Name: Tracy Gappa


Organization: Southwest Region - Blake Primary School, Parker Unified School District

Date: January 15, 2009

Description: Blake coaches (Gappa and Bachmann) attended the RTI Southwest

Region meeting on August 19th, 2008 at Desert Mesa School.

All students in grades K-3 were screened with DIBELS during the second week

of August. The results are as follows:

Kindergarten - August

ISF: 56% low risk, 16% some risk, 28% at risk

LNF: 62% low risk, 22% some risk, 16% at risk

Grade 1-August

Letter Naming Fluency: 62% low risk,31% some risk, 7% at risk

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency: 85% Established, 14% Emerging, 1% Deficit

Nonsense Word Fluency: 63% Low risk, 31% Some risk, 6% at risk

Grade 2 - August

NSF: 70% Established, 25% Emerging, 5% Deficit

ORF: 59% low risk, 29% some risk, 12% at risk

Grade 3 - August

On August 20, 2008, the six grade 2 teachers had a Data Day during collaboration and lunch time. Teachers completed the 4 box model ahead of time and then placed students in appropriate interventions.

On August 19, 2008, the six grade kindergarten teachers had a Data Day during collaboration and lunch time. Teachers completed reviewed the data and then placed students in appropriate interventions.

On August 20, 2008, the six grade 1 teachers had a Data Day during collaboration and lunch time. Teachers completed reviewed the data and then placed students in

appropriate interventions.

On August 21, 2008, the six grade 3 teachers had a Data Day during collaboration and lunch time. Teachers completed the 4 box model ahead of time and then placed students in appropriate interventions.

On August 27, 2008, the Blake RTI Team (1 grade level rep from each grade, principal, school psychologist, and resource teacher)met to begin writing RTI guidelines for the school and begin creating an RTI individual tracking sheet that would follow the student through Blake

School so that teachers could review RTI history in an at-a-glance format. The RTI team also discussed the need for math intervention.

On October 1st, 2008, the Blake RTI Team (1 grade level rep from each grade, principal, school psychologist, and resource teacher)met to continue writing RTI guidelines for the school and finalize the RTI individual tracking sheet (per grade level)that would follow the student through Blake School so that teachers could review RTI history in an at-a-glance format. Intervention folders were ordered to store RTI information. The RTI team also discussed what grade levels were doing for math intervention - hodge podge and inconsistent.

On October 15, the six teachers from grade 2 conducted a Data Day. They

reviewed the progress monitoring data and reformed intervention groups.

On November 6 and 7, the Blake coaches (Gappa and Bachmann) participated in the SPDF coaches' training in Phoenix at the Glendale Civic Center.

On November 12, 2008, the Blake RTI Team (1 grade level rep from each grade, principal, school psychologist, and resource teacher)met to continue writing RTI guidelines for the school and discuss the implementation of the RTI individual tracking sheet (per grade level). Intervention folders were distributed to teachers and grade levels met to set up folders correctly. The RTI team also reported back input from the grade levels regarding math intervention.

All students in grades K-3 were screened with DIBELS during the second week of December. The results are as follows:

Kindergarten - December

ISF: 49% low risk, 40% some risk, 11% at risk

LNF: 82% low risk, 9% some risk, 9% at risk

Grade 1-December

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency: 96% Established, 4% Emerging, 0% Deficit

Nonsense Word Fluency: 55% Low risk, 41% Some risk, 5% at risk

Grade 2 - August

ORF: 67% low risk, 15% some risk, 18% at risk

Grade 3 - August

On December 4, 2008, the Blake coaches (Gappa and Bachmann) participated in

the RTI Southwest Regional training at Orange Grove Elementary School in Somerton, AZ.

On December 5, all grade K-3 teachers (23) participated in a school meeting on a math intervention plan. Grade levels reviewed their data and math intervention research provided by principal. The teachers made decisions on how to implement math interventions for the spring semester of 2009. Grades 2 and 3 decided to use the Mastering Math Fact program and will be trained in January. Kindergarten decided to keep using the same interventions. Grade 1 decided to have 2 teachers pilot the Mastering Math Fact program (and tweak it to better fit first grade). The other classes will be the control groups. Data from the MMF program will be reviewed in May 2009.

On December 10, 2008, the Blake RTI Team (1 grade level rep from each grade, principal, school psychologist, and resource teacher)met to continue writing RTI guidelines for the school and discuss the implementation of the Mastering Math Facts program.