National Association of Left Handed-Golfers - Australia
Victorian Division Inc.
PresidentChris Morris
8 Toorongo Court
PHONE: 56235997
Mobile:0418 537 995
Email: / Captain
Barry Gust
6 Franklin Court
PHONE: 98021478
Mobile: 0417717650
Email: / Hon.Sec/Treasurer
Trevor Golding
14 Ingleside Crescent.
PHONE/FAX: (03) 9802 1580
Dear Lefty,
So many matters to report on these past months so here we go.
Warragul – on Thursday 14 May 2015. WET! That’s the only word we can use but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of all who played and thanks to Leigh Greening and President, Chris Morris for organising the day. The course is a really good test of golf and the new Club House is just brilliant. Results of the day were-:
Winner:Max Shearman (17) 37PTS
2nd:Bill Hammen (8) 36 (c/back)
3rd:Michael Gargan (13) 36
4th:Chris Morris (12) 35
7th Michael Gargan
15th Dave Direen (Tasmania)
18th Keith Marshall
Golf balls to John O’Reilly and Brian Lynch
We welcomed Sue Peters and Kim Deheer as new members and hope they will enjoy the Lefties fellowship.
What a super weekend of golf played in excellent weather on both Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 June. The meals, accommodation and hospitality of the management was first class but unfortunately the golf played did not match everyone’s expectations standing on the first tee on the first day at Barnbougle Dunes. Both golf courses are very tough with demanding and accurate tee shots as any stray shot normally resulted in a lost ball. To make matters worse there were severe winds the weeks before and parts of both courses were covered in a thick layer of sand. The scores for both days reflected the very difficult and unique links style golf courses.
Getting courage on Friday night at the Dunes /
Hitting off at the first hole
Barnbougle Dunes
Winner:Frank Hilliard (14) 31 PTSNPT
2nd:Barry Murphy (9) 30 7th Frank Hilliard
3rd:Brian Hilliard (12) 2813th Chris Morris
4th: Ian Mackay (19) 27 (c/back)
5th:Chris Morris (10) 27
Lost Farm
Winner: Cec Bailey (13) 34 PTS
2nd:Alan Holt (12) 29 (c/back)
3rd:Chris Burridge (10) 29 (c/back)
4th:Dave Direen (Tasmania) (14) 29
13th Chris Burridge
4th Brian Lynch
15th Brian Lynch
Our Victorian Lefties were joined by Tassie Lefties were joined by Tassie Lefties, Dave Direen, Luke Maynard and Roger McMaster and a good time was had by all.
Sunday’s winner, Cec showing his form /
Presentations at the Sports Bar, Sunday
Tassie representatives Luke Maynard & Dave Direen
Waiting to hit off /
Sunday’s winners, Chris, Cec & Dave
National Championships-Port Macquarie
This is our next major event and the NSW committee has been hard at it to ensure it will be a great success.Please go to our website for the link or go to for the entry form and all the details.
World Championships - Japan 2016
Go to our website for the link to the event in April 2016. It promises to be a once in a life time event because it is impossible to play golf in Japan unless you are extremely wealthy.
World Championships – Australia 2017
We are slowly organising the event in conjunction with Golf Victoria and we welcome any prospective sponsors.
Howlong Weekend
This is our Annual Victorian V’s Riverina Weekend and if you would like to play then please contact Garry Nolan on 0417 566 860 or email him to Accommodation is limited so contact Garry for all the information and format of the weekend.
Next Event
Spring Valley Golf Club is the Venue on Monday 6 July 2015 with an 11.00am hit off We have limited allocated tee times so you must contact me beforehand by 2July 2015 if you would like to play. Please do not just arrive without contacting me beforehand. The course is in excellent condition and the green fee is $65.00 with our lefty discount.
The event will be our Presidents Trophy – Aggregate Stableford plus a separate single Stableford Event.
Preferred payment method is direct to
National Australia Bank - BSB 083417 Account No. 51530 8856 Account Name NALGA Victorian Division Inc
Good golfing.
Trevor Golding