Social Studies 11

2nd and 4th Quarter CRT Study Guide

COS # / Item # / Question / Answer
COS 7 / 1 / In 1941, what prompted the United States to enter World War II? / the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
COS 7 / 2 / What does the term blitzkrieg mean? / surprise and overwhelming force
COS 7 / 3 / Who was the British prime minister during World War II? / Winston Churchill
COS 7 / 4 / What was America’s policy during the early years of World War II? / remaining neutral while making war supplies available to Britain
COS 7 / 5 / What tactics did Joseph Stalin use to dominate the Soviet Union? / terror and purges
COS 7 / 6 / In 1940, where did one of the greatest rescues in the history of warfare occur? / at Dunkirk
COS 7 / 7 / What does the term Lebensraum mean? / more living space for the Germans
COS 7 / 8 / What was Nazism? / an extreme form of fascism
COS 7 / 9 / What did the Japanese American Citizens League speak out against? / Japanese American property losses during their wartime internment.
COS 7 / 10 / With which country did Hitler sign a Nonaggression Pact? / the Soviet Union
COS 7 / 11 / In what battle in August 1940 did Hitler launch the greatest air assault the world had yet seen? / Battle of Britain
COS 7 / 12 / What were the Neutrality Acts designed to do? / limit international involvement
COS 7 / 13 / What was the purpose of Chamberlain’s appeasement policy? / to keep the peace with Germany
COS 7 / 14 / What was the purpose of Truman’s Fair Deal? / extend the New Deal’s goals
COS 7 / 15 / What happened when the government lifted price controls after World War II? / Prices rose faster than wages.
COS 7 / 16 / What was one result of the baby boom? / Families moved from the cities to the suburbs.
COS 7 / 17 / Shortly after Congress declared on Japan, which two countries declared war on the United States? / Italy and Germany
COS 7 / 18 / What was true of the North during World War II? / African Americans faced discrimination in employment, housing, and education.
COS 7 / 19 / What helped the United States emerge from the Great Depression? / producing goods for the Allied forces
COS 7 / 20 / WhatWorld War II battle was a turning point in Eastern Europe? / the Battle of Stalingrad
COS 7 / 21 / Who made the final decision to drop the atomic bomb? / Harry S Truman
COS 7 / 22 / What happened during World War II on May 8, 1945 (also known as V-E Day)? / Germany surrendered
COS 7 / 23 / After the Allies gained control in Africa, what was their next target? / Italy
COS 7 / 24 / What 1942 World War II battle ended the Japanese offensive in the Pacific? / the Battle of Midway
COS 7 / 25 / What was Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill’s main war strategy at the beginning of World War II? / to concentrate on winning the war in Europe
COS 7 / 26 / What is the term used to describe Nazi Germany’s systematic murder of European Jews? / the Holocaust
COS 7 / 27 / How did the Nazis strip Jews of their German citizenship? / passed the Nuremberg Laws
COS 7 / 28 / What was General MacArthur forced to do when the Japanese advanced against his troops? / leave the Philippines
COS 7 / 29 / What was the goal of the Manhattan Project? / develop an atomic bomb
COS 7 / 30 / Who developed the “beat movement” of the 1950s and 1960s as an expression of non-conformity? / artists and writers
COS 7 / 31 / What can be said about African American soldiers during World War II? / They fought in segregated units.
COS 7 / 32 / What was a belief of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)? / using nonviolent techniques to end racism
COS 7 / 33 / What was the purpose of the Selective Training Service Act? / to draft young men for the military forces
COS 7 / 34 / What important idea came out of the Nuremberg Trials? / Individuals are responsible for their own actions.
COS 7 / 35 / Who did Japan ally itself with in September 1940? / the Axis Powers
COS 7 / 36 / What happened to many Japanese Americans during World War II? / They were confined to internment camps.
COS 7 / 37 / What was the end result of the Nazi policy to eliminate all of Europe’s Jews? / genocide of the Jewish people
COS 7 / 38 / After World War II, what organization was formed on the basis of the Atlantic Charter? / the United Nations
COS 7 / 39 / What prevented Americans from spending the high wages they earned in wartime jobs? / shortages of consumer items
COS 7 / 40 / Who took over Manchuria in 1932? / the Japanese
COS 7 / 41 / What describes “code talkers”? / Navajo radio operators who helped secure communications in the Pacific
COS 7 / 42 / What became the popular name for all women who worked in war production jobs? / Rosie the Riveter
COS 7 / 43 / What militant Japanese general became prime minister in October of 1941? / Tojo Hideki
COS 7 / 44 / What took place on June 6, 1944 (D-Day)? / the landing of Allied forces on France’s Normandy coast
COS 7 / 45 / What was the actual motive behind the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere? / Japan wanted the region’s natural resources for its war against China.
