Work plan covering activities up to June 2018

Summary of mainactivities / Provide an overview of planning, initial consultations, community engagement and service integration arrangements
Brisbane North PHN has engaged in thorough stakeholder consultation and engagement since September 2016, to identify the needs of our region, service gaps and priority populations. The PHN held two large symposia in September 2016 (North Brisbane and Moreton Bay North) during which stakeholders discussed and provided input into: shared knowledge of the nature of suicide in our region; suggestions for regional planning and strategy development; education and sector capacity; service delivery, service models and resources; aftercare/follow-up; priorities for our region; involvement of people with a lived experience of suicide; and a systems-based regional approach to suicide prevention planning and how this is best implemented in the region.Following the symposia, there has been further consultation with key stakeholders in the region.
The PHN developed a local multiagency Strategic Partnership Group (SPG) in November 2016, with stakeholder representatives from Metro North HHS, Queensland Suicide Prevention Health Taskforce, Department of Education & Training, Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, local council, QPS, QAS, community suicide prevention services and lived experience representation from Roses in the Ocean. The SPG meets bi-monthly to collaboratively develop the PHN regional suicide prevention plan and provide guidance and input into the National Trial activity.
In addition to stakeholder consultation, data has been obtained through AISRAP (Suicide in Queensland – Mortality Rates and Related Data 2011-2013) and the PHN Health Needs Assessment. In addition, the PHN engaged AISRAP to provide a population health data report, with a specific focus on sub-regional suicide data, to assist with the identification of priority groups and a greater understanding of suicide in our region.
After consideration of what we know about suicide in our Brisbane North PHN region based on stakeholder consultation and current available data,we developed the proposal for the National Suicide Prevention trial, which was endorsed by the SPG. The three key priority populations identified within our region which are the focus of National Trial activity are:
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
  • LGBTI people
  • Young adult and middle age men

Systems-based approach / Identify the main elements of how this is to be undertaken and how this responds to local circumstances and needs
Brisbane North PHN is using the LifeSpan framework to structure our approach to National Trial activity. The PHN considered the specific needs of each of the three priority population groups. For each population group, a systematic process was undertaken to identify which specific activities/strategies are required to meet the needs of the community and how these activities align within the LifeSpan systems based framework.
Proposed funding for each activity was considered in the context of existing service structures and the particular needs for each target community. In addition, consideration was given to which activities/strategies within the LifeSpan framework would be beneficial for ‘whole of population’, in order to build foundations (e.g. GP capacity building) and/or where working through general services is an efficient and effective (or only) way of reaching our priority population groups.
Where possible, evidence based interventions will be chosen within the selected LifeSpan strategy areas. As evidence for working with specific population groups is limited, this may not always be possible, however evidence informed interventions will be chosen. We will use the ATSISPEP report to inform our work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy for our work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.
Key partners / Identify other services or agencies that have agreed or are to be approached to be key partners in trial activities.Confirm progress in establishing key partnerships and any major barriers in doing so that may affect service delivery
Community engagement forthe National Trial activity will be via thefacilitation ofthree community consultations (one for each target population group),with key service providers and community leaders. The purpose of the community consultations is to provide information about the context and parameters of the National Trial, the LifeSpan framework, the purpose of delivering the National Trial activity within a systems based approach, and the proposed trial activities/strategies for each community. The PHN will then seek input and feedback from the communityregarding further developing the specifics of theactivities/strategies and how each community would like to proceed with the commissioning of these services by the PHN (competitive tendering processes versus an EOI process wherestakeholders who are interested in working together and delivering one or more activities/strategies apply).
Services/agencies that will be invited to engage in the community consultations are (including but not limited to):
A&TSI:IUIH, ATSICHS, local elders, Brisbane North PHN Peer Participation Network, community allied health professionals and GPs, IndigiLez, Brisbane Northside Elders.
LGBTI: Diverse Voices, QuAC, Open Doors Youth Service, Stonewall Medical Centre, Gladstone Rd Medical Centre, Holdsworth House Medical Centre, 2Spirits, IndigiLez, Relationships Australia Rainbow Program, Centre for Human Potential, Australian Transgender Support Association Queensland (ATSAQ), pflag Brisbane, Gay and Lesbian Counselling Brisbane, LGBTI M H Professionals Network, Wendy Bird Social Group, Brisbane Pride Festival, Queer Radio,Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Queensland (QLD), LGBTI Health Alliance, Brisbane North PHN Peer Participation Network.
