FY09 Annual Partnership Agreement

EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2009-JUNE 30, 2010

Print out two copies, sign both, and send to the following address along with your Annual Dues by

August 1, 2009: NPN, P.O. Box 56698, New Orleans, LA 70156-6698

MISSION STATEMENT: The National Performance Network (NPN) is a group of diverse cultural organizers, including artists, working to create meaningful partnerships and to provide leadership that enables the practice and public experience of the performing art in the United States.

The National Performance Network is committed to revealing and fostering social diversity and artistic experimentation through its support of artists and partners. As a viable leader and example of best practices in the field, NPN integrates arts into public experience, furthers artistic pluralism, and acts as an advocate for cultural equity and social justice by supporting artistic activities that demonstrate our values. We value:
·  Partnerships among artists, communities, arts organizers, and organizations that create opportunities for artistic expression and deepen the general public's relationship with artists.
·  Freedom of expression- the unhindered flow of ideas, words, and images basic to a free society.
·  Critical dialogue that fosters appreciation for creative process and the role of arts and culture in our society.
·  Life-long learning through exposure to, and participation in, the arts.
·  Diversity- points of view and experiences that are shaped by each individual's unique background, and art that celebrates that diversity.
·  Public funding support that recognizes the arts as integral to a healthy society. / VISION:
NPN serves artists, arts organizers, and a diverse range of audiences and communities across the country through activities such as artists' commissions, performance residencies, community engaged cultural projects, and convenings. NPN actively engages in cultural policy and serves as an Intermediary to move towards our vision of a world where:
·  Independent artists and companies are recognized as valid and important participants in a healthy and thriving community.
·  Arts organizers and cultural workers are actively engaged across economic sectors and business industries providing
creative approaches toward a healthy, just, and sustainable world.
·  Communities- collections of people who share cultural heritages, philosophies, or geographic locations- have broad access to art that is reflective of themselves and others.
·  Public and private supporters advocate for, and invest in, living artists and the organizations that support them.

NPN Annual Partnership Agreement – FY2010

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NPN PARTERS: NPN Partners are distinguished by their diversity, their commitment to challenging new work and their active engagement in communities. NPN Partners serve the dual function of promoting and supporting local artists while presenting artists from elsewhere in the United States, allowing for a dynamic cultural exchange between communities and national access for a range of artists not supported by other networks or systems. NPN Partners range from the most grassroots operations to large regional arts centers. NPN Partners support a healthy mix of programs designed to create, produce, present and provide training in the performing arts.

Together NPN Partners form a peer network to share information about trends in the field, best practices, and the performing artists whose work circulates within, between, and beyond their communities. NPN provides a structure for NPN Partners to move new ideas, techniques and art around the country. More than simply a service organization, the National Performance Network is an applied learning community of cultural centers dedicated to improving society through independent, innovative, creative expression. NPN values long-term relationships, so NPN Partners remain members of NPN as long as their organizational work and commitment to NPN’s mission and values still remains active.

PARTNERSHIP GUIDELINES: The National Performance Network is built upon reciprocal relationships between NPN Partners and the NPN National Office. The following guidelines serve as the standards by which NPN Partners, Staff and the Board of Directors evaluate these relationships, both in terms of their own participation and the participation of one another. An NPN Partner will only benefit from the network by active participation.

The Partnership Guidelines are divided into “roles” and “responsibilities.” Roles are generalized expectations, and responsibilities are specific requirements.