COS 7 / 46 / What were the accusations against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? / passing atomic secrets to the Soviets
COS 7 / 47 / What was made possible by the G. I. Bill of Rights of 1944? / veterans could get educational stipends
COS 7 / 48 / In what part of the world were the battles of the Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal fought? / the Pacific
COS 7 / 49 / How did William J. Levitt contribute to the growth of suburbs? / He mass-produced houses.
COS 7 / 50 / What effect did rock-and-roll have on the young people of the 1950s? / It gave them a style that they could call their own.
COS 7 / 51 / What did American society in the 1950s expect women to do? / manage the household
COS 7 / 52 / What was one of President Truman’s greatest challenges in reconverting to a peacetime economy? / keeping inflation in check
COS 7 / 53 / What finally brought an end to World War II? / the dropping of atomic bombs by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
COS 8 / 54 / What describes satellite nations? / nations dominated by the Soviet Union
COS 8 / 55 / What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine? / to support nations trying to resist Soviet control
COS 8 / 56 / How did the U-2 incident affect American public opinion and policy? / It caused the U. S. to favor a large military buildup to surpass the Soviet Union.
COS 8 / 57 / What was the Soviet Union’s response to the formation of NATO? / They created the Warsaw Pact.
COS 8 / 58 / What were some Hollywood figures charged with by members of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)? / being sympathetic to Communist ideas
COS 8 / 59 / What was the outcome of the Korean War? / Korea remained divided at almost exactly the same place as before the war.
COS 8 / 60 / What is one reason the United States became involved in the affairs of the Middle East following World War II? / to prevent oil-rich Arab nations from falling under Soviet influence
COS 8 / 61 / What did Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin decide at the Yalta conference? / to divide the defeated Germany into four sectors—American, British, French, and Soviet
COS 8 / 62 / What was the cause of the Berlin airlift? / the Soviets blocked Allied access to West Berlin
COS 8 / 63 / In what area did the 38th parallel became an important dividing line? / North and South Korea
COS 8 / 64 / During the “Cold War”, what was the purpose of containment? / to restrict the spread of communism in foreign countries
COS 8 / 65 / What nation successfully orbited the satellite Sputnik in 1957 to start the space race during the Cold War? / the Soviet Union
COS 8 / 66 / What was the main reason President Truman fired General MacArthur? / Mac Arthur was insubordinate to his commander-in-chief.
COS 8 / 67 / What was the aim of both President Truman’s Federal Employee Loyalty Program and Senator Joseph McCarthy’s hearings? / to expose Communists in the United States
COS 8 / 68 / Why did a number of nations join NATO in 1949? / to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression
COS 8 / 69 / What country did the United Stated believe initiated the invasion of North Korea? / the Soviet Union
COS 8 / 70 / What is the policy of making the military power of the United States and its allies so strong that no enemy would dare attack for fear of retaliation? / deterrence
COS 8 / 71 / How did President Eisenhower’s domestic policy reflect that of his Republican predecessors Coolidge and Hoover? / He favored big business.
COS 9 / 72 / What describes Kennedy’s domestic policy success? / He rarely succeeded in pushing legislation through Congress.
COS 9 / 73 / What happened to Lee Harvey Oswald after the assassination of President Kennedy? / He was fatally shot by Jack Ruby.
COS 9 / 74 / What was a major part of President Johnson’s Great Society? / health care legislation
COS 9 / 75 / In Baker v. Carr, the Supreme Court declared that congressional districts had to be apportioned on the basis of what? / one person, one vote
COS 9 / 76 / As a senator, Lyndon Johnson was famed for his ability to do what? / accomplish his political goals
COS 9 / 77 / What was the purpose of the Immigration Act of 1965? / to eliminate quotas restricting immigration from certain countries
COS 9 / 78 / What did the Warren Commission conclude about the Kennedy assassination? / Kennedy was killed by one man who had worked alone.
COS 9 / 79 / Why did some people criticize Great Society programs? / It gave too much money to the poor people.
COS 9 / 80 / How did Kennedy appear in the televised presidential debates between Kennedy and Nixon? / more polished than Nixon
COS 9 / 81 / What was the main focus of the Warren Supreme Court? / protecting the constitutional rights of citizens accused of crimes
COS 9 / 82 / In 1961, what challenge did President Kennedy give to the nation and NASA? / to land a man on the moon within the decade
COS 9 / 83 / What describes the 1960 election? / Kennedy won by a very slim margin.
COS 10 / 84 / Why did the Soviets built the Berlin Wall? / to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West
COS 10 / 85 / What describes the major guiding principle behind the foreign policies of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson? / to stop the spread of communism
COS 10 / 86 / What president established the Peace Corps? / John Kennedy
COS 10 / 87 / What was the “Bay of Pigs” invasion of 1961? / It was a United States-backed attempt by anti-Castro forces to land in Cuba and overthrow the regime there.
