Te Putahi Kura Puhou O Ahuriri
Referee Requirement: You must be able to comment knowledgably on the applicant’s qualities as a teacher or Head Teacher. The information you provide will be used solely to assist in determining the applicant’s suitability for the advertised position. The information will remain confidential to the people directly involved in the appointments process. Please be aware, though, that if the applicant requests a copy of this report, we are required to provide it.
Position – please indicate for which positions this report is being prepared:
.8 Permanent Relieving TeacherFulltime Permanent Relieving Teacher
Name of Applicant for whom reference is being provided:
The completed report must be received by Napier Kindergartens no later than:
5 pm 9 November 2012.
to:The General Manager
Napier Kindergarten Association
PO Box4298, Marewa, Napier 4143
Or email to:
Or Fax06 835 7886
Or hand deliver to: 66 Kennedy Rd, Napier
Please note: If there is insufficient room on this form, it is acceptable to continue on a separate A4 page if necessary. Please state clearly the question numbers you are responding to on the separate page.
In what capacity and for how long, have you known the applicant?
1Please describe general teaching ability:
2Are you aware of any weaknesses in this area?:
3Please provide descriptions that demonstrate good communication skills:
4Are you aware of any weaknesses in this area?
5Please provide descriptions that demonstrate good conflict resolution skills:
6Are you aware of any weaknesses in this area?
7Please comment on the applicant’s administration & organisational skills?
8Are you aware of any weaknesses in this area?
9Please describe any specific teaching skills that applicant has (e.g. music, science etc):
10Relationships with children
12Relationships with other teachers, colleagues & trainees:
13Relationships with the kindergarten community (parents/whanau/caregivers):
15If you have knowledge of the position for which the applicant is applying, please comment on suitability of applicant for it (in relation to other staff, kindergarten community or other aspects:
16Are there any other comments you would like to make with regard to the applicant’s suitability for this position?
NB: This referee’s report will be retained for a period of up to 12 months and with your consent the applicant may request it be used in support of any subsequent applications they may submit during the 12 month period.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is a factual representation of the applicant and his/her abilities.