Guidelines for NPN Partners

Roles / Responsibilities
• Engage diverse populations in substantive interactions with artists• Anchor the creative process within the needs and contexts of local communities / NPN makes available two-weeks of NPN Performance Residency to all NPN Partners, but the minimum requirement is:
a)  Present a minimum of one-week of NPN Performance Residency and apply for a NPN Creation, Community, or MLI Subsidy.
b) Present two-weeks of NPN Performance Residency.
In addition to the standard two-weeks of NPN Residency, NPN Partners who participate as Commissioners in NPN Creation Funds can access up to two additional weeks of NPN Performance Residency to present the commissioned work. (Limit 4 weeks for Creation Fund Commissioners)
• Encourage a national dialogue among cultural organizers and the public about the role of the performing arts in communities• Share experiences, information and expertise with other NPN Partners / Send at least one leader to represent the organization at the Annual Meeting each year
Send at least one leader to represent the organization at a Regional Meeting each year
•Advocate for NPN and the artists, organizations, creative processes and communities it represents• Maintain highest ethical standards in relationships with artists, communities and colleagues. / Actively provide access to NPN opportunities for your local community.
Maintain regular email contact with the NPN National Office and Regional Desk
Conform to professional standards as outlined in NPN contracts, forms and policies.
• Participate in development efforts of the NPN, including skill, time and resources / Publicize NPN with crediting language and logos as required by subsidy agreementPay annual dues ($100) by July 1, 2009
Submit paperwork in a timely manner, including surveys, contracts, final reports and other materials as needed

Guidelines for NPN National Office

Roles / Responsibilities
• Facilitate Partners’ effective use of NPN programs and activities / Refine administrative processes to require from NPN Partners a minimum of bureaucracy.
Process fund requests in a timely fashion. (NPN turns around checks 30 days following the receipt of signed contracts by the National Office.)
• Encourage dialogue and mutual support between NPN Partners / Act as a mediator and facilitator between NPN Partners and between NPN Partners and Artists when appropriate
• Strengthen the diversity of NPN through active support and recruitment of NPN Partners, staff members, artists and strategic alliances that represent the ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender, class, religious, cultural, physical, age and artistic communities of the United States.• Anchor programs and activities within the needs and contexts of NPN Partner communities. / Regularly seek feedback and input from NPN Partners to improve the effectiveness of NPN staffing, programs, events and priorities
• Advocate for NPN Partners and the artists and communities they represent at the national and international level / Communicate with NPN Partners through email, fax, phone, the web and postal mail in a clear, concise and timely fashion regarding upcoming deadlines, policy and procedure changes, and resource development opportunities.
• Lead national and regional efforts to sustain and expand the locally-based work of NPN Partners / Develop and implement a resource development plan that incorporates NPN Partner needs, ideas and energies

Failure to Meet Responsibilities

If a NPN Partner does not meet the responsibilities outlined above, it could be at risk for the following actions:

1)  Censure- A letter of warning. If behavior continues Partner could be put on Conditional Renewal.

2)  Conditional Renewal- If Partner does not fulfill ALL responsibilities during a given year it may be placed on Conditional Renewal for the next year. If it does not fulfill its Responsibilities for a second year in a row, the NPN Board of Directors may elect to dismiss.

3)  Dismissal- If action is strong enough, Partner may immediately be dismissed.

Hiatus Status: If at any time the NPN Partner thinks it will not be able to complete its responsibilities it may contact the office and ask to be put on “hiatus” for the remainder of the year. Hiatus allows the NPN Partner a year to re-group. A NPN Partner may only be on “hiatus” for one Fiscal Year. Once the Fiscal Year is over the NPN Partner will have the option of participating as an active NPN Partner again. If the NPN Partner chooses to renew its NPN Partnership it will be expected to complete all of the NPN Requirements (as outlined above). In the year following “hiatus”, if the NPN Partner does not complete all of the NPN Requirements it may be elected for dismissal by the NPN Board.

A NPN Partner may not request to go on “hiatus” in hindsight. “Hiatus” must be taken prior to not fulfilling responsibilities. Each situation will be reviewed by the NPN Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.


The above terms and conditions meet with our mutual approval, as indicated by signing below. All changes must be made in writing and approved by both parties.

On behalf of the two parties,

National Performance Network

Name of NPN Partner Organization


Signature of Primary Contact Signature of NPN Representative

Wesley V. Montgomery

Print Name Name

Chief Operating Officer ______

Title Date Title Date

NPN Annual Partnership Agreement – FY2010

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