Special Education Evaluation Web Sites 10/1/131

NASP List of State School Psychology Associations

General Resources

Tax Tips for the Disabled

Information on Specific Tests

DAS-II information

Evaluation Association NWEA MAP

WISC-IV Technical Reports, etc.

WAIS-IV information


information on finding tests

on many speech and language tests

Assessment Service Bulletins

III Assessment Service Bulletins



Artifact History of Disability in America

1916 Stanford-Binet Manual

1904 Binet-Simon

History by Kirk Becker


Watkins: articles, software, tests, ASCA, etc.

– resources from Jonathan Plucker

by David Lohman

of many books on cognitive assessment

Schneider's information, scoring programs & tests

Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation

Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education

of Specialists in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning

Elements of Style on line

Cross-Battery Assessment Web Site

DSM-5 Implementation, Support, and Corrections

OCR Guide for High-Stakes Testing

Florida Center for Reading Research

Wright's Intervention Central

vs. CALP, ESL assessment

about with visual impairments

Association of Test Directors

graphing tools: McDougal, Clark, & Wilson SUNY

many publications

many webinars, etc.

Chronological age calculator 

Draper on Hawthorne, Pygmalion, placebo effect

Evaluation for Social Security

Reading Assessment Data Base

Canivez: articles, software, etc.

on word finding

Assessment Ethics

Psychological Association ethics

of Fair Testing Practices in Education

ethics & professional standards 2010

Professional Conduct Manual 2000

Policy Compliance Office (FPCO)

Joint FERPA & HIPAA Guidance

information: federal medical privacy


"Slow Learners"

Steven Shaw

Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA), Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM),
Response to Intervention (RTI), Problem-Solving Model (PSM)

The Official DIBELS Home Page

for littlies

monitoring tools Univ. of Minnesota

Shinn’s download page

Responsiveness-to-Intervention Symposium

Conference on RTI in SLD Determination

Institute on Progress Monitoring

Area Agency, Johnston, Iowa

source for curriculum-based assessment

Now Support for K-12

Florida Center for Reading Research DIBELS, etc.

Wright's Intervention Central

Iowa Area Agencies sped procedures manual

RtI State Plan

Policies & Procedures Implementation book order

graphing tools: McDougal, Clark, & Wilson SUNY

PaTTAN training materials for RTI

Center on Response to Intervention

Center on Student Progress Monitoring

of downloads of training materials

software for hand-held computers

on RTI and CBM

Other Websites

test interpretation templates new home

Ortiz's WWW School Psychology Homepage

list home page – lots of valuable documents

documents in psychology York University

McGrew's Mind Hub

of Specialists in Assessment of Intell. Functioning

ed., illustrations of brain, news briefs, etc.

biographical profiles - intelligence theory and testing

Wright's interventions for learning and behavior

J. Kay's page with articles and links


Assoc. of School Psychologists

Caywood-Rukas's Zone of Proximal Devel.

Psychology and Psychiatry Organizations

Psychological Association (APA)

state, provincial, territorial associations

of Specialists in Assessment of Intell. Functioning

Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

of state school psychology associations

School Psychology Association

Psychological Association

School Psychologists Association

Association of School Psychologists

Psychological Association

Association of School Psychologists

Association of School Psychologists

State Psychological Association

Psychiatric Association (APA)

Psychological Association


The Official DIBELS Home Page

Shadows Phonemic Awareness Scale

Wasmer Andrews SMOG reading level tool

Reading First

Big Ideas in Beginning Reading

on-line library

Preventing Early Reading Failure – J. Torgeson

Reading is Rocket Science Louisa C. Moats

First resources

Florida Center for Reading Research

Get Ready to Read! (GRTR!) national initiative

Maryland International Children's Digital Library

Dyslexia Association

methods, materials and texts - Brody Reading

(must order by telephone)

Ally (was Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic)

tutoring, consultation, art therapy

Reading Panel

Branch of the International Dyslexia Association

L. Hall and Louisa C. Moats, Ed.D

International Reading Association

for Accessible Reading Assessment papers

and information, e.g., reading fluency tables

is Fundamental

Southwest Educational Development Lab


evidence-based writing instruction

to grammar and composition Richard Nordquist

on-line writing lab

American Psychological Association

Publication Manual, 6th ed.


Writing Project

for teaching writing

Fogarty grammar tips

Fogarty grammar tips


about math and send in questions to Dr. Math

Illuminations – standards, lessons, links, etc.

Nat. Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM) Standards

instruction and practice


word problems

Leonard's thousands of free math worksheets, etc.

Math Tables

Learning Disabilities, Speech/Language, NLD, Traumatic Brain Injury,

and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Affiliates of the LDA

Research Center on Learning Disabilities


Levine on learning differences

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Brain Injury in Children and Teens BIANH Children & Adults with ADD

NIH consensus report on ADHD

conditions that mimic ADHD

Dyslexia Association

Wright's Intervention Central

Disabilities Assoc. of America

scales and other information on ADHD

Center for Learning Disabilities

Line nonverbal learning disability

learning disorder

Training and Technical Assistance Network

Schwab Foundation for Learning: info. for parents

Vanderbilt University resources

Finding Web site

Deafness and Hearing Loss

for serving hearing children with deaf parents

Gallaudet University. Many links and resources.


Graham Bell Association

Consortium on Deaf-Blindness

Society for Deaf Children

news, and resources.

on Educational Services for Deaf Students

Gallaudet College

very old but useful list of assessments for deaf children

for the deaf and hard of hearing

language Web sites Linda Burkhart

Association of the Deaf

of Interpreters for the Deaf

for Hard of Hearing People

Blindness and Visual Impairment

organizations for the parents of blind kids

eye-muscle problems: eyes follow the cursor

Consortium on Deaf-Blindness

Academy of Ophthalmology

Council of the Blind

Foundation for the Blind

Printing House for the Blind

Position Paper: Intelligence Testing of Individuals who

are Blind or Visually Impaired-Goodman, Evans, Loftin

beginning Braille teaching materials


Vision Gateway – lots of good information

History of Reading Codes for the Blind

Federation of the Blind

vision screening cards: register, then click on vision & hearing screening, then visual acuity charts,

on Lea near vision symbol card

for Lea near vision cards

Guide for the Blind

Associates tests and information

Physical Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Pages for Many Disabilities

Neurosurgery page Neil Feldstein

Injury Association of America


Syndrome Foundation

house for supplies and equipment

Guide to Disability Resources on the 'Net

International: exchange programs

Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke

Therapy Aide

listing of rare diseases home page

for Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped

association for persons with severe disabilities

Syndrome "Plus"

The Tourette Syndrome Association

of Wisconsin Waisman Center

Medical Information

Academy of Pediatrics policy statements

Academy of Family Physicians

Institutes of Health

EBSCO Health Library

Brain Injury in Children and Teens BIANH

of the Web" health information

height, weight, body mass index charts

on clinical trials

with Diabetes


Drug interactions

and alerts about drugs and devices

& Brain Mapping Program

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network

Center for Health and Health Care in Schools

to many health-related sites

mobile Apps for health issues

On Net Foundation search engine


searchable medical databases

Library of Medicine

Library of Medicine "easy-access site"

Barrett, MD, Guide to Health Fraud

Drug Index

Sleep Apnea

Set up a Web page to post updates about a hospital patient's condition and a bulletin board to post messages to the patient and family. Great service.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Association for Down Syndrome

Assoc. on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Council on Developmental Disabilities

Down Syndrome Society

National Association for the Dually Diagnosed

for students with intellectual disabilities


of Wisconsin Waisman Center

Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Issues

Miller Multimodal Functional Behavioral Ass't

Bipolar Research Foundation

& Adolescent Bipolar foundation

for Acad., Social & Emotional Learning

for Evidence-Based Practice: Young Children

Counseling Association

DSM-5 Implementation, Support, and Corrections

useful, free, on-line mental health resources

Wright's Intervention Central

page for Bipolar Disorder


behavioral intervention

Positive Environments Network of Trainers

E. Packer's site: links, tips, etc.

Steingart's School Psych Resources Online

Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and PDD

by Ann Palmer

Yale Child Study Center Developmental Disabilities

dissenting opinion

Behavior, Autism and Asperger Syndrome

York Autism Network

National Committee

St. U. Center for Autism & Related Disorders

Network for Dietary Intervention

Autism Resource & Information Center

Society of America


tool to help learn about early red flags

NH Coalition for Autism Insurance Reform

Autism Collaboration

practice guidelines NY Dept. of Health

page for PDD, hyperlexia, etc.

Institute for Early Intervention

Abilities, emphasis on autism, many links

Steingart's School Psych Resources Online

program University of North Carolina

Attwood on Asperger's Syndrome

info. & support Barb Kirby's OASIS

Selective Mutism

Anxiety Network

Mutism Group

Mutism Foundation

General Education and Special Education

mJill Mora Cross Cultural Lang. & Acad. Development

of New England: many lesson plans

WagenerSmith's references and resources

Education Resources on the Internet

lesson bank

B C Teach resources for teachers

Federation of Teachers: many links

on Higher Ed. and Disability

of Specialists in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning

Library for Kids links

Analysis Certification Board

base of college freshmen

for Advancem't of Social & Emotional Learning

to Common Core reading and math standards

management from The Master Teacher

on planning for post-secondary education

for Child Development (FCD)

Smith's Special Educators' Web page

Cosby memorial with good Rxs for teachers

games and activities

Central: instruction and behavior ideas

Iowa Area Agencies sped procedures manual

K12 Station resources "Great Links for Education"


methods, materials and texts - Brody Reading

teaching materials, some free samples

Assoc. for the Education Of Young Children

Association of State Directors of Special Educ.

.National Education Association (NEA)

Education Association: hints and gimmicks.

Dissemination Center for … Disabilities NICHCY

support for parents and children: separate state listings

Central Regional Ed. Library

Regional Ed. Library
Horizons for Learning Johns Hopkins Univ.


Resource Room information for teachers

A-Z educational links

Abilities, emphasis on autism, many links

lesson plans and curriculum units

links - University of Wisconsin Waisman Center

What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)

English Language Learning (ESL, ELL, ESOL, LEP)

(C.L.A.S. up to 2003)Culturally & Linguistically Approp. Services

English Language Learners (FCD)

Special Ed. info & links Illinois State BOE


acceleration for gifted children

NH regulations for gifted children

Development Center

Gifted Education Page

to tests

Hampshire Association for Gifted Education

Association for Gifted Children

articles on gifted and talented education

Information on "twice exceptional" children

Law and Government

law firm specializing in disability appeals

DOE Doing What Works

Employment Opportunity Comm. (ADAAA)

home page U.S. Dept. of Education

two Web pages with extensive special education

for parents and advocates

Center for Education Statistics

state compliance reports for NCLB

(Jefferson) current information on legislation

Final Regulations related to parental consent for the use of public benefits or insurance[1]

508 information (technology accessibility)


Law directoryonline, newsletter, information

Resource Center for Special Ed.

Department of Education Home Page

about Section 504

Know your Rights under 504

of Civil Rights Reading Room lots of links

of Civil Rights on post-secondary transition

Dept. of Ed.: No Child Left Behind (ESEA)

on high stakes testing

Technical Assistance & Dissemination

Policy Compliance Office (FPCO)

Joint FERPA & HIPAA Guidance

Policy Compliance Office (FPCO): FERPA

exceptions for IDEA, etc.

Protection of Pupil Rights Act information Section 504 Regulations

Fed. Communications Commission Disability Rights Office

FCC Consumer Fact Sheet: Telecom. Relay Services (TRS)

FCC guide for TRS and use of 711 telephone number


of Federal Regulations

information: federal medical privacy


ed. law, IDEA

analyses of IDEIA w/ emphasis on transition

for assessment and teaching

Training and Technical Assistance Network

of materialsand links; subscribe to free newsfeed

508 technology accessibility rules

Woodsum & MacMahon, Portland, ME

up for free LRP newsletter on spedlaw

Special Education Network – Connecticut Southern Poverty Law Center – antidiscrimination

of Justice
with Disabilities Act page

What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)

parent-oriented sped law web site

Social Promotion and Retention in Grade

Family Education Network links

US DOE Taking Responsibility for Ending Social Promotion

link for entire document)

in Kindergarten: Am. Ed. Research Assoc.

