Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA)

Board of Directors


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


1.  Call to Order

Vice Chair Jack Gingles called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

2.  Pledge of Allegiance

Board Member Dunbar led the salute to the flag

3.  Roll Call

Members Present:

Leon Garcia City of American Canyon

Joan Bennett City of American Canyon

Michael Dunsford City of Calistoga

Jack Gingles City of Calistoga

Jill Techel City of Napa

Bill Dodd County of Napa

Mark Luce County of Napa

Del Britton City of St. Helena

John Dunbar Town of Yountville

Margie Mohler Town of Yountville

Members Absent:

Jim Krider City of Napa

Peter White City of St. Helena

4.  Public Comment - None

5.  CONSENT ITEM (5.1)

MSC* DODD / GARCIA to APPROVE Consent Item 5.1

5.1  Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2012


6.1  Determine Whether the Board Will Authorize and Appoint Chair Caldwell to work with a Political Committee to Develop Argument in Favor of the Measure T Napa Countywide Road Maintenance Act and Expenditure Plan and Designate Signatories

Authority action authorized the Chair to work with a political committee to develop a ballot measure argument in favor of Measure T - the Napa Countywide Road Maintenance Act and Expenditure Plan (Measure T Expenditure Plan) in preparation for the November 2012 Ballot.

MSC* BENNETT / BRITTON to APPROVE authorizing Chair Caldwell to work with a political committee to develop a ballot measure argument in favor of Measure T - the Napa Countywide Road Maintenance Act and Expenditure Plan (Measure T Expenditure Plan) in preparation for the November 2012 Ballot, including related correspondence, and designate up to five signatories for each argument.


7.1  Approval of Meeting Date of September 19, 2012 and Adjournment

The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday September 19, 2012 at 1:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned by Vice Chair Gingles at 1:34 p.m.


Karalyn E. Sanderlin, NVTA Board Secretary