ISM Austin Inc. P.O. Box 26155 Austin, TX. 78755-0155
ISM-Austin Board of Directors
Minutes of November 17, 2011 Board Meeting,
Location: MSB Conference Room, CBA6.420 at
The University of Texas at Austin
Nancy Pais / Bryan MillerRod Bliss / Harley Fisk
Dr. Michael Hasler / Lester Richardson
Vic Chanmugan / Ruth King
Bob Nahabit / Laura York
John Hazard / Jacqueline Soukup
Nancy Pais, presiding
Nancy welcomed guests Laura York and Jacqueline Soukup, regular members from the LCRA Supply Management offices and encouraged them to consider volunteering for the various committees. Laura & Jacque have accepted Board positions: Laura will be taking the Pro-D position and Jacque will be on the Membership Committee assisting Rod.
Past Minutes
- A quorum was determined to be present; including proxies from Jerry and Laura, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
- The October 27, 2011 Board minutes that had been sent earlier for review were presented. Motion by John and Seconded by Bob. Approved.
- Box lunches from Jason’s Deli were served.
Treasurer’s Report
Lester Richardson
Lester was not able to provide copies of the 10/3l/11 Reconciliation Details because the bank’s computers were down; however, he reported he ending balances of $1,517.83 in checking and $40,198.63 in savings.
The P&L has an $8,100 loss for the year to date.
Budget estimates for 2012 should be submitted now. He will email copies to the Board for immediate review.
The D&O Liability Insurance quotes were tabled until next meeting.
Notice of name change has been sent to the IRS.
ISM invoice has been paid, and the next billing will be receivedin March, 2012 and if paid in April, a 1% discount can be taken.
Membership Report
Rod Bliss, Jane Sam
Rod presented renewal applications for 2 regular members:
Michael Garcia and Marcus Grimes. Motion to accept made by John, seconded by Bob. Approved.
The Board approved a membership dues increase of $20effective April 1, 2012 based on ISM fee increase announcement. ISM fee increase is effective September 1, 2012. We need to update our website membership registration form fee structure on March 31, 2012. ISM increase is effective September, 2012 but anyone that joins or renews as of April 1 will incur the price increase when ISM bills us in the fall.
Jane provided an update:I investigated some of the student addressesthat had bounced back. Of the four that I was able to match to the hardcopy applications, they were all correctly entered into the database with the possible exception of one (the 'period' was part of the person's name but it could have been meant to be a 'period'.) I mayhave only advised Jerry Binder who was working with Dr. Hasler on the correct email addresses.
Michael Stopnick will assist, and Dr. Hasler will review the student list and indicate those who have left.
Economic Business Report
Bryan Miller
Bryan released the local report summary that is posted on the first working day of the month. The PMI for November is 46.8 He stressed the need for more respondents. Dr. Hasler will seek additional names from the Supply Chain Corporations at UT.
Job Placement
Bruce Yeh, Bill Wilson
Bruce and Bill were not present and did not send a report; however, numerous emails indicate the number of vacancies in the area is up.
Harley Fisk
Harley, Jerry, John, Rob and Laura held a work session at Jerry’s office to develop plans for ways to market this affiliate. Plans for a survey of the membership regarding their interests will be forthcoming. Rod and John chose the Membership area while Harley and Laura will work on up-dating the Marketing Plan.
Professional Development
Rod Bliss
The CPSM Bridge Exam 1-day Review class did not materialize.
The Advanced Negotiations class that was scheduled for October 21st that had a small number registered was cancelled at the request of the attorney scheduled to teach the class. Refunds were made to those who were registered.
Educational Director
Jerry Binder
Jerry and Dorothy left on a well-deserved vacation and will return on Nov. 30th.
Dr. Hasler reported that the University of Texas financial officer has no objection to designating the scholarship as the Michael J. Moyer Memorial Scholarship. Bob was asked to prepare a justification for this name, and Ruth will assist him.
International Committee
Michael Boggs
Michael was not present and did not send a report. Nancy will talk to him.
Program Events
Bob Nahabit
For the January 12th regular meeting, John Penver, CFO of Active Power, Inc as speaker will be confirmed when he returns to the states after December 5th.
Carl Stewart, an independent financial adviser is tentatively confirmed for the February 9th regular meeting.
The March 8th program topic and speaker will be discussed at the January Board of Directors meeting.
Bob is working on a plant tour sometime in the spring; he asked the Board to suggest speakers and/or topics for future meetings.
Website Update
Vic Chanmugam
Vic set up the video for an informative Chapter Manager training session that began at 5 p.m. prior to the Board meeting and continued until 7 p.m. Mike Stopnick (New Linear) conducted the Chapter Manger training. Board members were urged to call Vic if they need help.
Special Event
Nancy Pais, John Hazard, Ruth King
John announced that the Holiday dinner is scheduled for December 6thand will be at the Andiamo Italiano Ristorante. Members and guests will enjoy a seated dinner. Cost is $35 per person inclusive. A link for registration will be available on the affiliate’s website.
Ruth reported that she had met with the officers of NAPM-Central Texas on Nov. 12th, and it is their decision to re-structure and remain an affiliate meeting quarterly. Their January 11th meeting at noon will hear Dr. Tom Kelly, Baylor’s School of Business presents his economic forecast for 2012.They will continue to host the ISM Satellite Seminars
She distributed copies of the core competency questions that are required on the Affiliate Excellence Award Application form and urged the Board to bring their ideas to the January Director’s meeting so that the application can be completed before the filing deadline of January 31, 2012.
The Leadership Training Program is scheduled for early May, 2012 preceding the International Supply Management Conference in Baltimore.
Elton Brock was named Volunteer of the Year at recent ISM Southwest Forum Conference. He was also elected as Executive Chair for the 2012-13 conferences.
Ruth was appointed as a member of the Educational Content committee. She issued an early reminder: “Mark your calendar for October 23-24 and plan to attend the 2012 conference in Galveston, TX.”
Old Business
- Vacancies on the Board that need to be filled are:
- Director of Programs, need to fill by March 2012
- Treasurer, need to fill by March 2013
Nancy announced that Rod Bliss has agreed to be the Director of Membership chairman, and Ruth would fill the 2nd VP office. Their terms will be until scheduled elections are held. Motion to accept by John, seconded by Bob. Approved.
Nancy will appoint the nominating committee in January, with ballots submitted in February, and elections held in March.
New Business Nancy Pais
Meetings for the January, February and March Board of Directors will be held in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin unless notified otherwise. Suggestion was made to identify & alternate locations to minimize travel of Board members.
Next Board meeting will be Thurs, Jan 19, 2012, location TBD. Motioned to adjourn made by Bob and seconded by John. No Board mtg in Dec due to Holiday event.
Approved Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.