
Associated Teachers’ TV programme
Social Enterprise: The Sawtry Approach

0001 10:00:14:14 10:00:17:05

(narrator) This isn't just

digging and weeding.

0002 10:00:17:05 10:00:20:20

This is an example

of social enterprise in action.

0003 10:00:20:20 10:00:24:06

Now that enterprise education

is being slotted into the timetable,

0004 10:00:24:06 10:00:27:17

a national charity is urging schools

to seize the opportunity

0005 10:00:27:17 10:00:31:14

to get involved with

community and conservation projects.

0006 10:00:31:14 10:00:34:03


has a simple message for schools.

0007 10:00:34:03 10:00:36:06

From September you must provide

0008 10:00:36:06 10:00:38:22

five hours of enterprise learning

over two years,

0009 10:00:38:22 10:00:41:24

so why not

make it social enterprise?

0010 10:00:41:24 10:00:45:13

22 schools have tried out different

models of social enterprise,

0011 10:00:45:13 10:00:49:24

including SawtryCommunity College

in Cambridgeshire.

0012 10:00:49:24 10:00:53:10

While some schools stuck with

two or three large-scale ventures,

0013 10:00:53:10 10:00:57:17

here, staff decided that all pupils

in year 10 - that's around 280 -

0014 10:00:57:17 10:01:00:09

should take part

in more than 30 projects.

0015 10:01:00:09 10:01:03:15

It's been possible because

the projects are mostly small,

0016 10:01:03:15 10:01:08:04

involve working nearby

or embrace existing activities.

0017 10:01:08:04 10:01:11:24

They also demonstrate that the

simplest ideas are often the best

0018 10:01:11:24 10:01:14:04

when you want to help the community.

0019 10:01:14:04 10:01:17:12

I think it makes

the enterprising skills

0020 10:01:17:12 10:01:19:07

more relevant to the young people

0021 10:01:19:07 10:01:22:00

because it is based on

their own interests

0022 10:01:22:00 10:01:24:22

and it's based in a context

that they can relate to.

0023 10:01:24:22 10:01:28:11

One of the problems with enterprise

and how it's sometimes taught

0024 10:01:28:11 10:01:32:17

is that not every young person can

or wants to be Richard Branson

0025 10:01:32:17 10:01:34:09

or Alan Sugar.

0026 10:01:34:09 10:01:38:20

And with this kind of approach

they can make the connections

0027 10:01:38:20 10:01:42:06

between what they're doing

in their local community

0028 10:01:42:06 10:01:46:03

and how the skills that they're

developing might go on to help them

0029 10:01:46:03 10:01:49:03

in whatever it is

they go on to do later in life.

0030 10:01:49:03 10:01:52:11

(narrator) We asked Adam,

as chief executive of Changemakers,

0031 10:01:52:11 10:01:55:01

to assess

how social-enterprise education

0032 10:01:55:01 10:01:57:24

is working

at SawtryCommunity College.

0033 10:01:57:24 10:01:59:21

It begins with sessions like this,

0034 10:01:59:21 10:02:03:20

where pupils get into groups

and come up with ideas.

0035 10:02:03:20 10:02:07:20

It becomes clear that horticulture

and looking after the environment

0036 10:02:07:20 10:02:10:07

is popular

and important in these parts.

0037 10:02:10:07 10:02:13:16

..doing up the conservation area

behind the science blocks

0038 10:02:13:16 10:02:16:02

to make it

somewhere people can go.

0039 10:02:16:02 10:02:18:13

(man) Right.

What's it like at the moment?

0040 10:02:18:13 10:02:22:08

A mess, and it's all overgrown,

but we can sort that out.

0041 10:02:22:08 10:02:25:23

As a group, we chose a gardening

project at the local primary school.

0042 10:02:25:23 10:02:28:06

We're in the planning stage

at the moment,

0043 10:02:28:06 10:02:31:06


what we're going to put in it,

0044 10:02:31:06 10:02:36:01

what kind of plants, suitable plants

that will last the year.

0045 10:02:36:01 10:02:42:07

There's very big pots

over by the tech and science block,

0046 10:02:42:07 10:02:45:03

and we're going to be deweeding them

0047 10:02:45:03 10:02:48:09

and putting new flowers in and

things to make it look a lot better.

0048 10:02:48:09 10:02:51:12

(man) Why did you choose

that particular project?

0049 10:02:51:12 10:02:54:07

Because there will be

a lot of visible difference.

0050 10:02:54:07 10:02:56:16

It will look better for the school.

0051 10:02:56:16 10:03:00:16

(narrator) For staff, it's a relief

that the plans are realistic.

