Job Title:- / Finance Manager
Hours of Duty:- / Part time 30.0 hours per week
Base:- / Woodlands Hospice, A.U.H. Campus, Longmoor Lane, Liverpool L9 7LA
Salary Band:- / £31,070per annum - £35,522per annumpro rata
Woodlands Payscale 29-32
Responsible to:- / Chief Executive
Accountable to:- / Chief Executive
Liaises with:- / Woodlands Senior Management Team
Board of Trustees as appropriate
Woodlands Clinical Staff (multi professional team)
Woodlands Hospice Non Clinical Staff
Independent Auditors
External Agencies
Suppliers and contractors
Clinical Commissioning groups commissioners
Other independent Hospices and other providers
Other individuals/organisations the Hospice liaises with to provide high quality financial services.
in organisation:- / See Organisational Chart
Job Summary:- / Responsible for monitoring and reporting on the financial viability of the organisation and for ensuring value for money
Responsible for the management, development, delivery, reporting and auditing of financial services in close collaboration with the Chief Executive.
Responsible for the management, development, delivery, reporting and auditing of the payroll and pension functions in close collaboration with the Chief Executive
Responsible for the management of finances within all capital projects including bid writing as appropriate.
Responsible for leading on the financial elements of any contract tender process.
Assume the role of Company Secretary for Woodlands Hospice and Associated companies.

1.Key Responsibilities and Tasks

1.1Responsible for providing a high level of financial awareness, advice and recommendation to the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team

1.2Responsible for monitoring and reporting on the financial viability of the Hospice and for ensuring value for money

1.3Ensure that robust and appropriate financial controls and procedures are in place and documented, in order to ensure the integrity of the Hospice’s accounting records and safe custody of its assets.

1.4Responsible for the management, development, delivery, reporting and auditing of financial services in close collaboration with the Chief Executive

1.5Responsible for the design, implementation and accurate operation of the accounting software, nominal ledger and sales ledgers ensuring they are fit for purpose for a developing organisation’s needs. This will include electronic data interfaces and transfers from other source systems such as the fundraising Donorflex software and any payroll/pension software requirements.

1.6Responsible for providing a financial service that facilitates organisational growth and development, providing information analysis and recommendations as appropriate including responsibility for proposing and implementing changes to methods of operation.

1.7Responsible for managing the day to day operational finance function ensuring internal controls are adhered to in accordance with organisational policies and procedures and in line with agreed guidance from external Auditors.

1.8Responsible for the management of finances within all capital projects including bid writing as appropriate.

1.9Responsible for leading on the financial elements of any contract tender process

1.10Responsible for leading on the preparation of annual budgets for Chief Executive and Board approval to strict timescales liaising with all Departmental Heads as appropriate and showing full reasons for any variance to previous year.

1.11Responsible for ensuring all tax obligations are met and tax opportunities maximised, including management of the charity’s VAT recovery position and completion of VAT returns.

1.12Responsibility for ensuring all year end financial requirements are met and for leading on the production of annual statutory accounts for the Charitable Trust and the Hospice Trading Account., providing first class support and information to Auditors as requested to ensure a smooth and positive audit.

1.13Ensure all monthly, quarterly and annual financial reconciliations are completed and checked.

1.14Monitor performance against budgets and actively report to Chief Executive on variances through discussions with budget line holders.

1.15Participate fully as a member of the Hospice Finance Sub Committees preparing meeting agendas and supporting papers for approval by the Chief Executive prior to submission.

1.16Carry out any business reviews/financial viability projects as directed and provide ad hoc financial information and analysis as required.

1.17Support the Chief Executive in meetings with Commissioners with regard to the financial contracts.

1.18Provide robust reports as required internally and externally. e.g. Board meetings, Clinical Commissioning Groups Commissioners and other regulatory bodies if required (e.g. Monitor)

1.19Responsible for managing the production of operational cash forecasts and transfer of short term cash balances to maximise interest income from existing bank accounts.

1.20Highlight surplus funds and in liaison with the Treasurer and Chief Executive review investment portfolio

1.21Continually review and revise, as required, the organisation’s Standing Financial Instructions, Scheme of Delegationand financial policies and procedures for approval by theFinanceCommittee and Board of Trustees.

1.22Responsible for the Hospice’s Asset register ensuring it is maintained accurately and depreciation forecasts are up to date and maintained in accordance with accounting policies.

1.23Ensure reporting to timetable of routine management information reports, as agreed with the Chief Executive, including Key Performance Indicators and restricted fund balances

1.24Provide advice to budget holders as necessary in understanding the management accounts including analysing, interpreting and advising on the content to non financial managers.

1.25Provide cover for other members of the finance team as required in their absence.

1.26Responsible for the management of the payroll function (including end of year statutory returns) to ensure employees are paid in an accurate and timely manner while providing effective reporting mechanisms and maintaining adherence to external requirements.

1.27Responsible for the management and administration of all pension schemes including the NHS pension Scheme, the Hospice Personal Pension Plan and the auto enrolment plans including the Government’s NEST pension plan.

