Narges Imanipour

Assistant Professor(PhD)

Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran,

Tehran, Iran.

Add.: Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Ave. Farshi Moghaddam (16th), Street North Karegar, Tehran, Iran

Tel: +98 021 61119227

Fax: +98 021 88339094

Last update 20/11/2010

Personal characteristics:

Name: Narges Imanipour

Place of birth: Bandar Torkman, Iran

Sexes: Female

Situation of familial: Married


PhD in Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2005. Dissertation: “Multi-Objective Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling in Flexible Job Shop Manufacturing Systems” (in Persian)

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 1999. Thesis: “Flexible Job Shop Problem with Earliness/Tardiness Penalties” (in Persian)

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran. Feb. 1996.


Interested researches focus on:

Entrepreneurship, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Decision Making, Operation Management in Small Medium sized Enterprises, Production Scheduling and Planning.

Academic Experiences:

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Sep 2007 to date.

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Nov 2005 to Sep 2007

Some of Publications:

Journal Papers:

Imanipour N. and Kanani M., Identification Related Factors to Capital Ventures' Exit Strategy, Entrepreneurship Development, No. 4, 67-84, 2009. (in Persian)

Imanipour N. and Zivdar, M., Study of Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Performance, Entrepreneurship Development, No.2, 1-11, 2008, (in Persian)

Imanipour, N., and Zegordi, S.H., A Heuristic Approach based on Taboo Search for Early/Tardy Flexible Job Shop Problem, Scientia, v.13, no. 1, 1-13, 2006.

Imanipour N. and Zegordi S.H. , Integrated process planning and job shop scheduling with taboo search, Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology, v. 15, no. 60-2, Fall&Winter 2004-2005. ( in Persian)

International Conference:

Imanipour N., Sharif Askari S., Implementation of Quality Management System in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Opportunities and Threats, Proceeding of First Int. Conference on Entrepreneurship, Sep. 2010,Tehran, Iran.

Farahzadi S.H. and Imanipour N., Collaborative Knowledge Management, as an Accelerator of Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management , 948-956, Italy, 2009.

M. Rahimi, N. Imanipour, N. Akhoundi and Sh. Ghadami, Supplier Segmentation in Iranian Automotive Industry, Proceedings of International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, 238-244, Ezmir, Turky, 2008.

Imanipour, N. and Osati M., Ranking Internal combustion engines using fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS, Proccedings of 37th International Conference of Computers & Industrial Engineering, Egipt, Oct. 2007.

Imanipour, N., Zegordi, S.H. and Memariani A., "A Tabu Search based Approach for Multi-objective IPPS problem ", Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, P.P. 2470-2478, Taiwan, 20-23 June, 2006.

Imanipour, N., Modeling & Solving Flexible Job Shop Problem with Sequence dependent set up times, Proceedings of ICSSSM , 1205-1210, 1-4244-0451 IEEE , France, Troyes, 25-27 Oct. 2006.

Imanipour, N., Zegordi, S.H., M. Osati " A heuristic approach for minimizing maximum absolute lateness in flexible job shop problem ",Proceedings of 35th International Conference of Computers & Industrial Engineering,19-22 June 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, Vol. 1, P.P. 973-978.

Professional Organizations:

Co-Author of Entrepreneurship Encyclopedia Institute.

Member of Iran Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE)

Graduate Courses Taught:

Some of graduate courses are taught at university of Tehran and some other Iranian universities by me are as follows:

Entrepreneurial Decision Making

Business Planning

New Venture Creation

Fundamental of Entrepreneurship

Operations Research

Main Topics of MS Thesis under my supervision

Entrepreneurial Decision Making

Operation Management in Small Medium Sized Enterprises,

Corporate Entrepreneurship,

Capital Venturing,