0052 10:03:00:16 10:03:02:23

(man) Did you get

some really bizarre ideas?

0053 10:03:02:23 10:03:06:00

- One or two.

- (man) Go on.

0054 10:03:06:00 10:03:10:02

Dome the whole college, which

I thought was a fantastic idea.

0055 10:03:10:02 10:03:12:06

- (man) Put a dome on the college?

- Yeah,

0056 10:03:12:06 10:03:15:12

which would be all-weather,


0057 10:03:16:06 10:03:19:21

(narrator) While staff may need to

step in to discourage some schemes,

0058 10:03:19:21 10:03:21:24

their usual role is to stand back.

0059 10:03:21:24 10:03:26:00

Enterprise learning requires

facilitators rather than teachers,

0060 10:03:26:00 10:03:29:19

and training is available on the

difference between the two roles.

0061 10:03:29:19 10:03:34:06

I think a teacher, traditionally,

we see as giving information,

0062 10:03:34:06 10:03:36:00

imparting information

0063 10:03:36:00 10:03:39:02

and helping students

to recognise what they need to know,

0064 10:03:39:02 10:03:42:00

imparting that knowledge

and absorbing it, really.

0065 10:03:42:00 10:03:45:07

Whereas facilitating is almost

sort of drawing that out of them

0066 10:03:45:07 10:03:49:06

and giving them the confidence and

encouragement to be able to do that.

0067 10:03:49:06 10:03:51:17

I think that's the key difference.

0068 10:03:51:17 10:03:54:01

(narrator) The training

is given to a group

0069 10:03:54:01 10:03:56:11

mostly made up

of learning assistants.

0070 10:03:56:11 10:03:59:14

In this first exercise

called "mill and grab"

0071 10:03:59:14 10:04:02:10

they reveal who would be

their dream dinner guest.

0072 10:04:02:10 10:04:05:12

I think the person I'd have

dinner with is Margaret Thatcher.

0073 10:04:05:12 10:04:09:14

- Micky Dolenz from The Monkees.

- The big star of The Monkees.

0074 10:04:09:15 10:04:13:17

I think my choice would be Mandela.

0075 10:04:13:17 10:04:16:02


After gaining these insights,

0076 10:04:16:02 10:04:19:07

the trainees then ask each other

about their communities.

0077 10:04:19:07 10:04:21:09

Which two

are the most important to them

0078 10:04:21:09 10:04:23:22

and what would they change?

0079 10:04:23:22 10:04:28:06

The immediate one is the family

and where you live, I would say.

0080 10:04:28:06 10:04:33:02

So do you include that family

0081 10:04:33:02 10:04:35:15

as your neighbours or...

0082 10:04:35:15 10:04:37:11

- Is that what you're saying?

- Yeah.

0083 10:04:37:11 10:04:41:18

(narrator) "Mill and grab" could

be tried with pupils themselves.

0084 10:04:41:18 10:04:45:19

How would that feel if you were

doing that with a group of students

0085 10:04:45:19 10:04:48:14

as an exercise?

0086 10:04:48:14 10:04:50:20

- Yeah, comfortable.

- (Sonya) Yeah?

0087 10:04:50:20 10:04:54:01

Did you find out something about

people you thought you knew?

0088 10:04:54:01 10:04:58:01

Did you find out

a little bit more about them?

0089 10:04:58:01 10:05:00:24

- Yeah.

- (Sonya) And about yourself?

0090 10:05:00:24 10:05:03:14

Some of the questions, I mean...

0091 10:05:03:14 10:05:06:13

I mean, we've just done

a couple of questions.

0092 10:05:06:13 10:05:10:17

You can carry it through according

to the theme you're talking about,

0093 10:05:10:17 10:05:12:19

whether it's enterprise

or citizenship.

0094 10:05:12:19 10:05:14:24

You can start to input questions

0095 10:05:14:24 10:05:18:13

and make them a little bit more

difficult and a bit more searching.

0096 10:05:18:13 10:05:20:24


Later the group creates two circles.

0097 10:05:20:24 10:05:23:22

The ones on the outside

are playing the part of young people

0098 10:05:23:22 10:05:27:04

and the ones on the inside

are in the role of facilitator.

0099 10:05:27:04 10:05:29:20

The youngsters

must talk about an ambition.

0100 10:05:29:20 10:05:32:01

They don't know

that the person opposite

0101 10:05:32:01 10:05:34:11

has been told

to be totally obstructive.

0102 10:05:34:11 10:05:37:10 tell your teacher

opposite you about your idea.

