National 3 – Instruments

1. Complete:

The orchestra is made up of ____ families – s _ _ _ _ s, _ oo _ _ _ _ d,

_ a s _ and _ e _ _ _ ss _ _ n. The string family is the b _ _ g _ _ _ family of the orchestra.

2(a) Label the instruments from the string family of the orchestra

. ______

(b) Name two ways that these instruments can be played.

______and ______

(c) The harp is a string instrument but is not in the string family of the orchestra. Why? ______


(d) Name two other string instruments which do not belong to the string family of the orchestra.

______and ______

(e) Listen to the following examples of string instruments and write down the instrument that you hear.

(i) ______(iv) ______

(ii) ______(v) ______

(iii) ______(vi) ______

3(a) Label the instruments from the woodwind family of the orchestra.


(b) Woodwind instruments make their sound by being b_ _ _ _.

(c) Listen to the following examples of woodwind instruments and write down the instrument that you hear.

(i) ______(iv) ______

(ii) ______(v) ______

(iii) ______(vi) ______

4(a) Label the instruments from the brass family of the orchestra.


(b) Brass instruments also make their sound by being b _ _ _ _ .

(c) Listen to the following examples of brass instruments and write down the instrument that you hear.

(i) ______(iv) ______

(ii) ______(v) ______

(iii) ______(vi) ______

5(a) Name four different types of percussion instruments. ______


(b) How are percussion instruments played? ______


(c) Label the parts of the drum kit shown below.

6(a) Watch the following video of a Scottish Dance Band and write down the instruments that you see/hear. ______


(b) What is the difference between a fiddle and a violin (think carefully!)? ____


(c) State the name of a type of keyboard instrument found in Scottish music.

The _ cc _ _ _ _ on.

(d) Which Scottish instrument has a drone? The b______

(e) Copy the definition of a folk group into the space below. ______


7(a) What is the difference between an electric and an acoustic guitar? ______

(b) Name two ways to play the guitar. s_ _ _ m _ _ _ _ or p _ _ ck_ _ _

8(a) Where do the steel drums originate from? The islands of



(b) Steel drums come in different sizes. What are the different sizes called?


9. Label the keyboard instruments shown below.


10. Complete the following descriptions of how musical instruments are played.

SoloO_ _ instrument or voice. A prominent instrument or voice can be solo even when part of a l _ _ _ _ _ e_ _ _ m b_ _.

AccompaniedO_ _ _ _ instrument(s) or voice(s) s______the main melody.

UnaccompaniedA performer or performers are said to be unaccompanied when there are _ _ instruments playing in the


UnisonAll instruments/singers are playing or singing the _ _ _ _ notes names at the _ _ _ _ t_ _ _.

HarmonyThe sound of _ _ _ or _ _ _ _ notes names played at the _ _ _ _ time.

National 3 Concepts: Instruments


Acoustic guitarFolk Group

Accordion Orchestra

BagpipesScottish dance band

Drum kitSteel band

Electric guitar

FiddleMethods of Playing


PianoBlowing Bowing Drum fill

Instrument familiesHarmony