Young adult to middle aged men: AISRAP, Moreton Bay North Suicide Prevention Network, Roses in the Ocean, TALK SUICIDE, Australia Men's Health Forum, Stop Male Suicide project, Mates in Construction, community allied health professionals, Living Well, Headspace, Brisbane North PHN Peer Participation Network, Headspace (25yo)
Progress in underway for the establishment of the three community consultations. The young adult to middle aged men population group is somewhat more complex than the other two target populations, due to there being limited (if any) existing suicide prevention services which target men. Therefore it is proposed that the implementation of service delivery is staggered across the community groups (e.g. LGBTI activities implemented first, followed by A&TSI activities and then young adult to middle aged men).
Activities delivered through the ‘whole of population’ stream will be overseen by the Strategic Partnership Group (members described above).
Community engagement / Confirm arrangements for establishment of a Community Working Group, including membership and role
Identify other strategies for engagement of the relevant communities and/or representative bodies, incorporation of their input into service development and delivery, and gaining ongoing support.
As discussed above, community engagement for the National Trial activity will be via the facilitation of three community consultations (one for each target population group), with key service providers and community leaders. As part of the consultation, the PHN will seek feedback from the community regarding what they feel would be the most appropriate and helpful process for community engagement throughout the implementation and delivery of services. It is likely that three community implementation groups will be formed to deliver the work in those communities. These community implementation groups will report to the Strategic Partnership Group.
Input from people with lived experience / Identify mechanisms by which people with lived experience can provide input to planning, and feedback on services and how these are targeted.
People with a lived experience are represented on the Strategic Partnership group. In addition people with a lived experience will be involved in the three community consultations, which will be an opportunity for providing input into the planning of services and activities. Representatives from the Brisbane North PHN Peer Participation Network and other local community groups including Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Association and Roses in the Ocean will be invited and encouraged to attend these consultations.
In addition to the current Peer Participation Network, the PHN are planning to develop a ‘special interest group’ of consumers and carers who have a lived experience of suicide, who will be provided with training by Roses in the Ocean. This lived experience network will have the opportunity to be involved in the National Trial activity.
The PHN will also consult the LifeSpan Lived Experience Framework for how to best involve people with a lived experience throughout the entire commissioning process.
State/Territory engagement / Confirm if State/Territory policy or other units have been consulted or plans for this
Identify strategies for engaging and partnering with State/Territory services - particularly Local Hospital Networks and mental health services
The Metro North HHS and the Queensland Suicide Prevention Health Taskforce both have representatives on the Strategic Partnership Group, which endorsed the National Trial proposal.
The PHN are currently in the process of arranging a meeting with the HHS to discuss the National trial activity and identify specific responsibilities of the HHS.
Local Government involvement / Identify how and when Local Government are to be involved
The Brisbane City Council and Moreton Bay Regional Council have participated in the Strategic Partnership Group, which endorsed the National Trial proposal. At this stage, there has not been specific activity identified which requires direct local government involvement.
Primary care involvement / Identify any strategies for engagement and involvement of general practitioners and other primary care services in the trial
Refer to “Summary of main trial activities and approach”below regarding more information about how primary care will be involved in the trial. However, in summary:
  • For each of the target population groups, funding will be provided to enhance the care pathways for follow-up through increasing the capacity and capability of services to provide specialist suicide prevention treatment,and also offer advanced suicide prevention training for these professionals.
  • Advanced/high level training will be provided for general population providers (and specific population group providers) - all of whom provide advanced suicide prevention intervention/treatment.
  • Evidence based awareness & skills training opportunities will be provided for all GPs in the region (to increase knowledge; language for talking about suicide; recognise signs; proactively ask questions; providing a supportive response).
  • Capacity building training will be provided for Frontline and Gatekeepers, particularly those who have the most frequent contact with the 3 target priority populations.

Other / Identify any other major factors affecting development of trial activities not covered above
Summary of main trial activities and approach / Provide a brief description of activitiesto be undertaken
Services/Interventions should be evidence based and any models that underpin the approach identified
1.0Whole of population (including the 3 target populations):
Aftercare & Treatment:
Goal:Enhance the care pathways for follow-up support for people experiencing a suicidal crisis, or who have attempted suicide and improve the quality of specialist treatment services.
  • In consultation with key stakeholders, develop a suicide prevention (including aftercare) care pathway for Brisbane North and integrate within ‘Health Pathways’.
  • The funding that was previously allocated for additional aftercare service capacity has been re-allocated to the three priority population group budgets.
  • Fund the provision of evidence based advanced/high level training for professionals who provide advanced suicide prevention intervention/treatment and postvention. This advanced training is for general population providers and specific population group providers (the three target populations) – all of whom provide advanced suicide prevention intervention/treatment.
