NANPA Report to the NANC

March 27, 2014

John C. Manning

Director, NANPA

1)  Central Office Code Activity Report

2)  NPA (Area Code) Activity

3)  Area Code Relief Planning

4)  2013 Year-End Resource Update

5)  NANPA Change Orders

6)  Other NANP and NANPA News

7)  2013 NANPA Highlights

2013 Central Office Code Activity

Central Office Code Assignments

For 2013, NANPA assigned 2,712 central office codes. A total of 284 code returns were approved.

Below is a comparison of 2013 with 2007 through 2012:

2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007
Total Code Requests Processed / 20,362 / 10,243 / 13,782 / 12,100 / 11,988 / 15,186 / 18,110
Total Assignments / 2,712 / 2,637 / 2,889 / 2,795 / 2,144 / 2,946 / 3,216
Net Assignments / 2,428 / 2,065 / 2,273 / 2,484 / 1,610 / 2,162 / 2,467
Changes / 16,366 / 6,199 / 9,336 / 8,203 / 8,572 / 10,590 / 12,778
Denials / 1,000 / 833 / 941 / 792 / 736 / 865 / 1,364
Returns / 284 / 572 / 616 / 310 / 534 / 784 / 749
Cancellations* / 267 / 181 / 176 / 264 / 193 / 259 / 229
Reservations / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 3
Pooling Pass Throughs / 7,995 / 7,321 / 9,441 / 6,936 / 5,960 / 7,700 / 7,970

*Cancellations are not included in the total quantity of code requests processed.


·  The total number of codes requests processed in 2013 was the highest over the past seven years. This was due to mass changes submitted by a few service providers.

·  2013 total code assignments consistent with the past three years.

·  Net assignments have averaged approximately 2,300 codes since 2010.

·  2013 returns were the lowest over past seven years.

·  In 2013, over 90% of all code assignment requests were in pooling areas.

Central Office Code Reports

NANPA makes available a number of central office code reports via its website ( These reports provide real-time as well as daily and monthly reports on central office code assignment activity. These reports can be found under Reports, Central Office Codes or “Fast Track” on the NANPA home page.

·  Central Office Code Availability Report - Up-to-date list of all central office codes available for assignment by area code.

·  Central Office Code Utilized Report - Up-to-date list of central office codes assigned or unavailable for assignment by NPA.

·  Central Office Code Assignment Records - Listings of assigned, available and unavailable central office codes by NPA in a downloadable format (text and ExcelTM). These reports are updated each day.

·  Central Office Code Assignment Activity Records - Central office code assignment activity for each area code on a monthly basis. The report provides the total number of central office codes assigned each month in each NPA as well as the quantity of codes returned that month and for the year.

·  Part 3 Disconnect Report - Daily listing of central office codes with a pending disconnect date.

·  Central Office Code Activity Status Report - Total number of new applications processed by NANPA by month for each state, including assignments, denials, changes and return requests.

Top NPAs and States in Code Assignments for 2013

Below are the top area codes in the US in terms of net code assignments in 2013.

Location / NPA / Net CO Code Assignments
Texas / 713/281/832 / 80
West Virginia / 304/681 / 75
Texas / 214/469/972 / 51
Ohio / 440 / 43
Michigan / 906 / 41
Kansas / 316 / 39
New York / 718/347/929 / 39
Illinois / 224/847 / 38
Ohio / 234 / 35
Colorado / 303/720 / 31
Florida / 786 / 31

The Texas overlay complexes have been on this list for the past few years. West Virginia was impacted by a single service provider entering the market in a number of optional pooling rate centers.

Below is a list of the top five states in the US in terms of net code assignments in 2013.

State / Net CO Code Assignments
Texas / 307
California / 284
Ohio / 159
Illinois / 150
New York / 145

Texas and New York were on the list in 2011 and 2012. California returns to the list in 2013.

