for 2011 - 12
Be a preferred technology partner to Cement and Construction sectors in the sustainable development of a better infrastructure and housing.
Research and development of innovative technologies, their transfer and implementation in partnership with Cement and Construction industries :
- To enhance quality, productivity and cost effectiveness
- To improve the management of materials, energy and environmental resources
- To develop competency and productivity in human resources
- To develop technologies for durable infrastructure and affordable housing
- Enhancing the productivity, energy efficiency, product quality and sustainability of cement and construction industry through development of newer materials, technologies, techniques and processes, benchmarking and capacity building.
- Enhancing the availability of trained manpower for the cement and construction industry through training programmes.
- Providing customized technical support services in all areas related to manufacture and utilization of cement and concretefor enhancing self sufficiency.
- Improving the quality performance of cement, building materials and construction sectors through testing, calibration services and proficiency improvement of laboratories
The main functions of NCCBM are:
- Identifying and ascertaining potential areas requiring modification, improvement and development in the Cement, Building Materials and Construction industries.
- Enhancing the scientific, technical, managerial and administrative skills of industry personnel as well as NCB staff members.
- Carrying out sponsored projects and providing testing calibration services for the industry for enhancing self sufficiency.
- Assessing the energy efficiency, environmental and quality improvement needs of the industry and providing guidance and services enabling them for being competent globally.
NCCBM/ RFD/2011-12(P)
Inter se Priorities Among Key Objectives, Success Indicators and Targets
S.No. / Column
1 / Column
2 / Column
3 / Column
4 / Column
5 / Column 6
Target / Criteria Value
Objective / Weight / Actions / Success Indicator / Unit / Weight / Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor
100% / 90% / 80% / 70% / 60%
1 / Enhancing the productivity, energy efficiency, product quality and sustainability of cement and construction industry through development of newer materials, technologies, techniques and processes, benchmarking and capacity building / 40 / Carrying out R&D and programmed Projects in the areas of Cement, Construction and Building Materials / No. of Projects Pursued / Number / 40 / 27 / 24 / 22 / 19 / 16
2 / Enhancing the availability of trained manpower for the cement and construction industry through training programmes / 20 / Organizing Training Programmes in the areas related to Cement, Concrete and Construction / No. of Programmes / Number / 10 / 61 / 55 / 49 / 43 / 37
No. of Participants / Number / 10 / 920 / 825 / 740 / 640 / 550
3 / Providing customized technical support services in all areas related to manufacture and utilization of cement and concrete for enhancing self sufficiency / 25 / Carrying out Sponsored Projects, testing and Calibration Services for the Cement, Construction & Allied building materials Industry / Internal Generation of funds / Rs Lakhs / 25 / 1550 / 1395 / 1240 / 1085 / 930
4 / Improving the quality performance of cement, building materials and construction sectors through testing, calibration services and proficiency improvement of laboratories / 15 / i/ Modernizing Plant Laboratory including Proficiency Testing programme
ii/ Development and Supply ofCRMs
iii/ Calibrating equipment for cement plants and other industries
iv/ Independent Testing / Participation of Laboratories
No. of CRMs
No. of equipment calibrated
Samples Tested / Number
Number / 3
5 / 16
6100 / 14
5490 / 13
4880 / 11
4270 / 10
Trend Values of the Success Indicators
S. No. / Objective / Weight / Actions / Success Indicator / Unit / Weight / Actual/Target/Criteria Value2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14
1 / Enhancing the productivity, energy efficiency, product quality and sustainability of cement and construction industry through development of newer materials, technologies, techniques and processes, benchmarking and capacity building / 40 / Carrying out R&D and Programmed Projects in the areas of Cement, Construction and building materials / No. of Projects Pursued / Number / 40 / 26 / 28 / 27 / 28 / 28
2 / Enhancing the availability of trained manpower for the cement and construction industry through training programmes / 20 / Organizing Training Programmes in the areas related to Cement, Concrete and Construction / No. of Programmes / Number / 10 / 61 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 62
No. of Participants / Number / 10 / 998 / 900 / 920 / 950 / 950
3 / Providing customized technical support services in all areas related to manufacture and utilization of cement and concrete for enhancing self sufficiency / 25 / Carrying out Sponsored Projects, testing and Calibration Services for the Cement, Construction & Allied building materials industry / Internal Generation of funds / Rs Lakhs / 25 / 1894*@ / 1500* / 1550@ / 1500 / 1550@
4 / Improving the quality performance of cement, building materials and construction sectors through testing, calibration services and proficiency improvement of laboratories / 15 / i/ Modernizing Plant Laboratory including Proficiency Testing programme
ii/ Development and Supply of CRMs
iii/ Calibrating equipment for cement plants and other industries
iv/Independent Testing / Participation of
No. of CRMs
No. of equipment calibrated
Samples Tested / Number
Number / 3
5 / 20
7000 / 15
6000 / 16
6100 / 17
6200 / 17
* In view of the Common Wealth Games related projects
@ In view of the NCB’s International Seminar held / to be held in this year (Biennial Event)
NCCBM/ RFD/2011-12(P)
The measurement methodology for success indicators is based on the following :
i)R&D and programmed projects pursued – The success indicator relates to studies conducted for different areas related to the Council activities.