0103 10:05:37:10 10:05:40:11

What I'd like to do

is climb Kilimanjaro

0104 10:05:40:11 10:05:43:10

and raise

a lot of money for charity.

0105 10:05:43:10 10:05:48:02

I don't want to listen. No. No. No.

I do not want to listen at all.

0106 10:05:48:02 10:05:50:09

And move round

to the seat to your right.

0107 10:05:50:09 10:05:53:17

(narrator) Now the facilitators

have been told to be over the top

0108 10:05:53:17 10:05:56:17

in their support

of the young person's plan.

0109 10:05:56:17 10:06:01:06

My idea is that I would like to do

soccer camps for Sawtry community.

0110 10:06:01:06 10:06:05:03

Absolutely brilliant.

Where did you form the idea?

0111 10:06:05:03 10:06:09:03

(narrator) It's all about finding

the right balance of support.

0112 10:06:09:03 10:06:14:21

I think it's having

a real belief in the young people,

0113 10:06:14:21 10:06:17:02

and almost taking a risk,

if you like.

0114 10:06:17:02 10:06:19:11


they'll come up with some ideas,

0115 10:06:19:11 10:06:23:11

as in some of the exercises we've

done today, that can be way out.

0116 10:06:23:11 10:06:29:07

It's recognising that it isn't the

end product that is the key thing,

0117 10:06:29:07 10:06:32:13

whereas within education

within schools, we always look at...

0118 10:06:32:13 10:06:35:20

they must achieve a certain amount

to be able to achieve.

0119 10:06:35:20 10:06:38:08

With a facilitation

we are looking at the process

0120 10:06:38:08 10:06:41:24

and the skills that young people

can gain through that process.

0121 10:06:41:24 10:06:47:03

I think it's very interesting,

particularly the opening part,

0122 10:06:47:03 10:06:51:07

where you're trying to

focus on young people

0123 10:06:51:07 10:06:54:02

and get them thinking about

the wider aspects

0124 10:06:54:02 10:06:56:14

of their life and community.

0125 10:06:56:14 10:06:59:07

(man) You didn't

feel a bit silly doing all that?

0126 10:06:59:07 10:07:03:05

A little, yes.

A bit nervous, really, I suppose.

0127 10:07:03:05 10:07:06:08

But once you start it's not so bad.

0128 10:07:06:08 10:07:08:20

(man) Does it show

that there's a difference

0129 10:07:08:20 10:07:13:13

between teaching

and facilitation, as it's called?

0130 10:07:13:13 10:07:17:16

- Do you see the difference?

- I can, yes, I can.

0131 10:07:17:16 10:07:20:08

As you say, it's all

just sort of coming in new,

0132 10:07:20:08 10:07:22:09

and it's something

that I'm learning.

0133 10:07:22:09 10:07:26:21

So, yes, I certainly see

that it's being brought in,

0134 10:07:26:21 10:07:30:00

and it's something that

I've got to learn along the way.

0135 10:07:30:00 10:07:33:10

(narrator) It's because social

enterprise needs to be facilitated

0136 10:07:33:10 10:07:36:00

rather than taught

that teachers are being assured

0137 10:07:36:00 10:07:39:05

that it doesn't require

huge amounts of extra work.

0138 10:07:39:05 10:07:42:11

The teachers are in a

very different learning relationship

0139 10:07:42:11 10:07:45:19

and are playing, as I say,

much more of a facilitative role.

0140 10:07:45:19 10:07:50:05

And I think that does enable them to

give the young people more of a role

0141 10:07:50:05 10:07:52:10

in taking the lead and taking it on.

0142 10:07:52:10 10:07:54:18

(man) If they're

going off the school site,

0143 10:07:54:18 10:07:58:01

they have to be supervised,

there have to be risk assessments.

0144 10:07:58:01 10:07:59:21

That's a lot of extra work.

0145 10:07:59:21 10:08:03:13

There's a lot of preparation, and

I think that's the crucial thing.

0146 10:08:03:13 10:08:07:15

When the young people are

actually involved in the activity

0147 10:08:07:15 10:08:10:09

then it's a fairly light touch

that's required.

0148 10:08:10:09 10:08:14:04

(narrator) This is the second

and final year of the pilot schemes.

0149 10:08:14:04 10:08:17:02

Last year Sawtry completed

a similar number of projects,

0150 10:08:17:02 10:08:19:10

including one

that answered the prayers

0151 10:08:19:10 10:08:23:06

of the vicar of St Helen's Church

at nearby Folksworth.

0152 10:08:23:06 10:08:25:07

The church had no water supply -

0153 10:08:25:07 10:08:29:01

a nuisance for people who wanted

to leave flowers in the graveyard.