2013 NPA (Area Code) Activity

As of December 31, 2013, there were 681 assignable NPAs:

·  400 NPAs are assigned, of which 371 are in service.

o  356 geographic NPAs in service

o  15 non-geographic NPAs in service

o  29 NPAs awaiting implementation

·  281 NPAs are currently unassigned

Eight (8) area codes were assigned in 2013:

·  Texas 346 for 281/713/832 – assigned April 27, 2013

·  Indiana 930 for 812 – assigned July 31, 2013

·  Tennessee 629 for 615 – assigned October 23, 2013

·  Southwestern Ontario, Canada 548 for 226/519 – assigned October 31, 2013

·  Alberta, Canada 825 for 403/587/780 – assigned October 31, 2013

·  Ohio 220 for 740 – assigned December 11, 2013

·  South Carolina 854 for 843 – assigned December 16, 2013

·  California 628 for 415 – assigned December 19, 2013

Seven (7) area codes were placed in service in 2013:

·  Ontario, Canada 437 for 416/647 – March 25, 2013

·  Ontario, Canada 365 for 289/905 – March 25, 2013

·  Saskatchewan, Canada 639 for 306 – May 25, 2013

·  British Columbia, Canada 236 for 604/778/250 –June 1, 2013

·  Texas 737 for 512 – July 1, 2013

·  Pennsylvania 272 for 570 – October 21, 2013

·  Toll-free NPA 844 – December 7, 2013

Four (4) area codes moved to reserved status in 2013:

·  NPAs 550, 535, 546 and 558 were moved from available to reserved status for future non-geographic 5XX-NXX code.

NPA Relief Planning

A summary of NPA relief planning projects is provided below:

·  KY 270 NPA – On March, 3, 2014, the new 364 NPA became effective (See PL-449). The 364 NPA serves the same geographic area served by the 270 area code.

·  NV 702 NPA – On November 15, 2012, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission approved an all-services overlay of the 702 NPA. The new 725 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 702 NPA. Permissive 10-digit dialing started on August 3, 2013 with mandatory 10-digit dialing starting May 3, 2014. The effective date for the new 725 NPA is June 3, 2014. (See PL-445).

·  TX 281/713/832 NPA Complex – On April 25, 2013, the Texas Public Utilities Commission approved an all-services overlay of the 281/713/832 overlay complex. The new 346 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 281/713/832 overlay complex. The effective date of the 346 area code is July 1, 2014. (See PL-453).

·  CT 860 NPA – In the Decision dated September 1999, Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority ordered the 959 area code overlay on the existing 860 NPA. In accordance with industry consensus, all network preparation for the implementation of the 959 NPA should be completed by August 30, 2014. Since ten-digit dialing is already mandatory in the area served by these codes, no permissive dialing period is required in preparation for this overlay. The effective date of the 959 area code will be August 30, 2014. (See PL-456).

·  IN 812 NPA – On July 31, 2013, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approved an all-services overlay of the 812 NPA. The new 930 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 812 NPA. Permissive 10-digit dialing started March 1, 2014. Mandatory 10-digit dialing will begin on September 6, 2014. The effective date for the new 930 NPA is October 6, 2014. (See PL-457).

·  TN 615 NPA – On October 23, 2013, the Tennessee Regulatory Authority approved an all-services overlay of the 615 NPA. The new 629 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 615 NPA. Permissive 10-digit dialing is scheduled to begin July 26, 2014 with mandatory 10-digit dialing starting February 28, 2015. The effective date for the new 629 NPA is March 28, 2015. (See PL-459).

·  CA 415 NPA – On December 19, 2013, the California Public Utilities Commission approved an all-services overlay as the relief method for the 415 NPA. The new 628 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 415 NPA. Permissive 1+10-digit dialing is scheduled to begin August 16, 2014 with mandatory 1+10-digit dialing starting February 21, 2015. The effective date for the new 628 NPA is March 21, 2015. (See PL-461).

·  OH 740 NPA– On December 11, 2013, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio approved an all-services overlay of the 740 NPA. The new 220 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 740 NPA. Permissive 10-digit dialing is scheduled to begin September 20, 2014 with mandatory 10-digit dialing starting March 21, 2015. The effective date for the new 220 NPA is April 22, 2015. (See PL-462).

·  SC 843 NPA – On December 4, 2013, the South Carolina Public Service Commission approved an all-services overlay of the 843 NPA. The new 854 NPA will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 843 NPA. Permissive 10-digit dialing is scheduled to begin March 14, 2015 with mandatory 10-digit dialing starting September 19, 2015. The effective date for the new 854 NPA is October 19, 2015. (See PL-463).

·  NJ 609 NPA – NANPA filed a petition for relief on behalf of the industry with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on December 10, 2013 recommending an all-services overlay of the 609 area code.

·  NC 336 NPA – The North Carolina Utilities Commission will hold a public hearing and meeting concerning the proposed all-services overlay of the 336 NPA on June 23-24, 2014.

