Natgrowth - Proudly African – I’Africa Iyathuthuka

National and AfricaGrowth, Development and Investment Centre

23-25October 2007Garden Court Marine Parade

Invitation to Speakers, Partners, Investors, Sponsors and Participants

We have pleasure in Inviting you and colleagues to participate in the aboveProgrammewhichAims to facilitate implementation of the Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative for SA:ASGISA,and PackageStrategic Business and Economic DevelopmentProjects for Investmentin all areas of the province.

The Programme unpacks National, Provincial, Local and Sector Strategies and Business Projects with in-depth workshops on Business Planning, Financing, Investment, Partnerships, BBBEESMME Development.

The Outcomes include practical guidelines forBankable Business Plans, High Impact Projects, Investment, Finance, Partnerships, Job Creation, BBBEE, SMMEand Skills Development.


Provisional: AIDC, DBSA, DEAT, DURBAN FILM OFFICE, ESKOM, INTERAKT, KHULA, UBUNYE, UMGUNGUNDLUVU DM, UTHUNGULU DM, Public Works;Invited:Office of the Premier, Legislature, MECs, HODs, Economic Social Clusters, Agriculture, Tourism, Treasury, Local Gov & Housing, Sport, Transport, Ithala, TIKZN.Exec Mayors,MMs, Councillors, CFOs, IDP & LED Officials.National:Presidency, dti, DEAT, DOA, DOE, DOH, DOL, DOT, DPE, DPLG, DPSA, DPW, DSR, DWAF, DACS, NT, SALGA, TISA;SOEs:ACSA, CIPRO, DBSA, Eskom, IDC, NEF, Proudly SA, SEDA,Transnet.Business: Investors, Financial Institutions, ABSA, Ethanol Africa, Resilient Properties, NAFCOC, SACOB, SAFIKA.Stakeholders:Labour, Consultants, COOPS, NGOs,SMMEs,Africa Delegations

Previous programmes: Nonhlanhla Mjoli-Mncube ASGISA, Mrs Zanele Mbeki, Presidency, Mmembathisi Mdladlana Minister of Labour, Sazini Ndlovu IDT Jobs for Growth, AFD, AfriVula, AIDC, ANC, Anglo Platinum, Banking Council, Business Connexion, Business Partners, B-Tel, BUSA, CENTLEC, CHAMSA, COSATU, CSIR, Deloitte, National, Provincial & Local Government, DEAT, DOA, DOC, DOL, DOH, DOT, DME, DPE, DPW, DSR, DPLG, Dti, Callforce, DBSA, ECDC, EDI, Education, Ekta, ELIDZ, Ethanol Africa, Embassies: French, German, Israeli, UK, USA; Ekurhuleni, Embizeni, Eskom, Ethanol Africa, FASSET, FDC, FNB, FEDUSA, GCIS, GEDA, GEP, GPG,GTKF, ICASA, ICT Charter, IDC, Innovation Hub, Interakt, Investec, Invest N West, Ithala, Jasco, JCCI Nafcoc, Khaima, Khula, Land Bank, Lejwelephutswa, Liberty,Llale, Lucent, M&R Badiri Consultants, Mangaung, Maxim Solutions, MboxOne, NAAMSA, NAFCOC, NDA, Nedbank, NEF, NEDLAC, NEPAD, NMCF, NPI, NT, NW University, PMR, Proudly SA, Rainbow, Resilient, SABC, SACCOM, SACOB, Samaita, SAIRR, SALGA, SARB, SEDA, SGI, SETA’s, SML, Southern Cross, Stanbic, Stats SA, Telkom, TETA, Tiffany, Thabo Mbeki Fund, Transnet, Ubuntu,Ubunye,UKDfid, UKZN, UNDP, UYF, Walter Sisulu U, World Bank, WDB, Yebo Coops

Natgrowthis an independent empowered Growth, Development and Investment Centre facilitating Programmes, Projects, Partnerships and Investment, as a leading Strategic Resource for all Stakeholders. Natgrowth provides Management and Financial Services, Education, Training, Skills and Capacity Development programmes in association with I’Africa Iyathuthuka, I’Africa Foundation (non-profit) and London School of Business SA, established in 1993. (Please see serves as Strategic Advisors to Mafeking IDZ to facilitate forums, projects and investments.Executives: Eric StillermanBSocSc BA Hons BAcc CA (SA) MA CEO, specialist in Business and Economic Growth, Development, Strategy, Finance and Investment, lifetime experience as a Development Activist, Social and Economic Entrepreneur, Executive and Consultant in the Public and Private Sectors.Princess Mavundla MDM, Artie Phatlane NDE, Phumelele Thwathwa DipIT, Taurai Gumbo BSc Econ Hons Lon Zim, Lisanias Mupambireyi BSc Econ Lon AMD IMM, Non-exec: M Mashiane MBA, Dr Colin Lawrence Phd UK.