1.28Responsible for the annual reporting to Companies House

1.29Responsible for ensuring that computer accounting (currently via Quickbooks software) achieves its full potential for input, payment and allocation of all invoices, together with input and allocation of all Hospice income and ultimately production of Hospice Accounts

1.30Identify cost savings as appropriate

1.31Deal effectively and promptly with any query in relation to financial matters.

1.32Liaise with the external auditors, the bank and other external institutions.

1.33Assist Head of Income Generation with any legacy administration and recovery.

1.34 Assume the role of Company Secretary for Woodlands Hospice and Associated Companies.


2.1Responsibility for leading, managing and organising the Finance function, developing and amending policies and procedures to ensure high quality financial services across the Hospice and compliance with all statutory requirements including HM Revenue and Customs, Companies House and the Charity Commission

2.2Responsibility for developing the financial services within the Hospice Charitable Trust and the Trading Company identifying and implementing Cost Improvement Initiatives.

2.3Responsibility for the collection, analysis and reporting of all financial data ensuring accurate and up to date information is provided internally to Senior Managers/Board of Trustees and externally (including Commissioners and Statutory bodies) in a timely manner.

2.4Responsibility for maximising effective and efficient use of financial resources

2.5Responsibility for leading the recruitment, induction, training, development and retention of staff within the Finance team.

2.6Monitor and evaluate health, safety and security of self and others and ensure best practice is implemented in the Finance Team

3.Governance and Quality

3.1Ensure Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are developed and maintained for all financial services.

3.2Ensure compliance with all Data Protection regulations and information governance policies and standards.

3.3Ensure all financial services are delivered to a consistently high quality, to time and within overall resources made available.

3.4Represent the Hospice in a professional and appropriate manner at all times.

3.5Keep up to date with current charity legislation relating to financial services.

3.6Ensure all activities are legal and ethical and are carried out in a way compatible with Woodlands reputation for being a professional, caring and progressive organisation.

3.7 Ensure all Company Secretary ‘returns’ and forms are submitted in a timely and accurate manner.

4.Education and Training & Development

4.1Maintain an appropriate level of awareness and understanding of the Hospice and its work, and the main health service issues that may impact on our work.

4.2Undertake continual personal development needs to keep pace with developing Hospice needs as well as individual needs.

4.3Attend mandatory training as required

5.Professional Responsibility

5.1Ensure appropriate professional registration of self is current and up to date at all times, evidencing same on Hospice records and producing the appropriate supporting documentation on request

5.2Undertake continual personal development needs to maintain professional registration and to keep pace with developing Hospice needs as well as individual needs

5.3Ensure own compliance with mandatory training and professional development requirements, maintaining records of training and development undertaken for self

5.4Always act in accordance with your professional code of conduct and guiding documents

6.Equality and Diversity

6.1Act in ways that support equality and diversity and work within the spirit and detail of legislation including the Equality Act 2010 paying particular attention to how this impacts on patients, relatives/carers and staff.


7.1Information available within the duties of this post including financial and business data which is strictly confidential, must not in any circumstances be passed on, either directly or indirectly. A contravention of confidentiality is regarded very seriously by the Hospice and may lead to disciplinary action.

7.2Actively contribute to the Information Asset Register ensuring all information is stored and transferred in a strictly confidential manner and any loss of data reported immediately in line with Woodlands policy and procedures.

8.Risk Management and Health and Safety

8.1Follow all hospice infection control procedures when entering patient areas.

8.2All employees are responsible for taking reasonable care for both their own health and safety and also the health and safety of colleagues. Staff are responsible for ensuring that they do not intentionally misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare e.g. misuse of equipment.

9.Administration Responsibility

9.1Produce reports for the Chief Executive. Senior Managers and/or Board of Trustees as required demonstrating quality and activity and performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


10.1Undertake surveys and collate audit data as required.

11.Strategic Role

11.1Responsibility for contributing proactively to the strategic direction of the Hospice and ensuring implementation of strategy, as it relates to financial services. is effective through robust business planning and delivery

11.2Responsibility for networking locally and nationally(as appropriate) in relation to Financial issues, bringing strategic issues to the Senior Management team for debate and discussion.

12.H.R. Management

12.1Line management responsibility for Accounts Officer and Payroll/pensions Officer.

12.2Overall responsibility for ensuring regular Personal Development Reviews and Personal Development Plans are completed for all staff within the finance team.

12.3Provide effective leadership, management and development of the staff reporting directly.

12.4In liaison with the Chief Executive, manage, as appropriate, all Human Resource issues for finance staff including disciplinary, capability issues, sickness absence management etc

12.5Supervision and development of volunteers allocated to support this function is expected.

13.Financial Responsibility

13.1Responsible for supporting the Chief Executive in all aspects of financial services across the hospice, as detailed in this job description.

13.2 Assume responsibilities attachedto being a bank signatory on all accounts

The above list of duties is not exhaustive and the post holder will be expected to be flexible in carrying out the duties performed.

Signed by Manager: ………………………………………………………..……

Signed by Postholder in Agreement:…………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………..………………

Review Date: ………………………………………………………………………