Ms. Kelly Hammerle
National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program Manager
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (VAM-LD)
45600 Woodland Road
Sterling, VA 20166-9216
RE: 2019-2024 Proposed Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Dear Ms. Hammerle,
I am deeply disappointed in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s proposal for the largest expansion of offshore drilling ever.
The proposal seeks to expand drilling into nearly all of America’s waters, including parts of the Atlantic Ocean that were permanently protected by the Obama administration. In search for “energy dominance” the administration shows how ready they are to imperil our coastal communities and economies with fouled beaches, coastal waters and fisheries in service to fossil fuel interests.
Offshore drilling and exploration risk the economic health of Delaware by threatening coastal communities, and the many jobs our tourism industry supports. In 2015 DE Tourism was valued at $3.1Billion and brought in 8.5 million visitors. 37% of those came to visit our beaches – about 3.145 million people!
In 2016, over 3.3 million people submitted public comments opposing the 2017 to 2022 draft plan, and thousands of people attended public meetings to show their support for protecting our oceans, coasts, and climate. The response to the 2019-2024 Proposed Oil and Gas Leasing Program is no different -- no offshore drilling! This decision also flies in the face of permanent protections that exist for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans: protections that people like me support and that must remain in place to protect American waters, communities, and wildlife.
The Governor of Delaware and our federal delegation oppose this plan, as do I. It simply doesn't make sense to go against the public will and pursue this 2019 to 2024 offshore oil lease plan. Please protect our oceans and coastlines from new offshore oil development by not approving and implementing this plan.
NOTE – it would be good to add a paragraph about your own experience.