DAY 1: ASGISA Strategies and Projects


08.30Introduction,Objectives and Overview

Eric Stillerman, Natgrowth Chair and All Participants

  • ASGISA:Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa
  • Building a Shared Global Growth and Investment Region

10.00Morning Refreshments/Networking

10.30ASGISA Strategies and Projects: 2007-2014

Panel Invited: ASGISA Task Teams, Office of Premier, Natgrowth

  • Key Initiatives, Opportunities and Challenges
  • Investment Budget and Funding R416b
  • Infrastructure Programmes and Projects
  • Sector Priorities including Agro-processing, ICT, Tourism, Transport, Infrastructure, 2010
  • Jobs for Growth Plansfor 300 000 Enterprises to generate1m sustainable Jobs
  • Skills and Education including JIPSA: Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition
  • Equity: Second Economy Integration, BBBEE, SMME Development, EPWP, other
  • Macro-Economic issues Currency, Budgeting, Management
  • Economic Review: National, Provincial and Local

11.30Provincial Growth, Development and Investment Strategies and Projects

Growth Fund Projects and Investment Initiatives

Invited:Office of the Premier,Department ofEconomic Development


13.30District and Local Growth, Development and Investment Strategies and Projects

Packaging LED Projects for Investment

Invited:District and Local Municipal Managers, IDP and LED Officials

15.00Afternoon Refreshments/Networking

15.30Workshops: National, Provincial and Local Strategiesand Projects

Investment Proposals and Facilitation

Panels Invited:National,Provincial and Local Participants

16.15Discussion and Conclusions

All Participants



Plan of Action

Investment Proposals

Budgets and Funding


DAY 2: ASGISA Sector Strategies and Projects


08.30Sector Strategies and Projects: Overview

Panel Invited: dti, Economic Development, Investment Agencies, Natgrowth

  • NIPF: National Industrial Policy Framework
  • Trade and Investment Opportunities and Facilitation

09.00Transport, Infrastructure, Construction, Public Works andEPWP

Panel Invited: Department of Transport and Public Works

10.00Morning Refreshments/Networking

10.15Agriculture, Agro-processing, Bio-fuels, Forestry, Land and Water

Invited:Agriculture, Land, Water and Forestry

11.15Tourism, 2nd Economy and 2010 Strategies and Projects

Provisional: Motlatse Maleka DEAT

12.15Automotive,Manufacturing and DownstreamSectors

Dr Paulo Fernandes CEOAIDC


14.00Creative and Cultural Industries

Leonie Hall, CEOInterakt Development Network

14.45Film and Video Investment Projects

Mandle Ndimande CEO Durban Film Office

15.30Afternoon Refreshments/Networking

15.45Workshop Discussiondepending on attendance Panels Invited

  • Resources: Minerals, Energy,Water, BeneficiationInvited: DME, DWAF, Eskom, Mines
  • Property Development Invited: Property Developers, Others
  • Housing and Integrated Human Settlements Invited: Dept ofHousing
  • ICT: Information and Communication TechnologiesInvited: DOC, ICT Council
  • BPO&O: Business Process Outsourcing and Off-shoringInvited: SACCCOM
  • Financial Services, Trade and InvestmentInvited:Banks, Dfi’s
  • Education and Skills Development Invited: DOE, DOL, SETAS
  • Health Care and HIV/Aids Invited:DOH
  • Social SectorsInvited:Social Development
  • Women, Youth and People with DisabilitiesInvited:

16.45Discussion and Conclusions

  • Projects
  • Investment Proposals
  • Plan of Action


DAY 3: ASGISA Business Projects and Investment


08.30Business Projects and Investment

Panel Invited: SEDA, Business Development Agencies Natgrowth

  • Business Development Opportunities and Strategies
  • Business Projectsand Partnerships
  • Business Planning: Viability, Sustainability and Bankability
  • Investment Proposals
  • BBBEE Strategies, Projects and Investment
  • Rolling out 100 000 SMME’s Per Year

10.00Morning Refreshments/Networking

11.00Investment and Finance

Zukile Nomafu COO Khula Enterprise Finance

Panel Invited: Banks, DBSA, Khula, IDC, Ithala, NEF, Investors

  • Project Packaging for Investment
  • Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Investment Structuring and Facilitation

12.00Parallel Workshops Panels Invited

  • Business Projects and Investment
  • SMME and COOP Projects and Investment
  • BBBEE Projects and Investment
  • Job CreationProjects
  • Skills and Capacity Development
  • Financing, Budgeting and Investment
  • Investment Proposals and Deals


14.00Parallel Workshops

Panels Invited

  • Implementation, Management and Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

15.00Afternoon Refreshments/Networking

15.30Discussion, Feedback and ConclusionsAll Participants

  • Projects and Partnerships
  • Investment Deals
  • Follow-up Processes and Support Services


National and AfricaGrowth, Development and Investment Centre



Fax 011-403-3237; Tel 011-403-5483; Email:

Att: Artie PhatlanePrincess MavundlaPhumemele Thwathwa

EricStillermanOyinlola BabatundeAyodele Olatunji-David

Contact NamePosition




Postal AddressCode

We wish to Participate as follows: DelegatesNumber of Delegates


___Sep 18-20Eastern Cape___Oct 23-25Kwazulu-Natal___Dec11-13ASGI-Africa

Fees (incl. Vat)1 DayR2000 (R2280); 2 Days R4000 (R4560);3 Days R5700 (R6 498)

Discounts2 - 4 Delegates -10%; 5 - 10 Delegates -20%; 11+ Delegates on inquiry

Delegate NumberDay 1Day 2Day 3All 3 Days

Total NumberDelegatesx Days x Fee above R______R ______

Discount%: see above -R ______

Fees ex VatR ______

Vat14% Vat Reg: 4430141921; Your Vat Reg No:R ______

TOTAL FEESPayable in AdvanceR ______


CREDIT CARDCardholder: Expiry: / Type:Visa Master

Card number: CCV: Amount: R

Signature: Straight: Budget: Months: .

NOTE Investment, Finance, Project and Partnership facilitationis availableduring or afterthe programme with market-related facilitation fees and options for partnership participation.

PARTICIPANTSPlease indicate any special diet, health or other requirementsona separate page if necessary

Name / Position / Tel / Cell / Fax / Email

© Natgrowth 11/12/2018 Tel 011-403-5483; Fax 011-403-3237 Email