up to 5 delegates) or large events. I will also tailor sessions to your needs and interests.

NOTE: Those already on the Professional Training Programme may use attendance at the event to fulfil the requirement of the programme to attend two network meetings per year. Those not on the Professional Training Programme can obtain information leading to acceptance onto the programme at these meetings or by visiting the Subject Learning Coaches website below.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Peter Hough

Regional Coordinator for the West Midlands

National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics(NCETM)

M: 07787967371

For information about the Subject Learning Coaches Programme (now called the Professional Training Programme) see

The resource is singled out for praise in the recent OFSTED 14-19 report 2006, which can be downloaded from

It has also been favourably reviewed by Barbara Ball of ATM – see her comments at

To join the NCETM community and to access the many opportunities it provides for Mathematics and Numeracy teachers at all levels go to: