Narrowing the gap: alternative modes of engaging employers Action Plan: Revised March 2009

Mode of engagement / Commentary on progress to date / Actions / Responsibility / Timescale
An interactive web environment / This facility is designed to promote ongoing discussion of pertinent issues related to the work-based elements of both Foundation Degree courses. Topics identified are assessment, flexibility, specialisms and employer gains.
The VLE content has been set up, but there have been difficulties in accessing employer details in order to set up individual log-ins. We hope to resolve this during March 09. / Web environment development (VLE) / Content input from Paul Fenton, Jan Machalski. Technical support from Caroline Pearce / Content completed
Web Environment – employer training / Students + Caroline Pearce / REVISED
during March 2009
Web Environment Live / Caroline Pearce
Jan Machalski
Paul Fenton / REVISED
from March 2009
Round-table consultation events
Re-named ‘Professional Development Workshops’ / These events are designed to bring employers into the University College environment to engage in focussed discussion related to course-specific matters. Unfortunately, the first workshop, focussing upon the ‘Common Core’ had to be postponed. / Meeting to plan content of consultation events / Claire Taylor
Jan Machalski
Paul Fenton
(Nick Edmonds – admin support) / Completed for event 1
Workshop1 / Claire Taylor
Jan Machalski
Paul Fenton
(Michele Upcott – admin support) / January date postponed due to snow
8 April 2009
1pm campus tour (optional)
2 – 4pm Professional Development Workshop (Paul to lead)
Details and date for Workshop 2 are to be confirmed. / Workshop 2 / Claire Taylor
Jan Machalski
Paul Fenton
(Michele Upcott – admin support) / TBC
Work-Shadowing / University College tutors have identified opportunities to shadow specific roles within work settings (schools, colleges, child care and youth work settings) in order to gain up to date knowledge and understanding of practice within the Education and Children's Services Sectors.
There have been some expressions of interest from employers to shadow academic tutors during course delivery within the University College. This is to be followed up. / Work shadowing opportunities identified and implemented
Follow-up expressions of interest / Paul Fenton
Jan Machalski
Claire Taylor
Jan Machalski
Paul Fenton
(Michele Upcott – admin support) / Feb – April 2009
March 2009
Video Conferencing / This facility will enable University College tutors to engage with employers in more remote settings related to education and children's services. There is the potential for video conferencing to:
1.  facilitate further discussion related to work-based learning elements of both Foundation Degree courses
2.  provide a ‘window in on a setting’ in order to develop a teaching resource (ethical issues permitting) / Video conferencing opportunities identified; Equipment purchased as necessary / Paul Fenton
Jan Machalski
(Caroline Pearce
David Barber – technical support) / April 2009
Video conferencing opportunities implemented / Paul Fenton
Jan Machalski
(Caroline Pearce
David Barber – technical support) / May 2009
Dissemination / Second steering group meeting
Establish conference planning sub-committee / March 2009
Research summary report drafted and circulated to steering group / Claire Taylor
(with Paul Fenton, Jan Machalski) / June 2009
Third and final steering group meeting / July 2009
Development and production of ‘Toolkit’ based upon research findings, and finalisation of research report / Claire Taylor
(with Paul Fenton, Jan Machalski) / July - September 2009
Dissemination conference at BG / Autumn 2009