National Action Plan to eliminate gender based violence
National Approach to Eliminating Sexual and GenderBased Violence in Kiribati Policy and Strategic Action Plan 2011-2021
Table of Contents
Preface– A Statement of Support By His Excellency, President of the Republic of Kiribati4
Ministerial Foreword-Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs6
Acknowledgments – Secretary, Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs8
Overview of the National Approach9
Policy at a Glance9
Overview of National Action Plan12
Coordination and Implementation of the National Policy and NAP13
Section 1: Policy Background 15
1.2Defining Gender Based Violence 15
1.3KiribatiFamily Health and Support Study (KFHSS)16
1.4Dissemination of Findings and Impact17
1.5Formulation of Policy17
1.6Justification for this Policy Initiative19
Section 2:The Policy 23
2.1.Title of the Policy23
2.3.Values and Principles23
2.4.Goals of the Policy24
2.5.Priority Issues24
2.6.Priority Policy Commitments25
Section 3:Institutional Framework for the Implementation of Policy33
3.1.Institutional Framework33
3.2.Women Division 33
3.3.Gender Advisor33
3.4.National taskforce34
Section 4:National Action Plan35
4.1.Rationale for National Action Plan35
4.3.Objective of the Plan36
4.5.Key Features of the Plan37
4.6.Strategic Areas of Focus38
4.7.Activities and Milestones39
4.8.Priority Interventions47
Section 5:Coordination and Implementation of the NAP51
Section 6:Monitoring and Evaluation52
Annex: Abbreviations53
A Statement by His Excellency
President of the Republic of Kiribati
This Policy represents the Government’s unequivocal commitment to ending all forms of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Kiribati. It is only through such a strong statement expressed at the highest level of government that we can collectively work towards the complete eradication of one of the most insidious and pervasive threats to our families, our communities, and our future.
The Government responded quickly to the daunting and devastating results of the Kiribati Family Health and Support Study in 2009. That report presented us with the sobering reality that gender based violence, particularly domestic violence is alarmingly high in Kiribati. The statistics demanded national action.
We have made remarkable progress since then by undertaking a number of important national events to bring public attention to the issue. Many of our Parliamentarians and mayors became directly involved in the consultations as part of awareness raising and advocacy towards necessary changes on the current existing laws lacking full protection of women. Some mayors, councillors and church leaders had also joined in the dissemination of the research findings on their islands and embraced their potential to create change through active and responsible civic engagement. Work undertaken to date by the Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse Project Team provides us with an important foundation upon which we can continue to build.
The process of developing this Policy and the National Action Plan involved ongoing and extensive dialogue with a cross section of stakeholders, including religious leaders, NGOs, donor agencies, civil society and Parliamentarians. The Policy and the priority actions identified represent a national, integrated and multi-sectoral response that moves us away from mere restatements of a problem and instead propose new and innovative approaches, including the need to work more extensively with civil society, particularly faith leaders and men more generally.
Whilst our progress has been great, there is a need now to build on the momentum created to date and intensify our efforts. Success in meeting our challenges will require combined efforts, new partnerships and leadership and a comprehensive approach of technical, institutional and financial innovations to help address gender based violence and improve the lives and livelihoods of the many I Kiribati who are impacted.
The prevention and elimination of sexual and gender based violence will also require a sustained and coordinated approach and require the involvement of all sectors of our community. This is why the Government, through the activities of the Ministry for Internal and Social Affairs has taken the significant step of establishing the National Division for Women’s Development and Gender Equality.
Further to this, and illustrative of the high level government support and commitment to the goal of eliminating sexual and gender based violence, the Policy requires a well researched position and office of a Parliamentary Advisorto assist the process of Policy Dialogue and Implementation between Parliament and Civil Society. The creation of such a position is aligned with international efforts to accelerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Finally, I take this opportunity to again strongly endorse the Government’s commitment to ensuring that the necessary environment prevails for all partners and stakeholders to actively participate and contribute meaningfully towards the achievement of the goals of the National Policy and Action Plan.
Ministerial Foreword
The cost of violence to women, their children, families and communities is a significant obstacle to reducing poverty, achieving gender equality and meeting the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The process of developing a new national multi-sectoral response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence has been marked by an all-inclusive effort that involves line ministries, civil society, non government organisations, donor and other stakeholders.This National Approach aims to prevent gender based violence from occurring and consequently improve the quality of life for women, men, children, families and communities.
This Policy provides a mandate for the operationalization of national commitmentsand is accompanied by a comprehensive Action Plan, which will guide the implementation of these commitments and will be reviewed periodically.
The National Policy sets priorities for the five thematic areas of strategic Focus which includes:
- Develop National Leadership and Commitments to Eliminate Sexual and Gender Based Violence
- Strengthen Legal frameworks, Law enforcement and the Justice system
- Build Institutional and Community Capacity
- Strengthen & Improve Preventive, Protective, Social and Support services
- Eliminate and Prevent Sexual and Gender Based Violence through Civic Engagement and Advocacy
The Eliminating Sexual andGender Based Violence Policy Commitments contained in this Policy Document will be used to provide the basis for achieving the prevention and elimination of sexual and gender based violence in Kiribati.The National Plan will be a key tool for implementation coordination and oversight of the national response for the next ten years.
Clearly, the implementation of the National Action Plan is a mammoth task. Its successful execution requires co-ordinated action and strong institutional and organisational capacity. This is why the Ministry made the decision to revitalise and restructure the (former) Women’s Unit into the new National Division for Women’s Development and Gender Equality. It is anticipated that the establishment of the Division will improve the overall efficiency and coordination of the process.
With the establishment of the Division, and researching the best position and office of the Parliamentary Advisor, we urge all of our partners to join us in identifying the means of support and work together as a team to prevent and eliminate sexual and gender based violence in Kiribati.
This is a solid beginning, but it is just a beginning. There is much more that can be done and the Government of Kiribati remains committed to pursuing the vision articulated in the National Policy and Plan.
The Policy and Plan will guide our ongoing progress towards the full realization of the provisions of our Constitution and the National Development Plan.
The Honourable
Minister for Internal and Social Affairs
December 2010
Numerous organisations and individuals, in the past two years, have been involved in developing and writing this National Policy to Eliminate Sexual and Gender Based Violence and the accompanying National Action Plan.
The process towards the formulation of the Policy and National Plan of Action has created opportunities for synergies with a range of stakeholders and country programs for collaborative and integrated actions in implementing the program of action.
By adopting an integrated approach, all therelevant stakeholders (both in government and non government organizations) have been able to work handin hand to ensure that those whose livelihoods are most vulnerable to adverse impacts of gender based violence impart the urgency and immediacy of these needs.
MISA acknowledges with profound appreciation the significant financial and human resource contributions of our international funding partners, particularly AusAID, NZ AID, SPC, UNIFEM and UNFPA.
Without their dedication and commitment, this document would not have been completed. It was an honour to work with all of our partners who shared their perspectives, expertise, and resources.
None of this work would have been possible without the support of the staff of the GBVCA Project, particularly the Coordinator, MaereTekanene. There is no doubt that the GBVCA Project provided a critical catalyst for the subsequent process relating to the development of the draft national policy and national action plan.
Ministry for Internal and Social Affairs
December 2010
Executive Summary
Overview of the National Approach
The National Approach to Eliminating Sexual and Gender Based Violence is comprised of two key documents:
a)The National Policy to Eliminate Sexual and Gender Based Violence
b)The National Action Plan
A Policy provides the guiding vision, but to have impact, it must be complemented by an action plan that:
- Ensures that “strategic priorities” become operational realities.
- Improves the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of programs
- Clearly identifies, coordinates and facilitates the actions of implementing agents from thecommunity to the national level, across sectors, in the public and private sectors and incivil society, and holds all stakeholders accountable for the things they commit to doing.
- Makes it possible to monitor progress and performance, and identify and resolvebottlenecks for faster progress towards the country’s national development goals
- Encourages donors to move from “project” to “program” financing
The Policy and Action Plan are complementary.
By adopting a national Policy and National Action Plan, the Government of Kiribati will demonstrate its serious commitment to prevent and effectively respond to gender based violence thereby making a decisive contribution to the realisation of the objectives and priorities of the Kiribati Development Plan (KDP) 2008-11 where the government clearly outlines a strong commitment to addressing gender inequality overall.
Policy at a Glance
This Eliminating Sexual and Gender Based Violence (ESGBV) policy builds on the growing demonstration of commitment and political leadership by the Government of Kiribati.
The Policy has been developed to help the nation respond to a serious and widespread problem—gender based violence. Violence is a traumatic experience for any man, woman or child, but gender-based violence is predominantly inflicted by men on women and girls. The cost of violence to women, their children, families and communities is a significant obstacle to reducing poverty, achieving gender equality and meeting the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Imperative
Kiribati currently has no policy on EGBV despite the alarming prevalence of violence against women and its devastating impact on all elements of society and communities.
Sexual and Gender-based violence (SGBV) encompasses a wide range of human rights violations and can be directed at adult women and men and male and female children. SGBV takes the form of rape, domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, trafficking of women, girls and boys and several harmful traditional practices including early marriage, bride inheritance and many others.
The cost of gender based violence to women, their children, families and communities is a significant obstacle to reducing poverty, achieving gender equality and meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is, therefore, urgent that decisive and concerted action be taken to address this serious and widespread problem.
Evidence Based
The evidence base for this Policy is theKiribati Family Health and Support Study(KFHSS) that the Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs (MISA) has completed.The finding in the study that 68% of women (2 in 3) between the ages of 15 and 49 years who have ever entered into relationships have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence, or both, by an intimate partner, is a very serious cause for concern. This level of prevalence is among the highest amongst countries in the world that had used the World Health Organization Study protocols.
This policy is consistent with national, regional and international policies, laws, and strategic initiatives.
Already enshrined in the Constitution of Kiribati is the basis from which positive action can emanate to ensure that every person in Kiribati, and especially its women and children, can enjoy the safety, liberty and basic rights they are entitled to.
Country Specific
This policy is firmly located within the cultural and geographical context of Kiribati, and acknowledges the challenges posed by the isolation of the outer islands.
Whole of Government
This policy recognises that sexual and gender based violence affects the entire population and spans the responsibilities of many Ministries. Addressing sexual and gender based violence requires an integrated and coordinated whole-of-government approach that engages communities, clearly specifies responsibilities and accountabilities and encourages and directs actions from the village through island to the national level.
The policy framework is informed by a multi-sectoral approach that promotes leadership and coordinated action in ensuring zero tolerance of sexual and gender based violence.
This policy acknowledges that one of the core development challenges in Kiribati is delivering services beyond S. Tarawa (capital) to the outer islands where the majority of the population reside. This will require ongoing and concerted attention by government and other key stakeholders
Strengths Based
This policy builds on the positive action already in place in Kiribati and recognises that gender equality and development are intimately linked.
Long Term Commitment
This policy recognises that the elimination of gender based violence requires long term commitment, coordination, vision and passion to improve the life and future of Kiribatigirls, women and children.
Priority Issues
- Address the high rate of violence experienced by girls, women and children
- Review laws that are related to violence against women in order to ascertain which areas of the law need improvement
- Address the lack of availability of support services, particularly in outer islands. The research highlighted that only a small number of abused women seek help and support from formal services or institutions. There is an urgent need for more accessible support services where women can safely disclose their experiences of violence
- Expand and strengthen formal support services with trained professional staff throughout the country, including the outer islands, to enable women to safely disclose their experiences of violence and receive the support and care they need
- Challenge views that custom, tradition or religious consideration can be invoked to justify violence against women
- Strengthen data collection systems, including data returns from Outer Islanders on VAW/DV
- Strengthen the Health Response to VAW / DV
- Develop a corresponding Policy on Gender Equality
Policy Commitments
The Policy Commitments will be used to provide the basis for eliminating barriers to gender equality nationally. It will also guide actions in implementing other national, regional and global commitments on addressing gender based violence and promoting gender equality, including all MDG targets with a priority on goals set out in MDG3.
The five keyStrategic Areas which form the Policy’s main intervention are as follows:
(i)Develop National Leadership and Commitments to Eliminate Gender Based Violence
(ii)Strengthen Legal frameworks, Law enforcement and the Justice system
(iii)Build Institutional and Community Capacity
(iv)Strengthen & Improve Preventive, Protective, Social and Support services
(v)Eliminate and Prevent GBV through Civic Engagement and Advocacy
This policy has incorporated community priorities expressed during the dissemination of the KFHSS study results. Importantly, communities were positive and identified a number of key interventions required to address violence against women. Therefore, this policy and its accompanying National Action Plan is a response to these public concerns and provide strategies for securing a safer and better future for all I-Kiribati.
Overview of National Action Plan
After endorsement of the draft report by Cabinet in June 2009, MISA embarked on a consultative process with their stakeholders and other key ministries to write a National Action Plan (NAP) to Eliminate Gender Based Violence. The NAP outlines important strategic activities aimed at supporting this policy’s goal of eliminating violence against women and children. Further consultations were also undertaken in late 2010 in relation to the draft NAP in order to ensure that the final set of priorities reflected those of key stakeholders.
This National Action Plan is the first tool for implementing the national policy for eliminating gender based violence (EGBV).
The core principles of this Plan are:
- Country-driven, promoting national ownership of strategies through broad based participation of government, NGOs and civil society.
- Result oriented and focused on outcomes that will benefit
- Partnership oriented, involving coordinated participation of development partners (government, domestic stakeholders, and external donors)
The Plan details the strategies and activities that will be implemented to realise the vision and achieve the objectives of the Eliminating Gender Based Violence Policy. It also specifies a timeframe for each strategy and activity as well as delineating the expected outputs, targets and indicators that can be used to assess whether the implementation of the Plan has been successful.