0154 10:08:29:01 10:08:33:06

After analysing the problem,

pupils came up with this solution.

0155 10:08:33:06 10:08:36:03

Suddenly, out of the blue,

the suggestion came

0156 10:08:36:03 10:08:38:23

that they'd like to

organise a project

0157 10:08:38:23 10:08:41:02

to provide a water pot

for the church.

0158 10:08:41:02 10:08:42:22

All the initiative came from them.

0159 10:08:42:22 10:08:46:04

People now can bring their flowers

without worrying about water-

0160 10:08:46:04 10:08:50:08

they know it's there - fresh

rainwater to put on the flowers.

0161 10:08:52:05 10:08:55:15

(narrator) Back at the college,

pupils start on their projects

0162 10:08:55:15 10:08:57:15

within the school grounds.

0163 10:08:57:15 10:09:00:02

The Changemakers

model of enterprise learning

0164 10:09:00:02 10:09:02:00

reflects the thinking of Ofsted -

0165 10:09:02:00 10:09:05:08

identifying a problem, followed by

planning a project to solve it

0166 10:09:05:08 10:09:07:05

and then the doing.

0167 10:09:07:05 10:09:10:18

It's the doing part

that's about to get underway.

0168 10:09:12:20 10:09:15:15

These pupils want to create

a conservation area

0169 10:09:15:15 10:09:17:24

in conjunction with

the Woodland Trust.

0170 10:09:17:24 10:09:20:03

Meanwhile, at a nearby flowerbed,

0171 10:09:20:03 10:09:23:11

the other group is getting to grips

with clearing the ground,

0172 10:09:23:11 10:09:26:22

and already learning how to resolve

differences and pull together.

0173 10:09:26:22 10:09:29:23

- Why are you taking it out?

- Its root - it's dead.

0174 10:09:29:23 10:09:33:04

It's not dead, it's got flipping

green things on the end.

0175 10:09:33:04 10:09:34:11

That means it's alive.

0176 10:09:34:11 10:09:38:05

Yeah, but it's not going to work, is

it, because it's just hanging out.

0177 10:09:38:05 10:09:40:15

Go on, pull.

0178 10:09:41:15 10:09:44:06

Teamwork works.

0179 10:09:44:06 10:09:46:24

(narrator) All plants

will be bought by the pupils

0180 10:09:46:24 10:09:49:06

using money raised by themselves.

0181 10:09:49:06 10:09:52:06

Most will rely on

traditional fundraising methods,

0182 10:09:52:06 10:09:54:13

such as baking or making jewellery,

0183 10:09:54:13 10:09:58:05

to entice fellow pupils and parents

to part with money.

0184 10:09:58:05 10:10:01:11

The school management would rather

pupils stuck to these means

0185 10:10:01:11 10:10:04:16

than rely on the ever popular

nonuniform days,

0186 10:10:04:16 10:10:08:02

which would be every day

if some pupils had their way.

0187 10:10:08:02 10:10:11:04

The conservation group

will also benefit from this machine.

0188 10:10:11:04 10:10:15:14

It's believed to be the only reverse

vending machine in a British school.

0189 10:10:15:14 10:10:19:15

Cans and bottles are crushed inside

and then sold for recycling.

0190 10:10:19:15 10:10:23:12

It also cuts down on litter

and saves on skips.

0191 10:10:23:12 10:10:27:08

The company that installed it

has close links with the school,

0192 10:10:27:08 10:10:30:10

and helps facilitate

the environmental projects.

0193 10:10:30:10 10:10:35:08

Primarily, instead of putting

that waste into the skips,

0194 10:10:35:08 10:10:40:00

you're actually compacting it,

reducing the use of skips,

0195 10:10:40:00 10:10:45:15

as Mr Stevens said -

£70 a week, £3,500 a year

0196 10:10:45:15 10:10:48:05

as a cost-reduction exercise.

0197 10:10:48:05 10:10:51:21

(narrator) Pupils are asked to write

a presentation on the environment

0198 10:10:51:21 10:10:53:22

as part of their projects.

0199 10:10:53:22 10:10:56:13

Schools are encouraged

to bring in business people

0200 10:10:56:13 10:11:00:02

to advise on projects

and also help with evaluation.

0201 10:11:00:02 10:11:05:15

Have you prepared a design

of what you intend to do?

0202 10:11:05:15 10:11:10:11

- We've got a little version.

- Just a mini drawing of it. OK.

0203 10:11:10:11 10:11:14:21

(narrator) That guidance can also

come from a variety of agencies,

0204 10:11:14:21 10:11:18:10

such as youth organisations,

the police and caring professions,

0205 10:11:18:10 10:11:20:14

and in this case the parish clerk.