COS 10 / 88 / What was a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis? / The Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba.
COS 11 / 89 / Who was the officer in charge of the My Lai massacre? / William Calley
COS 11 / 90 / In Vietnam, how were herbicides such as Agent Orange, used? / to kill foliage to expose Viet Cong hiding places
COS 11 / 91 / What was one advantage of the Viet Cong guerrillas? / elaborate tunnel systems
COS 11 / 92 / What event caused Americans to lose confidence in the Vietnam War? / the Tet offensive
COS 11 / 93 / Who was the nationalist leader who led Vietnam against the French? / Ho Chi Minh
COS 11 / 94 / What was the policy of replacing U.S. forces with South Vietnamese soldiers called? / Vietnamization
COS 11 / 95 / Who was the winner of the 1968 presidential election? / Republican Richard Nixon
COS 11 / 96 / In 1970, what country did President Nixon announce that American forces would invade? / Cambodia
COS 11 / 97 / Where did tensions between students who opposed the Vietnam War and National Guardsmen resultin four deaths? / Kent State University
COS 11 / 98 / What was the primary focus of the student protest movement of the 1960s? / to demand U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam
COS 11 / 99 / What principle, described by President Eisenhower became associated with American involvement in Southeast Asia? / the domino theory
COS 11 / 100 / What did television coverage of the Vietnam War show the American people? / It brought the brutality of the war into American homes.
COS 11 / 101 / What congressional action gave President Johnson the authority to escalate the Vietnam War? / the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
COS 11 / 102 / What was one reason for the creation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? / to help heal the wounds created by the war
COS 11 / 103 / What were people who opposed fighting the war on moral or religious grounds called? / conscientious objectors
COS 11 / 104 / Why did some Americans question the fairness of the draft during the Vietnam War? / College students could easily avoid the draft.
COS 12 / 105 / What policy did Martin Luther King, Jr., and other members of the SCLC encourage in order to achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights? / nonviolent protest
COS 12 / 106 / Why did Martin Luther King, Jr. target Birmingham, Alabama, for demonstrations? / because he considered it the most segregated city in the country
COS 12 / 107 / What did participants in the 1963 March on Washington hope to accomplish? / to convince Congress to pass civil rights legislation
COS 12 / 108 / What happened after Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965? / Many African Americans were elected to office at all levels.
COS 12 / 109 / What did the black power movement suggest that African Americans do? / separate from white society and lead their own communities
COS 12 / 110 / In which state did Freedom Riders encounter serious violence? / Alabama
COS 12 / 111 / What was the goal of Freedom Summer and the Selma March? / to get voting rights legislation passed
COS 12 / 112 / As a member of the Nation of Islam, what did Malcolm X encourage African Americans to do? / to separate themselves from white society
COS 12 / 113 / In 1957, how did President Eisenhower use the Arkansas National Guard? / enforce school integration
COS 12 / 114 / Who organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)? / African American ministers
COS 12 / 115 / What was a consequence of protesters’ involvement in “sit-ins”? / time in jail
COS 12 / 116 / How did James Meredith advance the cause of civil rights? / He tried to enroll at Ole Miss.
COS 12 / 117 / Who wrote the famous “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”? / Martin Luther King, Jr.
COS 12 / 118 / Who became one of the most important symbols of the civil rights movement in the 1950s? / Rosa Parks
COS 12 / 119 / What doctrine relating to public education was overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education? / “separate but equal”
COS 12 / 120 / The Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically prohibited discrimination in what area? / public accommodations
COS 12 / 121 / De facto segregation is a form of bias that results from which of the following? / habit and tradition
COS 12 / 122 / What did Lyndon Johnson have to do to gain passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? / overcome Senate filibusters
COS 12 / 123 / Who was the president that desegregated the military? / Harry S Truman
COS 12 / 124 / Who was the first African American to play Major League Baseball? / Jackie Robinson
COS 12 / 125 / What amendment outlawed the poll tax? / the Twenty-fourth Amendment
COS 12 / 126 / Who was the first African American United States Supreme Court Justice? / Thurgood Marshall
COS 12 / 127 / Why did President Kennedy move slowly on civil rights issues? / to avoid offending southern Democratic senators
COS 12 / 128 / What did the brutality against African Americans in Birmingham prompt Kennedy to do? / propose a stronger civil rights bill
COS 12 / 129 / Why was the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party organized? / to send delegates to the Democratic National Convention
COS 12 / 130 / How did SNCC change under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael? / It became increasingly militant.