2013 Year-End Resource Update

Feature Group (FG) B Carrier Identification Codes (CICs)

During 2013, no FG B CICs were assigned by NANPA and six FG B CICs were returned/ reclaimed. At the end of 2013, 264 FG B CICs were assigned in total. The potential exhaust of the FG B CIC resource is not a concern based on the current rate of assignment.

Year / FG B CIC Assignments / FG B CICs Reclaimed/ Returned / Net Yearly Assignments
2003 / 3 / 18 / -15
2004 / 3 / 132 / -129
2005 / 2 / 286 / -284
2006 / 0 / 72 / -72
2007 / 0 / 42 / -42
2008 / 2 / 7 / -5
2009 / 0 / 14 / -14
2010 / 4 / 7 / -3
2011 / 4 / 1 / 3
2012 / 1 / 6 / -5
2013 / 0 / 6 / -6

Feature Group (FG) D Carrier Identification Codes (CICs)

In 2013, NANPA assigned 33 FG D CICs, yielding an average assignment rate of 2.75 codes per month. US/Canadian switchless resellers received eight of these assignments. A total of 49 FG D CICs were returned or reclaimed in 2013.

At the end of 2013, 2,024 FG D CICs were assigned in total, leaving 7,753 FG D CICs available for assignment. The potential exhaust of the FG D CIC resource is not a concern based on the current rate of assignment. It should be noted that the FCC limits the number of FG D CIC assignments to two per “entity.”

Year / FG D CIC Assignments / FG D CICs Reclaimed/ Returned / Net Yearly Assignments
2003 / 191 / 77 / 114
2004 / 133 / 319 / -186
2005 / 157 / 244 / -87
2006 / 99 / 128 / -29
2007 / 82 / 155 / -73
2008 / 93 / 97 / -4
2009 / 74 / 80 / -6
2010 / 54 / 61 / -7
2011 / 59 / 36 / 23
2012 / 39 / 37 / 2
2013 / 33 / 49 / -16


During 2013, NANPA assigned 341 new 5XX-NXX codes (yielding an average assignment rate of 27 codes per month). At the end of 2013, a total of 2,999 5YY-NXX codes were assigned. Eleven 5XX-NXX codes were returned/reclaimed in 2013 and 165 codes remained available for assignment.

Year / 5XX-NXX Assignments / 5XX-NXXs Reclaimed/ Returned / Net Yearly Assignments
2003 / 11 / 15 / -4
2004 / 6 / 9 / -3
2005 / 34 / 7 / 27
2006 / 62 / 34 / 28
2007 / 147 / 5 / 142
2008 / 152 / 214 / -62
2009 / 260 / 23 / 237
2010 / 717 / 0 / 717
2011 / 757 / 50 / 707
2012 / 365 / 8 / 357
2013 / 341 / 11 / 330

On October 11, 2013, NANPA published Planning Letter 458, noting that based upon the available supply of 5XX-NXXs and the forecasted demand as provided via the August 1, 2013 Numbering Resource Utilization and Reporting (NRUF) submission cycle, the 5XX-NXX resource was projected to exhaust in the 1H14. The Industry Numbering Committee (INC) has agreed that the 577 NPA will be used as the next 5XX NPA.

On February 28, 2014, NANPA published Planning Letter 464, which provided a status of the quantity of available 5XX-NXXs as well as announcing the projected exhaust of the 5XX NPA resource in the 1Q14.

900 NPA

In 2013, no new 900-NXX assignments were made and 41 codes were returned/reclaimed. At the end of 2013, there were 60 codes assigned, 39 codes reserved (for Canadian use) and 693 available NXXs.

Year / 900 NXX Assignments / 900 NXXs Reclaimed/ Returned / Net Yearly Assignments
2003 / 3 / 7 / -4
2004 / 20 / 27 / -7
2005 / 5 / 12 / -7
2006 / 0 / 11 / -11
2007 / 4 / 1 / 3
2008 / 4 / 7 / -3
2009 / 0 / 0 / 0
2010 / 8 / 0 / 8
2011 / 0 / 23 / -23
2012 / 1 / 0 / 1
2013 / 0 / 41 / -41
555 Line Numbers

The intended use for 555 line numbers, in the format 555-XXXX, where X is any digit from 0 through 9, includes the provisioning of information services, but may grow to include a broad range of existing and future services as well. In 2013, no new 555 line numbers were assigned or reclaimed.