Scoil Naomh Iosaf (SNI) Baltinglass.

Pupil Enrolment Form 2017– 2018

Information given on this form will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Child’s Surname: / First Name: / Date of Birth:
Female Male
Child’s PPS Number:
This is a requirement of the Primary Online Database (POD) / Date of intended enrolment:
Nationality: / Position in Family: (1st/2nd child etc.)
Language(s) spoken at home: / Religion:

Names of Brothers/Sisters attending Scoil Naomh Iosaf:

/ No. of Brothers and Sisters:
With whom does the child normally reside: / Ethnic/cultural background:
Child’s Address: / Mother’s Name
Mother’s Maiden Name:
Mother’s Occupation
Mobile Number(s) to be used for “text-a-parent” is ______
Please inform the school office if you change your mobile number as we need a current contact number. / Phone Numbers:
Father’s Name: / Whom to contact if parents are not available:
  1. Name: ______
Phone No:______
  1. Name:______
Phone No: ______
Phone No: Home –
Work –
Mobile -
Name and Address of Primary School/Pre-school attended:
Length of time in School/Pre-school already attended:
Class most recently attended: / Class child will attend in above school:
Family Doctor
Phone No: / Please give details ofallergies (if any) your child may have:
Does your child suffer from any medical condition? YES NO
If yes, please specify medical condition:
Please detail any specific talents, abilities or disabilities your child may have:
Has your child had a clinical, educational, psychological or other assessment?
If appropriate, all assessments/reports must be submitted to the school Principal as soon as possible - ideally three/four months prior to the child attending.

Please fill in the following information if your child is transferring from another Primary School

An up-to-date School Report from the child’s Primary School must be supplied.

If your childreceived additional support for any of the following, please tick as appropriate:
Learning Support in English Learning Support in Mathematics
Resource Teaching English as a Second Language
Speech and Language: Other, please state ______
Please name the people who will collect your child from school.
1. 3.
2. 4.
Only, the people named above may collect your child from the school.
I hereby give permission for my child in relation to the following: / Yes / No
To go on school trips under teacher supervision during the school day (e.g. trips to the local town park; local historical buildings etc.)
To go on school tours, local educational visits/field trips and to participate in school activities (e.g. matches, quizzes, choir etc.)
To take part in the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) and Stay Safe Programme as recommended and verified by the Department of Education and Skills.
To receive text messages from the school (reminders; updates etc. €5 per year).
For the inclusion of your child’s photograph on the school website and school displays or posters with no name attached.
To use your child’s name (not photo) in relation to publishing school events and activities in our Newsletter, website and similar publications.
To your child’s uniform being changed by a teacher or special needs assistant (SNA) in the presence of another adult in the event of illness or toilet accident.
Sometimes journalists visit our school take pictures of the children (e.g. awards, sporting events, first day at school etc.). Do you give permission for your child to be photographed for school projects, local newspapers, and school related activities?
I hereby give permission for my child in relation to the following: / Yes / No
Sometimes the school is requested to pass on names and addresses of children to the Health Service Executive (HSE) so they can communicate with parents. Do you agree to the school passing on this information?
To seek medical assistance or take/get your child to the doctor/hospital in the event of an emergency (and that any such action will be carried out without prejudice).

Please Note: The Board of Management cannot be held responsible for pictures/video taken by parents at Halloween, Band outings, Celebrations, School Concert etc.

I understand that the information included in this application form will be uploaded and stored on Aladdin (a computer based administration and communication system used by the school). This can be accessed by the Principal and by the child’s teachers on a need to know basis. I also understand that information data,including, the child’s name, address, attendance, standardised test results, PPS Number, religion and ethnic/cultural background will transfer to the Department of Education and Skills via the Primary Online Database (POD).

I understand that in the normal course of school administration, information on my child’s behaviour, progress and achievement will be recorded and kept within the school and on the Aladdin system and will be available to the child’s teacher and learning support/resource teacher (where appropriate).

I also understand that in the event of my child transferring to another school, either primary or second level, information relating to my child’s education and progress will be transferred.

In signing this application form, I am agreeing to support the Board of Management and Staff of Scoil Naomh Iosaf (SNI) in the implementation of all school policies. I am aware that all school policies including policies on behaviour, anti-bullying, attendance, child-protection, special needs etc. are available from the school office and on the school website. I agree to read the information and policies outlined in the School Information Booklet given to me on enrolment. I agree to support the staff in their efforts to provide a happy learning environment and positive learning experience for all the children in the school.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature______Date______

Please include your child’s original Birth Certificate with this enrolment form.(Will be returned).Also attach any assessments or reports relating to your child’s development and/or needs.

Chairperson: Mr. Fintan Doyle Phone Number: 059 64 81083

Principal: Dr. Mairead Hennessy Email:

Deputy Principal: Ms. Carmel Doyle OR

Secretary: Ms. Rachel Fennell