North Kitsap Fire & Rescue

26642 Miller Bay Rd.

Kingston, WA. 98346

Mitigation Plan Point of Contact

Dan SmithAlternate: Ken LeMay

Fire ChiefBattalion Chief

26632 Miller Bay Road NESame

Kingston, Washington98346Same


District Profile

North Kitsap Fire & Rescue (NKFR) is a combination fire district with 49 uniformed first response personnel. NKFR provides fire, emergency medical response/transport, and rescue services to a population of approximately 26,000 people. The district responded to an average of 2,600 calls in the past four years. Additionally, the fire district is the primary response agency providing the same services for the Port Madison and the S’Kallam Indian Reservations located within or adjacent to the district.The Board of Fire Commissioners assumes responsibility for the adoption and maintenance of the plan, while the Fire Chief will oversee the implementation. Funding comes primarily (92.44%) from property tax assessments levied. Non Tax revenue (8.56%) comes from fees, sales of surplus equipment and contractual relationships for service.

Land Owned

NKFR owns approximately 19.1 acres of land where it’s six fire stations are located.

Critical Facilities (Owned by District)

Facility:Approximate Value:

6 fire stations at the following locations

Station 81 Headquarters station & Maintenance facility

26642 Miller Bay Rd.Kingston, WA$3,152,000.00

Station 81 FireTrainingBuilding

26642 Miller Bay Rd.Kingston, WA$451,000.00

Station 84 Suquamish

18533 Augusta Rd.Suquamish, WA$352,275.00

Station 85

23260 South Kingston Rd.Kingston, WA$ 1,152,000.00

Station 87

33787 Eglon Rd.Kingston, WA$130,000.00

Station 87 A

35100 Little Boston Road

Kingston, WA. $125,000.00

Station 89

4911 Twin Spits Rd.Hansville, WA$1,152,000.00

Equipment:Approximate Value:


Fire Engines6

Aid / Ambulances5

Fire/ Rescue Boat1

Wild Fire Engine1

Water Tenders3

Fire Chief Response Car4

Mobile Maintenance Vehicles3

Staff Vehicles3

Building Maintenance Vehicle1

Contents$ 1,430,00.00

Value of Area Served:Approximate Value:

2009 Assessors value of district $3,202,948.772.00

Outline of area served. Northeastern corner of KitsapCounty from AgatePass in the south to Point no Point in the North.

Current and Anticipated Service Trends:

Bedroom community, with moderate industrial or commercial activity, some recreational.

Moderate build-up of residential and commercial buildings in the Urban Growth area located within the district. Call volumes while dropping, have again begun to trend up and the district anticipates a growth of service demand into the future.

Build up of residential, multiple family, gambling/resort, assisted living operations and commercial on both Indian Reservations served by the fire district.

Natural Hazard Event History:

Type of Event / Date / Total Damage
Severe Winter Snow Storm
Severe Wind Storm
Severe Winter Storm
Torrential Rains
Major Thunderstorm (multiple lightning strikes)
Major Windstorm / 2008
1980 / None to fire district facilities
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Natural Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Rating:

The District is most vulnerable to the following natural hazards – ranked in order:

1. Severe storm/weather2. Earthquake

Existing Applicable Natural Hazard Mitigation Policies, Ordinances, and Codes:

Participation in Kitsap CountyMulti-Hazard Mitigation Plan

Mitigation Strategies:


Goal: #1 – Eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from identified hazards.

Category: II – Severe Storms

Strategy: Inspect and identify trees and other objects within falling distance of critical facilities to determine if they pose a hazard during a storm.

Lead Agencies: North Kitsap Fire & Rescue

Support Agencies: None

Probability of Occurrence: High

Probability of Future Occurrence: High

Implementation Time: 1 – 3 Years and will remain on-going.

Implementation Cost: To be determined as needs are identified and projects are authorized. North Kitsap Fire & Rescue may pursue Hazard Mitigation Grant funding or low interest loans to complete project.


Goal: #1 – Eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from identified hazards.

Category: IV – Earthquake Mitigation

Strategy: Pursue seismic upgrades to equipment, infrastructure, and critical facilities that do not meet current seismic codes.

Lead Agencies: North Kitsap Fire & Rescue

Support Agencies: Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management

Probability of Occurrence: High

Probability of Future Occurrence: High

Implementation Time: Ongoing

Implementation Cost: To be determined as projects are authorized. North Kitsap Fire & Rescue may pursue Hazard Mitigation Grant funding and low interest loans to complete projects.


Goal: #2 – Aid both the private and public sectors in understanding the risks they may be exposed to and finding mitigation strategies to reduce those risks.

Category: IX – Multi-Hazard Public Education Programs

Strategy: Actively participate in planning and hazard preparation with the public, local governments, the business community, and volunteer organizations.

Lead Agencies: North Kitsap Fire & Rescue

Support Agencies: Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management

Probability of Occurrence: High

Probability of Future Occurrence: High

Implementation Time: On-going

Implementation Cost: To be determined as projects/programs are identified and implemented. North Kitsap Fire & Rescue may pursue grant funding for projects/programs.