Curriculum Vita

NAME: Renee S. Miller


Office: 870-972-3074

FAX: 870-972-2954



Director, AASN Program



Arkansas State University

Assistant Professor, Full time

2011 – presentFull time, tenured

2005 - 2011 Permanent, pre-tenure track

2001 – 2005Temporary, non-tenure

1996 – 1999 Arkansas State University

Assistant Professor, Full time

Temporary, non-tenure

1994 – 1996Arkansas State University

Clinical Instructor

Temporary, part-time

1997 - 1997 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Clinical Instructor Temporary, part-time


Cardiology Associates of NEA

2001 – 2006 Data Base Management, part time

Cardiology Associates of NEA

1999 - 2001Full time.

Registered Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Research Coordinator

Cholesterol Clinic Coordinator

St. Bernard Regional Medical Center

1991 – 1994Director of Telemetry Services

1987 – 1991Patient Care Manager/ Unit Manager

1985 – 1987 Assistant Patient Care Manager

Methodist Hospital of Jonesboro

1984 - 1985Registered Nurse, Critical Care


Master of Science Nursing Arkansas State University August1996


Bachelor of Science Nursing Arkansas State University May 1984



National League for Nursing, Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), December 2011

Arkansas State University School of Nursing, “Distinguished Alumni Award”, October 2008

Sigma Theta Tau, International, Eta Theta Chapter; “Excellence in Education Award”, May 2007


Publication #01 Title: HIPAA and Nursing Education: How to teach in a Paranoid Health Care Environment

Number of Pages - 4

Journal:Journal of Nursing Education; Volume: 44 Number: 4

Publication number: MS#JNE 2003-192

Wimberley, P., Isaacson, J., Walden, D., Wiggins, N., Miller, R., Stacy, A.

Date: November 2005



Presentation #01

Title of paper: “Applying a ‘culture of safety' in a nursing education


NETNEP 2010 - 3rd International Nurse Education Conference

April 11-14, 2010

Sydney, Australia.


Presentation #01

Title of paper: “Surviving sudden cardiac death in rural communities: An education-practice project”

National League for Nursing’s 2008 Faculty Leadership Conference

Date and place of meeting: January 11-13, 2008, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida

Presentation #02

Title of paper: “Owning remediation: The critical behavior tool” [poster]

National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing 2008


Date and place of meeting: November 14-16, 2008, Myrtle

Beach, South Carolina


Presentation #01 Title of paper: “Pilot Project: Simulation (SIM) Lab as a

Graded Clinical Experience with LPN to RN Students

Sigma Theta Tau International Tri-Chapter Research Day

Date and place of meeting: April 3, 2012, Conway, Arkansas

Presentation #02

Title of paper: “A Culture of Safety: Bridging education and clinical practice” [podium]

Arkansas Nurses Associate 2010 Convention

Date and place of meeting: October 21-23, 2010, Little Rock, Arkansas

Presentation #03

Title of paper: “Owning remediation: The critical behavior tool” [podium]

Arkansas Organization for Associate Degree Nursing 2009

Date and place of meeting: March 5-6, 2009, Fort Smith,


Presentation #04

Title of paper: “Nursing Education and Distance Learning: A Success Story”

Learned forum: Arkansas Distant Learning Association Conference

Date and place of meeting: August 24, 2008, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Presentation #05

Title of paper: “Surviving Sudden Cardiac Death in Rural Communities: An Education – Practice Project”

Learned forum: National League of Nursing’s 2008 Faculty Leadership Conference.

Date and place of meeting: January 11-13, 2008, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida.


Activity # 01:

Grantor: Arkansas Public Health Cardiovascular Program.

Dollar value: $11,000.00 funded.

Type of grant: Public health project and education; Automatic External Defibrillator devices awarded and training provided to various community-based settings within a 7 county demographic. [Public schools, churches, senior community centers, and a nature center]

Involvement: Co-Author and grant implementation – member of the selection committee and education team of trainers for the facilities who received the devices. AED site evaluator team - criteria for evaluation of site and placement of the AED within the facility is based on the American Heart Association standards.

Date of funding: 2007

Activity # 02

Grantor: Carl D. Perkins Grant.

Dollar value: $4,303.00 funded

Type of grant: US Department of Education; purchase online AASN program faculty development courses through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing entitled “Assessment of Critical Thinking” and “Test Development and Item Writing”.

Involvement: Grant implementation.

Date of funding: 2007

Activity # 03

Grantor: Carl D. Perkins Grant.

Dollar value of grant: $2,969.01 funded

Type of grant: US Department of Education; purchase licensure exam review textbooks and 16-week online course for final semester students in the AASN program.

Involvement: Grant implementation.

Date of funding: 2007

Activity # 04:

Grantor: Arkansas Public Health Cardiovascular Program.

Dollar value: $8,000.00 funded.

Type of grant: Public health project and education; Automatic External Defibrillator devices awarded and training provided to various community-based settings within a 5 county demographic. [Public schools, churches, senior community centers, and a nature center]

Involvement: Co-Author and grant implementation – member of the selection committee and education team of trainers for the facilities who received the devices.

Date of funding: 2006

Activity # 05:

Grantor: Arkansas Public Health Cardiovascular Program;

Dollar value of grant: $8,000.00 funded.

Type of Grant: Cardiology Associates Foundation Education Committee, Automatic External Defibrillator placement to community-based settings. (Public schools, churches, senior community centers, and a nature center)


Grant review and grant implementation – member of the application review committee, awards ceremony, and education of trainers for the facilities who received the devices.

