Appendix4 – Neighbourhood Plan

Report to Council

Author: Sarah Furniss, Clerk to the Council

Date:9 March 2016

14 / Neighbourhood Plan

1End of Year Grant Report

A grant of £999 was awarded by “Locality” in May 2015. There is a requirement to submit a report at the end of the financial year (31 March 2016) and this has been submitted with the following information (a copy of the complete report is available on request).

Description / Granted / Actual Spend / Under/overspend
Questionnaire Analysis and Report / £570 / £1726.99 / £1,156.99
Technical Report (Biodiversity Report) / £100 / £120 / -£20
Publicity Costs (Banner) / £210 / £150 / -£60
Printing Costs (Newsletter/flyer) / £119 / £80 / -£39
Total / £999.00 / £2076.99 / -£1,037.99

It has, therefore, been necessary for the Parish Council to meet the excess cost of £1,037.99.

Locality would be within their rights to reclaim £119 (the underspend as detailed in red which would result in the Parish Council meeting a total excess cost of £1,156.99

2Further Grant Application

A further grant application has been submitted for £4,000 which, if granted, will need to be spent by 30 September 2016. This will leave a balance for which we can apply of £4,001 (total grant funding of £9,000 is available and we have received £999 to date. The grant is based on Avon Planning Services quote for their input of £9,900. This will leave a shortfall of £1,900.

There will be further costs for printing, consultation, mapping and possibly other, unknown, costs.

The budget agreed for 2016-17 is £1,000 and it is clear that this will be insufficient but by how much is unclear.

Action Required: To consider, debate and resolve that, at a point when it becomes clear what the financial requirements are, that further funds will be allocated either by virement within the budget or from earmarked reserves.

3Minutes of Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of 24 February are appended.

Neighbourhood Plan Meeting Minutes of 24 Feb 2016


M Terry J Gallagher

B and J Collins J Coley

B Fletcher R Holtom

D Hughes D Clarke

M Warmington K Allen

N Pearce (APS)

S Furniss

J Wade

Neil, our consultant from APS, was welcomed to the meeting.

Item Comments Action
1. Actions from last minutes of 20 Jan / Employment section still outstanding; Mike to chase Rainie. / RH
Sarah set up the meeting with the two landowners.
Mike, extra meeting? Not needed.
Sarah has now put the action plan on the website, and is putting briefing updates on there.
2. NP Action Plan / Neil took us through the various stages of the plan, and the progress we’ve made so far. Initial actions are
a) Neil redrafting our plan to accord with SDC’s ‘format’ by early March.
b) in depth analysis of our sites will then follow.
Neil fielded questions on the general process.
Sarah has already begun assimilating a Consultation Statement. / NP
3. Update on the meeting with the two landowners on the 3rd Feb. / Brief run through of the meetings with
a) Ettington Estates, represented by their agent Godfrey Payton (Geoff Wilson and Rupert Rayson). No leeway on the affordable homes ‘question’ on the Old Warwick Rd site. Have already roughly ‘sketched out’ three new homes on the Hockley Lane mid right site. Reviewing the potential of the site at the junction of the top of Hockley Lane and the top of Hillman Way (?), looking onto the sewage works.
b) Kenneth and Richard Hucksby. Considering the extension of the ribbon along Banbury Rd. opposite The Chequers. Potential other site ‘beyond the school’.
General concensus that it was good that dialogue had been opened.
4. Housing Survey Needs. / SDC undertaking for EPC. Are any further questions needed to be included?
a) WRCC to be given our last summers village survey to see if they consider anything else needs to be included
b) Neil to review Hsg Needs Survey and with the knowledge of our village survey should it (the Hsg Needs S) include anything else? / SF
5. AOB / Non raised.

Next meeting 23rd Mar at 7.30pm

BF 25 March 2016