Name of Module: Mentorship Preparation
Academic Level of Module: 6
Student Name:
Place of Work & Address:
Supervising Mentor:
Supervising Mentor’s Work Title and Place of Work:
Supervising Mentor’s Telephone Number:
Date Mentor Course Commenced:
Date of Submission:
Information for Supervising Mentors and Student Mentors
In accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Council (2006, 2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in practice - NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers, the mentor preparation course now comprises five days theory and five days practice based learning. The five days practice based learning in your clinical area are under the supervision of an experienced mentor and follow the ‘Mentor preparation - guidelines for practice based learning’. Achievement of competence is essential to becoming a mentor as the standards stipulate that mentors must have ‘the knowledge, skills and competence required to meet the defined outcomes’ (NMC 2008 pg 19
Supervising Mentors are expected to guide and help facilitate the students’ learning in relation to the competencies, and verify their achievement, either on the basis of information presented by the student mentor at that particular time, records, student portfolio or through observation and questioning of actual practice, or a mixture of a of them. However, the completion of competency should be seen as a joint responsibility of the student and the mentor: student self assessment forms part of competency achievement.
Any student who is having difficulty in achieving a competency should discuss this as early as possible with their supervising mentor and the module organiser/ tutor.
It is emphasised that safe practice must be assured, and mentors need module related understanding and experience to be able to assess the competencies.
Criteria for being a Supervising Mentor:
The supervising mentor should normally have 2 years relevant experience and have relevant qualifications and / or have undertaken courses related to the module topic.
It is preferable if the mentor has completed the Mentorship Learning and Assessing Module, Teaching and Assessing / Mentorship or similar courses.
Nurse mentors must be on the local register of mentors.
Mentors may need to be prepared specifically for the module, by attending a preparation meeting and /or being given material about the module.
The mentor could be anyone from the multi-disciplinary team, provided they meet the above criteria and assess student mentor from their own profession.
When completing the competencies, the student should demonstrate:
· An understanding of the knowledge base for the competency, linking theoretical components of the module to practice.
· Appropriate interpersonal skills and attitudes
· Ability to review own practice in relation to the competencies, in order to identify ways of developing and improving practice
Guidance for completion of competencies
The supervising mentor and student mentor should meet and discuss learning outcomes and competencies, including the Mentor preparation - guidelines for the practice learning component. A learning contract will be developed and agreed. Learning activities and experiences planned. The student will follow the activities in the practice learning guidelines and any learning activities suggested by the supervising mentor.
The student will develop a portfolio of evidence of achievement of competencies, this process should help you develop your knowledge and skills. In the process of mentoring a learner alongside the supervising mentor, they will expect you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills through observation, discussing reflection and questioning. You will be expected to map your evidence against the NMC standards, mentor domains and competencies making notes in each box, on the evidence you have to confirm their achievement.
Assessment and verification of competencies should be completed at the end of your five days practice on production of your portfolio of evidence and discussion with your supervising mentor. The supervising mentor verifies achievement of competencies and both of you sign the competency box.
There is a page for you and the supervising mentor to record evidence of achievement, comments and reflections.
There is a section for confirmation by the supervising mentor of completion of the five days (37.5 hours approximately) practice based learning.
Competencies should be completed and returned to the address supplied on page 16 within 3 months of completing the taught course for verification by the course tutor, recording and certificate issued.
Please note
To provide a portfolio of evidence of achievement of competencies it is expected that you will produce documents such as those completed from the practice based learning activities for your supervising mentor to examine. It is expected that you (student mentor) will complete the allocated learner’s portfolio and assessment documentation under the guidance from your supervising mentor. Should any copies of these documents be used for the purpose of verification, the confidentiality of learners and patients must be maintained.
Student Mentor Learning Contract
Learning contract between the student mentor and supervising mentor. Following a review of NMC mentor standards, practice based learning activities and individual learner experience of supporting students in practice a mutually agreed learning contract should be developed.
Identified learning needsAction plan
Student mentor’s signature: Date:
Supervisor mentor’s signature: Date:
Domain 1: Establishing effective working relationships
Demonstrate effective relationship building skills sufficient to support learning as part of a wider inter-professional team, for a range of students in practice learning environments
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings
1.2 Providing ongoing support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 2: Facilitation of Learning
Facilitate learning for a range of students, within a particular area of practice where appropriate, encouraging self-management of learning opportunities and providing support to maximise individual potential
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
2.1 Use knowledge of the student stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet individual needs
2.2 Facilitate the selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experience
2.3 Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 3: Assessment and Accountability
Assess learning in order to make judgements related to NMC and HPW standards of proficiency for entry to the register or for recording a qualification at a level above initial registration. Demonstrate evidence with regard to making decisions about achievement of proficiency.
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
3.1 Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice
3.2 Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team
3.3 Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and implications for this in the future.
3.4 Be accountable for confirming that students have met or not met the NMC competencies in practice and as a sign off mentor confirm that students have met or not met the NMC standards of proficiency and are capable of safe and effective practice.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 4: Evaluation of Learning
Determine strategies for evaluating learning in practice settings, to ensure that the NMC and HPW standards of proficiency for registration have been met.
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
4.1 Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences, proposing aspects for change resulting for such evaluation.
4.2 Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development and contribute to the development of others.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 5: Creating an Environment for Learning
Create an environment for learning where practice is valued and developed, and provides appropriate professional and inter-professional learning opportunities. Support for learning to maximise achievement for individuals, should be tailored to their level of learning
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
5.1 Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of learning utilising knowledge of pre-registration curriculum
5.2 Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team to meet defined learning needs.
5.3 Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced, negotiating with others to make appropriate changes.
5.4 Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 6: Context of Practice
Support flexible learning within a multidisciplinary context of practice that reflects dynamic health care, educational policies and evidence based practice, in order to promote inter-professional care within set and maintained boundaries.
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
6.1 Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated.
6.2 Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing inter-professional care.
6.3 Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective environment is maintained.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 7: Evidence Based Practice
Apply evidence-based practice to their work, and contribute to strategies to increase or review the further development of existing knowledge.
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
7.1 Identify and apply research and evidence based practice to their area of practice.
7.2 Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence base used to support practice.
7.3 Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Domain 8: Leadership
Demonstrate leadership skills to facilitate education within practice settings, by effective planning, prioritising and advocacy to optimise student learning.
Competence and Outcomes / Signature of Supervisor Mentor / Signature of Student Mentor / AchievedY/N
8.1 Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students’ defined learning needs.
8.2 Be an advocate for students to support them in accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs, involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers.
8.3 Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles.
8.4 Provide feedback within the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice.
Student’s Evidence of Achievement:
Student Mentor Comments / Report
Student Mentor Signature:
Supervising Mentors Comments
Checklist for how competency was assessed and verified:
· Direct observation· Discussion
· Questioning
· Reflection
· Portfolio
· Presentation of work completed
· Testimonial (reports written by people in addition to the mentor of work completed)
· 5 day practice based learning completed
Mentors signature:
Course Tutor Signature:
Please submit competencies to:
Vicki Rogers
Mentor Secretary
School of Healthcare Sciences
Bangor University
Archimedes Centre
Wrexham Technology Park
LL13 7YP
Students are required to provide their home address to enable return of competency document to include in their professional portfolio. Once they have been verified and where appropriate externally examined, a certificate of completion will be issued.
Student Address: