National Rural Roads Development Agency
Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India
#5th Floor, 15 NBCC Tower,
Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi – 110066.
Date: 17-04-2009.
Technical Circular
Subject: Additional Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements for Low Volume Rural Roads - Design Catalogue of IRC SP:72 – 2007.
IRC SP:72-2007 “Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements for Low Volume Rural Roads” issued by Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is adopted for design of flexible pavements under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). Many States represented that under PMGSY, the bitumen sealed roads are being constructed presently, however; provisions of unsealed gravel surface in the above publication are leading to problems of community acceptability. After due examination in NRRDA, surfacing options were proposed to Rural Roads Committee (H-5) of IRC and as per minutes of the first meeting of the Committee, held on 28th January, 2009, the following additional guidelines for use of provisions of IRC SP-72: 2007 are hereby prescribed under PMGSY.
As per IRC SP- 72 :2007, “Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements for Low Volume Roads”, 12 out of 35 cases given in Design Catalogue do not qualify to have bituminous surface and the gravel surface is expected to serve as wearing course. This would require frequent re-grading and re-gravelling and create dust nuisance. In order to provide road surfaces to be water and dust proof and also to have good riding quality, not warranting frequent intervention of re-gravelling in medium and high rainfall areas, the following alternatives may be provided to get sealed roads to meet the community expectations.
Crushed Rock Macadam (CRM) with two coat surface dressing or Water Bound Macadam (WBM) with PMC and Seal Coat/ 2 Coat Surfacing Dressing can be provided for 75 mm thickness replacing equal thickness of Gravel Base (having CBR of 80% as per IRC SP 72: 2007 Design Catalogue).
The above addition to the guidelines is applicable with immediate effect.
(B. P. Chandrasekhar)
Director (Technical)