Date of funding: 2005

UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE (Committee Work past three years)


AD Admissions, Progression and Fall 2001 to Present

Credits, Chair

AD Curriculum Committee, Chair Fall 2001 to Present


ADN Program DirectorFall 2005 to Present

Curriculum CommitteeFall 2001 to Present

NLNAC Subcommittee Chair for Standard V & VI Spring 2010 - 2011

Staff Search Committee, Chair, West MemphisSpring 2009

Faculty Search Committee, Chair, West MemphisSpring 2008

CRNA Faculty Search CommitteeSpring 2007

Faculty Search Committee, Chair, West MemphisSpring 2007

Staff Search Committee, Chair, West MemphisSpring 2007


Constitution and Bylaws CommitteeFall 2011 to 2013

CNHP Curriculum Committee (Chair) Fall 2006 to 2011

Student and Alumni Affairs, Fall 2007 to 2010

College Fundraising Committee, Fall 2008 to Spring 2009

Online Continuing Ed Center Fall 2008 to Present

Alpha Eta [Officer] 09


University Curriculum Committee Fall 2007 to Spring 2011

IT/BB6/Online Advisory Committee2008


1984–Present Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing

Eta Theta Chapter - Charter member

Tri-chapter Research Day committee Chair (2006)

Nurses Day Event committee – May 2006-2007

1996-Present Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, member

1997-PresentAlpha Eta Honor Society for Allied Health Professions

CNHP Chapter Secretary-Treasurer

2000-PresentAmerican Nurses Association

District 6 Chapter Vice-President, 2006 - 2008

2001 –PresentNational League of Nursing

2005 – PresentNurse Administrators of Nursing Education Programs (NANEP),

Advisory Committee to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing

Treasurer, 2006-2009

2006 – PresentNational Organization for Associate Degree Nursing

2007- PresentArkansas-Organization for Associate Degree Nursing

Member Board of Directors, 2006 - present

State Chapter Treasurer, 2006-2009

2011 – PresentNational League for Nursing Accreditation Commission

Program Evaluator


CNHP Fall Faculty Development; “From Rock n’Roll to Rap: Inter-Generation Communication”, Presenter: Vicki McCready, MA, CCC-SLP, Professor Emeritus Speech and Hearing Center, University of NC at Greensboro, August 13, 2012 (4.0 Contact Hours)

Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. Tri-Chapter Research Day April 3, 2012; Univeristy of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas (5.75 Contact Hours)

ADN Faculty Sharing Day, Stuttgart, Arkansas, March 9, 2012 (4.0 Contact Hours)

Arkansas State University Faculty update; “Managing Sexual Harassment Issues”, Office of Affirmative Action; Arkansas State University – Jonesboro; September 27, 2011

CNHP Fall Faculty Development; “A Perfect Storm or Perfect Opportunity: Where Will We Go with Healthcare professions”, Presenter: Anita Finkelman, MSN, RN, Bouve` College of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Northeastern University; August 15, 2011 (4.0 Contact Hours)

Associate Degree Nursing Faculty Sharing Day, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 11, 2011 (3 Contact Hours)

National League for Nursing Program Evaluator Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, February 11-12, 2011

Arkansas Nurses Association Convention, topic presenter and attendee, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 21-23, 2010

CNHP Fall Faculty Development; “Professional Partnerships in the University Setting: Maximizing the Effectiveness”, Presenter: Sue T. Hal, MCD, CC-SLP, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine;August 16, 2010 (4 Contact Hours)

ASU School of Nursing Faculty Development, “Evidence-based practices for Redesigning Your Nursing Curricula: Focus on Patient Safety and Quality Care, Presenter: Donna Ignatavicius, April 27, 2010 (5.5 Contact Hours)

ADN Faculty Sharing Day, Harrison, Arkansas, March 10-11, 2010 (3 Contact Hours)

National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission; “Self-Study Forum”, Las Vegas, NV; October 14 & 15, 2009 (10 Contact Hours)

ASU School of Nursing – Faculty Development; i>Clicker in-service for classroom utilization, August 21, 2009

CNHP Fall Faculty Development; Presenter: Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, RC, MN; “Healing Health Professionals”, “How Professionals Communicate”, “A passion for the Art of Healing”; August 17, 2009 (4 Contact Hours)

ASU School of Nursing - Faculty Development; Presenter: Sandra Berryman, MSN, APN-BC; “Simple 7 Oral Evaluation Tool” and Presenter: Julie Thatcher “Structured Learning Assistance (SLA)”; May 13, 2009 (3.5 Contact Hours)

Arkansas State University – Faculty development; SPIN training; May 6, 2009

Associate Degree Nursing Faculty Sharing Day, Fort Smith, AR, March 5-6, 2009

(7 Contact Hours)

Basic Disaster Life Support, Certification course; February 6, 2009 (7.5 Contact Hours)

National-Organization for Associate Degree Nursing [N-OADN] 2008 Convention,

Myrtle Beach, SC, November 14-16, 2008 (8.4 Contact Hours)

CNHP Infection Control Update, Presenter: Debbie Persell, PhD, October 14, 2008

CNHP Faculty Fall conference, “Communication That Works: Creating a Healthy

Culture of communication Agenda”, Presenter: Susanne Gaddis, PhD, August 18, 2008 (4.75 Contact Hours)

ADN Faculty Sharing Day, Little Rock, AR, March 6-7, 2008 (3.5 Contact Hours)

Arkansas Department of Workforce Education, “Developing Programs of Study in High Skill, High wage, and High Demand Career Pathways”, (Perkins grant), February

5-6, 2008, Little Rock, AR

National League of Nursing’s 2008 Faculty Leadership Conference, January 11-13, 2008, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida. (9.5 Contact Hours)