Jimerson information on retention

Online re Kindergarten retention

handout for parents

handout: alternatives to retention

Testing and Journal Data Bases

Current Issues in Education

Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation

Watch Online: psychiatry

American Psychological Association Monitor

general education news and links



® findarticles

Watch Online: summaries/comments by MDs

New York Times

Phi Delta Kappan

access to some journals

Microfilms (dissertations)

Scientific American

Social Psychology

Mental Measurements Yearbooks


for disabilities and technology

and Internet acronyms, abbreviations, and terms

Center University of Wisconsin

list of assistive technology links

typing instruction: info. and purchase

word processors

Technology in Special Education & Rehab.

for the deaf and hard of hearing

document processor

voice-activated, on-screen math computing

downloadable chronological age calculator

Engineering & Assistive Technology

508 technology accessibility rules

Equip. Distribution Prog. Assoc.

screen readers, etc.


W. Joel Schneider: superb tutorials

Watkins: many free statistics programs

W. Joel Schneider: tons of free programs

Dumont: test interpretation templates

Recorded Books

rentals and sales

Ally (was Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic)

rentals and sales

Carol Evans: paper on Audio Assisted Reading

Special Education Organizations

Amer. Assoc. Intellectual & Develop. Disabilities

of Specialists in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning

Society of America


Injury Association of New Hampshire

Injury Association of America

for Exceptional Children

for Exceptional Children NH Federation

Dyslexia Association

Disabilities Association of America

Branch International Dyslexia Association

Learning Disabilities Association

Search Engines, References, and Tools

Jeeves plain language search engine

search engine for scholarly articles

into other languages

up acronyms and abbreviations

Machine to find old, lost Web pages

into other languages

useful on-line research tools

including out of print books, including out of print




specialized search engines

engine, create list of links w/o leaving page


free images for multimedia, etc.

Steingart’s outstanding resources[‡]


software, etc.

Aladdin Expander

Translators and Interpreters 800-811-7881

engine; sorts by topic

Free Dictionary by Farlex

lesson plans and curriculum units

dictionary updated by members

Veracity Verifiers

hoaxes, virus hoaxes, etc.

hoaxes, virus hoaxes, etc.

Legends and Folklore

hoaxes, virus hoaxes, etc.

fact checks Tampa Bay Times

Barrett, MD, Guide to Health Fraud

Internet hoaxes, virus hoaxes, etc.

Publishers and Book Sellers

shopping for books Academic Press


Amazon: commercial book seller

Thomas Achenbach et al.: CBCL, etc.

Paperbacks for Educators

Barnes and Noble: commercial book seller

shopping for books on line

including out of print books, including out of print

sign language rebus books for kids

Test Centre (Insight)


assessment (CTB/McGraw-Hill)

Journal of School Psych., etc.

Publishing Service

Testing Service



Kingsley Publishers (social/behavioral sciences)

methods, materials and texts - Brody Reading Lindamood-Bell

Ally (was Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic)

Systems - Conners' Scales, etc.

shopping for books on line

Academy Press

spedlaw manual, Preventing Restraints, etc.

(Psychological Assessment Resources)



and materials for at-risk students; IEP program

(Leiter International Perf. Scale, etc.)

of Test Publishers

& ERIC links for curriculum, lesson plans

list of new books by course topic


Western Psychological Services

Wrightslaw spedlaw books and law library

Parent, Advocacy, Resource, and Support Groups and Pages

Parent Training Center

Alcohol Syndrome Comm. Resource Center

two Web pages with extensive special education

for parents and advocates


Brain Injury in Children and Teens BIANH

of Parent Attorneys and Advocates

Security Disability Secrets

advocates: NH & northern MA: D. French

From Within - survivors of trauma & victimization

state-by-state listing of parent resources