GP capacity building:
Goal: GP capacity building
  • Fund the delivery ofa multi-focused GP capacity building strategy involving printed resources, online resources, GP education/seminar breakfasts (to increase knowledge; language for talking about suicide; recognise signs; proactively ask questions; providing a supportive response).
  • Promote and encourage GPs to utilise the suicide prevention care pathway and new electronic triage and referral system developed and funded by the PHN.
Frontline and Gatekeeper Training:
Funding initially allocated for ‘Whole of Population’ Frontline and Gatekeeper traininghas been reallocated to the Frontline/Gatekeeper training budgets for the three priority population groups (see below under 2.0, 3.0. 4.0). The goal is to target participants who have the most frequent contact with the three priority groups. Therefore these groups are best placed to identify which frontline staff and gatekeepers should be targeted.
Fund and facilitate communities of practice to enable opportunities for professionals to network, build relationships and trust and to facilitate referrals and joint working (likely be via the Mental Health Professionals Network).
Whole of community awareness campaigns:
Goal: Increase community knowledge of suicide prevention, what specific suicide prevention services are available in our region, and where and how people can access support.
Action:Fund and develop a social media campaign which focuses on building awareness of suicide prevention and where to go locally for support.
Media guidelines (for responsible suicide reporting):
Goal:Build and develop local media knowledge anda regional media strategy for responsible suicide reporting, with a focus on media targeted towards our priority populations.
Action:Fund Mindframe Plus to be delivered to: community media (A&TSI media and LGBTI media), mainstream media, and key local stakeholders, and collaboratively develop a regional media strategy for responding to suicide. Aim to link media trainees to targeted community awareness campaigns.
2.0Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population:
Aftercare & Treatment:
Goal: Enhance the capacity and capability of services to provide specialist suicide prevention treatment (including aftercare) to Indigenous peoples in the Brisbane North PHN region.
Actions:Fund specificIndigenous suicide prevention treatment services, who deliver evidence based interventions; and also offer advanced suicide prevention training for these professionals.
Frontline and Gatekeeper Training:
Goal: Targeted capacity building for specialist Indigenous Frontline staff and gatekeepers.
-Fund the delivery of targeted higher level evidence based suicide prevention training for Indigenous specialist Frontline staff.Need to identify which Frontline staff, which training program/s, and to be delivered by whom.
-Fund training to be targeted towards Gatekeepers who have the most frequent contact with the Indigenous community. Need to identify who to prioritise the training for (which staff and gatekeepers) and where they work.
School based peer support & mental health literacy programs:
Goal: Increase school based peer support and mental health literacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
Action:Through local Indigenous community and stakeholder consultations, identify and fund evidence based school based programs/support which focus on young people from Indigenous populations.
Community awareness campaigns:
Goal:To increase localIndigenous community knowledge of suicide prevention, what specific suicide prevention services are available in our region, and where and how Indigenous people can access support.
Action:Fund a multifaceted campaign for and by the Indigenous community to increase knowledge about suicide prevention and confidence in where to go to access support.Need to explore if there are existing or upcoming campaigns that could be boosted and/or localised. May include LifeSpan champions.
3.0Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexpopulation:
Aftercare & Treatment:
Goal: Enhance the capacity and capability of services to provide specialist suicide prevention treatment (including aftercare) to LGBTI people in the Brisbane North PHN region.
Actions:Fund specific LGBTI suicide prevention treatment services, who deliver evidence based interventions; and also offer advanced suicide prevention training for these professionals.
Frontline and Gatekeeper Training:
Goal: Targeted capacity building for specialist LGBTI Frontline staff and gatekeepers.
-Fund the delivery of targeted higher level evidence based suicide prevention training for LGBTI specialist Frontline staff.Need to identify which Frontline staff, which training program/s, and to be delivered by whom.
-Fund training to be targeted towards Gatekeepers who have the most frequent contact with the LGBTI community. Need to identify who to prioritise the training for (which staff and gatekeepers) and where they work.
School based peer support & mental health literacy programs:
Goal: Increase school based peer support and mental health literacy of young people who identify as LGBTI.
Action:Through local community and stakeholder consultations, identify and fund evidence based school based programs/support which focus on supporting young people who identify as LGBTI.
Community awareness campaigns:
Goal: To increase the local LGBTI community’s knowledge of suicide prevention, what specific suicide prevention services are available in our region, and where and how people who identify as LGBTI can access support.
Action:Fund a multifaceted campaign for and by the local LGBTI community to increase knowledge about suicide prevention and confidence in where to go to access support. Need to explore if there are existing or upcoming campaigns that could be boosted and localised. May include LifeSpan champions.