0206 10:11:20:14 10:11:23:09

Once again,

horticulture is on the agenda.

0207 10:11:23:09 10:11:27:08

The Anglia in Bloom competition

is a competition, as it says,

0208 10:11:27:08 10:11:29:03

for the whole of Anglia.

0209 10:11:29:03 10:11:33:04

Sawtry have decided to take part in

this for the first time this year.

0210 10:11:33:04 10:11:35:08

I'm keen to find out

0211 10:11:35:08 10:11:38:13

what sort of things you're

interested in, what you want to do.

0212 10:11:38:13 10:11:41:16

It would be nice to be involved in

something that was fun.

0213 10:11:41:16 10:11:45:04

(man) You must be a fan of social

enterprise if it means you can...

0214 10:11:45:04 10:11:48:05

Yeah, absolutely. I think

everybody should work within...

0215 10:11:48:05 10:11:52:11

I work and live in the village.

Everybody wants it to look nice.

0216 10:11:53:01 10:11:56:16

(Adam) What I've really picked up is

the enthusiasm of the young people.

0217 10:11:56:16 10:11:59:16

The way that they've taken

what they've learnt,

0218 10:11:59:16 10:12:02:03

applied the lessons more generally.

0219 10:12:02:03 10:12:07:00

In the discussion that they had with

the clerk from the parish council,

0220 10:12:07:00 10:12:10:12

you really saw a sense of how

they'd gone on a journey, really,

0221 10:12:10:12 10:12:13:00

and started to ask

some real questions

0222 10:12:13:00 10:12:16:06

about their local community

and their role within it.

0223 10:12:16:06 10:12:19:06

(narrator) Adam Nichols

couldn't stay into the evening,

0224 10:12:19:06 10:12:22:24

so he didn't witness one of the

highlights of the local calendar -

0225 10:12:22:24 10:12:26:01

a roast-beef dinner

for all the area's pensioners,

0226 10:12:26:01 10:12:29:12

paid for and organised by

a village committee.

0227 10:12:29:12 10:12:33:07

Our students sit on

the Sawtry Feast Supper committee

0228 10:12:33:07 10:12:36:20

and we wanted them

not only to take responsibility,

0229 10:12:36:20 10:12:39:09

but to be involved

in the decisions that are made

0230 10:12:39:09 10:12:41:24

about what goes into

the Sawtry Feast Supper,

0231 10:12:41:24 10:12:43:19

which has run for years.

0232 10:12:43:19 10:12:46:08

And so this year,

along with our catering manager,

0233 10:12:46:08 10:12:49:23

they've had some influence

over how it's been organised.

0234 10:12:49:23 10:12:52:21

(man) So it's a good example

of how social enterprise

0235 10:12:52:21 10:12:56:12

can absorb existing projects,

existing activities?

0236 10:12:56:12 10:13:00:04

What we wanted to do was not have

social enterprise suddenly appear

0237 10:13:00:04 10:13:02:15

as this new initiative.

0238 10:13:02:15 10:13:05:22

What we want to do is say,

"What are we already involved in

0239 10:13:05:22 10:13:08:17

and how can we

adapt these activities

0240 10:13:08:17 10:13:12:08

that have involved citizenship and

a whole range of community projects,

0241 10:13:12:08 10:13:15:02

and build on that

as a valuable resource

0242 10:13:15:02 10:13:18:14

to then develop

into social enterprise?"

0243 10:13:19:15 10:13:22:17

The young ones, the young people,

I think they're great.

0244 10:13:22:17 10:13:24:22

It's nice to know

that they want to do it.

0245 10:13:24:22 10:13:27:10

(narrator) Whether

it involves serving a feast,

0246 10:13:27:10 10:13:29:19

creating a flowerbed

0247 10:13:29:19 10:13:32:06

or improving churchyard amenities,

0248 10:13:32:06 10:13:34:14

they all fill the brief

for social enterprise,

0249 10:13:34:14 10:13:37:09

and meet the requirements

of enterprise learning.

0250 10:13:37:09 10:13:40:15

It's one of the few subjects

that can satisfy the curriculum

0251 10:13:40:15 10:13:43:24

and a hall full of 300 pensioners

at the same time.

0252 10:13:43:24 10:13:46:09

Other models

of social-enterprise learning

0253 10:13:46:09 10:13:48:02

can be found on the website:

0254 10:13:57:24 10:14:00:19

Visiontext Subtitles:

Sarah Johnston

0255 10:14:00:19 10:14:02:19