ii)Training Programmes organized – A number of programmes are organized in different areas to cater to the needs of the Cement and Construction industry personnel.
iii)Provide consultancy services in cement and building materials, concrete, quality assurance and process optimization as per the need of specific plant.
iv)Improving energy, environment and quality performance – The success indicator relates to participation of laboratories in proficiency testing programme, Number of CRMs developed and supplied, samples tested and benchmarking of energy, quality & environmental performance as well as motivation / awareness through awards given to best performing cement plants.
Specific Performance Requirements from other Departments
Department / RelevantSuccess
Indicator / What do you need? / Why do you need it? / How much do you
need ? / What happens if you do not get it?
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
Ministry of Commerce and
Govt. of India / Financial Grant
(Non Plan) / Financial Support / To carry out research in newer/frontal areas and
for executing different functions of the Council / - / The implementation may get delayed.
Planning Commission,Govt. of India / Plan Fund / Financial Support / For upgrading the laboratory and building infrastructure / - / Implementation may be delayed.
NCCBM/ RFD/2011-12(P)
Outcome / Impact of activities of National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9Sl. No. / Outcome / Impact of NCCBM / Jointly responsible for influencing this outcome / impact with the following organization(s)/departments/ ministry(ies) / Success Indicator(s) / Unit / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2011-2012 / 2012-2013 / 2013-2014
1 / Enhancing the productivity, energy efficiency, product quality and sustainability of cement and construction industry through development of newer materials, technologies, techniques and processes, benchmarking and capacity building / i) Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), Govt. of India / No. of Projects Pursued / Number / 26 / 28 / 27 / 28 / 28
ii) Planning Commission, Govt. of India
2 / Enhancing the availability of trained manpower for the cement and construction industry through training programmes / Cement, construction and building materials industries / No. of Programmes / Number / 61 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 62
No. of Participants / Number / 998 / 900 / 920 / 950 / 950
3 / Providing customized technical support services in all areas related to manufacture and utilization of cement and concrete for enhancing self sufficiency / Cement, construction and building materials industries / Internal Generation of funds / Rs. Lakhs / 1894*@ / 1500* / 1550@ / 1500 / 1550@
4 / Improving the quality performance of cement, building materials and construction sectors through testing, calibration services and proficiency improvement of laboratories / Cement, construction and building materials industries / Participation of Laboratories / Number / 20 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 17
No. of CRMs supplied / Number / 6666 / 4500 / 4600 / 4650 / 4700
No. of equipment calibrated / Number / 1845 / 1500 / 1550 / 1550 / 1550
Samples Tested / Number / 7000 / 6000 / 6100 / 6200 / 6200
*In view of the Common Wealth Games related projects
@In view of the NCB’s International Seminar held / to be held in this year (Biennial Event)
Mandatory Success Indicators
S. No. / Objective / Actions / Success Indicator / Unit / Weight (%) / Actual/Target/Criteria Value2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14
1 / Efficient Functioning of the RFD System / Timely submission of RFD for 2011-12 / On-time submission / Date / 2 / March 31 2011 / April 3 2011 / April 4 2011 / April 5 2011 / April 6 2011
Timely submission of Results for 2011-12 / On-time submission / Date / 1 / May 1 2012 / May 3 2012 / May 4 2012 / May 5 2012 / May 6 2012
Finalize a Strategic Plan for RC / Finalize the Strategic Plan for next 5 years / Date / 2 / Dec 10 2011 / Dec 15 2011 / Dec 20 2011 / Dec 24 2011 / Dec 31 2011
Identify potential areas of corruption related to organization activities and develop an action plan to mitigate them / Finalize an action plan to mitigate potential areas of corruption / % / 2 / Dec 10 2011 / Dec 15 2011 / Dec 20 2011 / Dec 24 2011 / Dec 31 2011
Implementation of Sevottam / Create Sevottam compliant system to implement, monitor and review Citizen’s Charter / Date / 2 / Dec 10 2011 / Dec 15 2011 / Dec 20 2011 / Dec 24 2011 / Dec 31 2011
Create a Sevottam Compliant system to redress and monitor public Grievances / Date / 2 / Dec 10 2011 / Dec 15 2011 / Dec 20 2011 / Dec 24 2011 / Dec 31 2011
Total Weight / 11
NCCBM/ RFD/2011-12(P)