COS 12 / 131 / What did the Black Panthers want African Americans to do? / lead their own communities
COS 12 / 132 / Which of the following leaders were assassinated in 1968? / Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy
COS 13 / 133 / What prevented the Equal Rights Amendment from becoming a law? / It failed to be ratified by enough states.
COS 13 / 134 / What was the Woodstock festival? / a peaceful concert of major rock bands
COS 13 / 135 / What did men and women do to express themselves during the 1960s counterculture? / grew their hair long and wore nontraditional clothes
COS 13 / 136 / What did Dr. Benjamin Spock and Betty Friedan disagree about concerning the role of women? / Who should stay home with their children.
COS 13 / 137 / What was one goal of the American Indian Movement? / autonomy, or self-government, for Native Americans
COS 13 / 138 / Which U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion? / Roe v. Wade
COS 13 / 139 / What was the greatest environmental threat of nuclear power plants? / radioactivity released into the air
COS 13 / 140 / Where did the women’s movement borrow legal tools and inspiration? / civil rights movement
COS 13 / 141 / What was created by the government as a result of pressure from environmental activists? / Environmental Protection Agency
COS 13 / 142 / What was one successful strategy used by Cesar Chávez? / nationwide consumer boycott
COS 13 / 143 / Who wrote The Feminine Mystique? / Betty Friedan
COS 13 / 144 / What theory does the term feminism describe? / the equality of women and men
COS 13 / 145 / Although American Latinos come from different countries, what do they have in common? / They all speak the same language.
COS 13 / 146 / How did Asian Americans fare during the 1960s and 1970s? / They made economic gains but continued to face discrimination.
COS 13 / 147 / What issue caused the growth of the women’s movement of the 1960s? / various forms of job discrimination
COS 13 / 148 / How did television help spur economic growth? / through its advertisements
COS 14 / 149 / What was the economic result of OPEC’s 1973 embargo on shipping oil to the United States? / higher inflation and another recession at home
COS 14 / 150 / Why was the Committee to Reelect the President formed? / ensure an overwhelming victory for Nixon in 1972
COS 14 / 151 / What was Nixon’s greatest foreign policy accomplishment? / bringing about American détente with the Soviet Union and China
COS 14 / 152 / What did SALT I prove to the world? / that the superpowers could reach agreements limiting nuclear arms
COS 14 / 153 / Why did the Watergate break-in occur? / The Committee to Reelect the President wanted to wiretap the Democratic National Committee Headquarters.
COS 14 / 154 / What did Nixon do to reduce the growth of government spending? / cut social programs
COS 14 / 155 / What did Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin accomplish on July 20, 1969? / They walked on the moon.
COS 14 / 156 / What was included in Nixon’s “southern strategy”? / preventing the extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
COS 14 / 157 / Why did Nixon have Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor, fired? / Nixon did not want to release secret audiotapes.
COS 14 / 158 / Why did Gerald Ford say he pardoned Richard Nixon? / because he thought it was the correct thing to do for the country
COS 14 / 159 / In what area did Carter outdo previous administrations? / in the number of women and minorities he appointed
COS 14 / 160 / Why did Congress pass the War Powers Act in 1973? / to limit the president’s authority to wage war
COS 14 / 161 / The 1979 Camp David Accords hosted by President Carter led to peace between what Arab nation and Israel? / Egypt
COS 14 / 162 / Who is the only person that served as both Vice President and President yet was never elected by the American people? / Gerald Ford
COS 14 / 163 / President Ford faced an economy with both rising inflation and rising unemployment. What is this economic phenomenon called? / stagflation
COS 14 / 164 / Who were the Washington Post reporters who tried to investigate the Watergate coverup? / Woodward and Bernstein
COS 14 / 165 / What was Henry Kissinger’s position in the Nixon Administration? / Secretary of State
COS 14 / 166 / Why did Nixon resign? / to avoid impeachment
COS 14 / 167 / What was one major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan’s defeat of President Carter in 1980? / the hostage crisis in Iran
COS 14 / 168 / What did the "supply side" economics of President Ronald Reagan and President George Bush favor? / providing incentives to stimulate business growth
COS 14 / 169 / What was one of President Reagan’s main goals? / to cut back on government regulation of business and industry
COS 14 / 170 / What program proposed under the Reagan administration was known as “Star Wars”? / New Federalism
COS 14 / 171 / What coalition was formed by conservative groups in 1980? / the New Right
COS 14 / 172 / Who was the first female United States Supreme Court Justice? / Sandra Day O’Connor
COS 14 / 173 / What promise to the American people did President George H. W. Bush break? / to not increase taxes
COS 14 / 174 / How did the Soviet policies of perestroika and glasnost help bring an end to the Cold War? / They helped cause the fall of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe.
COS 14 / 175 / What was a major reason that President George H. W. Bush responded forcefully to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait? / He wanted to protect the flow of oil to the West.

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